Back To The Grind! Will vs The Ultimate Spider Slayer!

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The evening after, Will was in Manhattan swinging across the sun setting sky, taking down criminal activity with the happiest feeling bursting from within him. After having such an amazing day at the beach, he felt like he was on top of the world, and his movements clearly showed it. Parker could even tell that Will was different.... more spirited and joyful. "Alright kid I know you're feeling like you just conquered a final boss in a game but we've got work to do. Plenty of criminals to stop ourselves." He reminded Will, gently nudging him to focus.

The curly haired boy continued to swing gracefully through the air as if he was actually flying. As he releases his web line, he extends his arms out to let his web wings emerge so he could glide on air currents. "Sorry boss, I'm just feeling amazing after yesterday. More motivated to take on the world and all that." He explained, still sounding more excited and full of life. He'd see several criminals trying to rob a grocery store, and immediately dove toward it. He immediately webbed them to walls or light poles nearby, trapping them before they could get in.

Parker watched from his screens, amazed by what he was seeing. Seven months since he started this hero career, and Will has shown vast improvements. From time management to newer combinations and strategies, to knowing how to improvise faster than he usually could....this kid was already doing better than he was....but he knew there was a long way to go before crime was lowered more... before Fisk would be truly defeated. "Not bad kid..... gotten better with your web shooters." Peter complimented while seeing him fire five webs at five criminals and stringing them along a light pole. He then tied them all together securely enough to where they wouldn't be able to escape, but not too tight so they're strangling them.

As the curly haired boy swings through New York, he felt this rush of energy surge through him. The feeling of him doing more good for people around him, and the city he lives in. The feeling of the wind brushing past his suit as he swung, and the feeling of his ascend and descend while he swung..... he was improving and he could was slowly becoming instinctual for him. "Feels good to be back in the swing of things now!" He shouted just loud enough for himself and his mentor to hear.

Peter smiled, clearly able to tell his protege was feeling overjoyed to be fighting crime again. That smile slowly turned into a sad smile as he thought about his days as the web head....the way it all ended for such tragedy. 'I just hope you don't lose that passion kid.... especially since you were right all along about this city needing Spider-Man...' he thought to himself before hearing blips on his computer. It was a strange place to find these blips too...... at Stark industries. "Kid, do me a favor and check out Stark industries for me. Something's going on there and I want to make sure it's not a false alarm." He says calmly while trying to study what exactly was happening.

The curly haired superhero immediately took a right around a corner and headed to where he was told to go. "Can do. I'll report in soon." He states, sounding a little more serious than earlier. If Parker was warning him about something like this, it must be something bigger than just your average crooks or Fisk's Fists men. He'd swing until he saw a large building nearby. Giant letters that spelled Stark in capital letters were almost beaming in the sunset sky. He'd see what appeared to be a man with strange tendrils on his shoulders and swings over, kicking him off of the wall he appeared to be ripping apart. "Nice Halloween costume. Though your impersonation needs work." He quipped while landing on a nearby perch.

As Peter watched what Will was seeing, his eyes widened in shock. That body structure, the strange tendril looking appendages, those eyes....he recognized those anywhere. "Smythe.....? He's back? Be careful Richardson. This isn't just your average villain." He warned, his voice sounding more serious than before.

When he heard the name, Will stared Smythe down as if studying him carefully. "I watched videos about him....his fights against you were pretty brutal back in the day." He said calmly before taking a fighting stance. "But I can't just sit by and let him cause harm to others." He stated with determination in his eyes.

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