A Friendly Chat! Venting One's Frustrations

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It has now been five months since Will was bitten by the genetically altered spider that gave him his powers, and became the new web head. He never expected his life to change this much ever since then. Sure he knew he'd be fighting Fisk and his men one day, but not quite like this. But right now, that was irrelevant to him. Ever since his battle with Rhino just yesterday, Will promised he'd hang out with Gwen. Perhaps he'd be able to get her to talk about her issues with her mother. If anyone knew about issues with parents, it's him. But until that talk, he was going to meet up at the ice cream parlor, where he already had two cones ready for each of them. One chocolate, one vanilla. As he stepped outside of the ice cream parlor, he sees Gwen sitting outside on a bench facing away from him. "Hey Gwen. I got us some ice cream!" He called out for her to hear.

The strawberry blonde turned around to see her goofy friend, a bright smile on his face. Her look turned from solum to a small smile. Though she still felt guilty for what happened, she took the vanilla cone and saw him sit next to her. "I'm still so sorry for getting so angry with you....it's just-"

"Stop it. I told you, I butted in on business that's not mine. I should've respected that." Will told her softly with his smile.

Gwen smiled at how forgiving he was toward her. But she shook her head. "What I said was out of blind rage......I wasn't thinking......." she said at last as she looks at her cone. "You of all people understand.........." she took a deep breath, ready to tell him what was bothering her so much.

The troublemaker looked at her, seeing her gathering herself to prepare for her talk. "Yeah well, only tell me if you feel comfortable with it."

"I mostly don't normally because it sounds crazy to most people......but I trust you." She explained to him with a more serious, and near angry expression on her face. "My mom's almost never home, and when she is, she tends to butt in business that's not her own. Every time I had a friend I liked, specifically guy friends, she tends to ruin that friendship for no reason. It's the only time she's ever been there for me......but she's never around for long because of "work"" she explained to Will leaving out details about her superhero life, not realizing that Will already knows her mom's secrets. "She claims she's trying to be a better mom for me, and I don't believe her because of what she's doin....and I don't know how to tell her.....even if I really want to...." she finished while eating a little of her ice cream.

Will listened to her intently, being sure he would truly understand what she was feeling. Hatred, cold, distance....those were the exact same feelings he had about his father before learning what he was was working on. They were far more similar than he thought..... "Well, just be honest like you were with me.......it does seem like you need to at least talk to her. Let her know that what she's doing frustrates you.....at least to try and get her to understand. Maybe it'll help you too." He said gently while enjoying his cone.

As much as Gwen hated to admit it, the curly haired boy was right. She would have to talk to her mom soon enough. It was going to happen some time in the future and it was best to get it out of the way. "Yeah.....you're right but.......how can I get her to even talk to me....? She's barely home....." She replied sounding a little defeated. Not by him saying what she needed to hear, but by how to get her mom to listen to her. But she would find a way to get her to say anything to her, no matter what it'd take.

"That I'm not sure of. If I knew anything about her personal life, it'd be easier to say." He told her gently. "Maybe get her when she's home at a good time?" He then suggested.

Gwen nodded her head upon hearing his suggestion, soon starting to eat her ice cream. "Yeah..... timing is everything I suppose....." She said to herself before staring at her friend. This was when she realized something very important. Just how important the young man was to her. It was pretty obvious for her when she thought he died, and was revealed to be okay. But now? With what he was saying to her, it made so much sense. She soon leaned up to Will and kissed him on the cheek, causing the boy's cheeks to turn red, and grip onto his knees rather tightly. As she pulled away, she felt her cheeks tint pink while looking at him with a sheepish smile. "Thank you." She said to him simply.

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