A Burning Rage! Blaze Of Glory!

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Meanwhile, Wilson Fisk was watching the news and seeing the web head was still alive. However, he wasn't angry or disappointed by this. Thanks to his visit in the hospital when getting Brando, he knew two other people that were in the hospital. But one grabbed his attention right away. Cooper Kingsty, a magician that specialized in pyro control. Or what seemed to be pyro control for the untrained eye. Typically, he wore a device that blends into his skin to make it look like he was able to move the flames like they were water or floating objects. But after the accident in the lab that he was in, his body was permanently burned, and now on fire. Most likely due to the chemicals from the mutegene combined with his matches and anything else he had that could start a fire.

Fisk knew exactly what he had to do. He needed a contingency plan for if Core failed. A motivation to make him want to get exactly what he wanted. A way to get Core more motivated to fight against the web head without holding back, and getting some others to want to hunt that wall crawling worm would be just the right motivation.

Richard Fisk could tell what his father was planning, even if he wasn't telling him the plan his father had. "I agree that it's the best idea to get someone else to help destroy the spider. But do you think one person will truly do that?" He asked his father with a small amount of concern.

However, Kingpin continued to not be worried about this. "Consider this a way to test our spry man." He said as if his plan was much deeper and more complicated than what he was leading on. With those being his last words, he stepped out of his office with nothing but a trenchcoat, and a hat.

An hour passed and Wilson was at the hospital, stepping inside and getting to the front desk. "Pardon my intrusion, but I am looking for one of your patients, Cooper Kingsty. It is very imperative that I see him immediately." He told the woman at the front desk rather calmly. Thankfully for him, he was given the information needed and was headed to the room Cooper was staying in. However, before he did leave, the woman warned him about how the room would potentially be dangerous and how he should be careful since things could get hot. "Exactly what I anticipate from him my dear." He said while slowly walking up the stairs.

It only took five minutes for Fisk to get to the third floor, now all he had to do was find Cooper's room. But judging from the loud screaming and the heat emulating from one of the rooms, he immediately was able to find it. So he walked toward the room, getting a pair of gloves out as he walked. He then slowly put each glove on one at a time, getting himself prepared to open the door. He then stepped up to the door he was told to go to .....room 321 and grabbed the door handle turning it to enter. Once he did, what he saw was a man on fire, screaming not in pain, but in rage. "Ahhh Cooper Kingsty, it is such a pleasure to meet you." He said to the hospitalized man in a polite tone.

At the very sight of Fisk, Cooper became even angrier, his body flaring up with intense, bright orange flames. "YOU!" He screamed with intensity in his voice. With his anger at the level it was, the flames showed to get hotter, more intense, out of control. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! THIS ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE OF YOU!" He screamed out as the flames began to rise in his chamber. 

Fisk didn't move away however. Instead, he walked up closer to the glass that contained him. "I do apologize that you turned into this. If I could revert you to your normal form, I truly would. But, I can attempt to help you acquire the revenge you desire." He offered to the male, who looked angry, but curious about his proposition. "I see you are intrigued by my generous offer?" He guessed with his hands behind his back.

The firey man didn't respond with words at first. All he did was scoff at his guess. But he had to admit to one thing. He did want to know what the man had to offer him. Especially if it meant getting revenge on the sound vindicating to him. "Just tell me who destroy and I am in." He responded trying to not sound wild.

"With the technology we possess, you can have the power needed to destroy the man who ruined your life.....Spider-Man." He told the man. When he saw Cooper have his doubts, Fisk knew exactly what he had to say in order for him to comply. "I am aware of what he has done for many people.....but think about this for a moment.....I saw what had happened after the accident. I know what you went through. That wall crawling worm knew you were in there, and yet he didn't try to rescue you before you could get caught in the lab's chemicals." He told him sounding honest with what he had said. Though he knew this was on him, he wasn't going to let him in on these plans. Especially if he wanted this man to be on his side. 

In the meantime, Cooper was listening to what Fisk was saying. Upon thinking about it, with his mind only somewhat rational, Fisk made an excellent point. If it wasn't for the web head, he may have his normal body today. He wouldn't be this.....freak! Now he was a man made of fire. But as he stared at his hands, he began to think about what he could do with it. He could use it like the Human Torch did, or be even better with his magic tricks. After all, he knew how to control the fire he used for his show with so much practice. Now all he needed to do was learn to control his powers fully, and he would be set! Slowly, his mind was deteriorating anyway, which, without him knowing, was Fisk's plan as well. All he was thinking about was the power he possessed, and what he could do with it. "Alright, you've got yourself a deal!" He told him without too much hesitation. 

From in the hospital, Fisk had his scientists develop a suit. A suit that would be able to withstand heat at almost any level. A suit that Cooper could wear in order to control his temperature at will. Something to help him be able to use his newfound abilities much much easier. The scientists worked tirelessly to get the perfect suit made to fit Cooper. Thankfully they were able to judge his body's measurements perfectly after they finished twelve hours later. It was made of a strong thin metal, still thick enough to not only take so much heat, but to also take heavy amounts of damage should it be necessary. For taking on Spider-Man, the team knew it was more than necessary.

Fisk soon returned to Cooper's room, showing him the suit. "We have it set to adjust to whatever size you wish, and to be able to mold into you when you use your fire. Meaning it is similar to the suit that Human Torch wears, but mechanical instead of the typical fiber they wear." Fisk explained to the best of his abilities. "I do hope it is to your liking Mr. Kingsty."

As he put it on, Cooper slowly started to feel more and more powerful. So much so that it felt as if the power was corrupting him, making him power hungry. He had to learn more about the power he possessed. What else could he do with it? Would he be able to just control his fire? How hot could be become? The possibilities suddenly felt endless for him! To start, the firey man created a fireball in the palm of his hands. This immediately amazed him beyond comprehension. Typically, he had his small machines to even form a small flame. However, this was from his own body. Something that he made himself, with abilities that were now his own. He then slowly lets the fireball in his palms slowly expand, feeling the heat increase because of what he could do. Afterwards, the fire changed forms from a ball and into a skull, then an arrow, and lastly, a spider. When he heard the question, he smirked. "Blaze."

Fisk raised an eyebrow, confused by what he had just said. "Pardon?" He asked to confirm what he meant.

"If I'm gonna have this power I may as well have a name behind it. I choose Blaze." He responded while throwing the fireball and letting it vanish. Not long after, he left the room, crashing through the wall with intense heat. The sounds of sick,  twisted laughter echoed through the skies, the heat of Blaze starting to spread along the way.

(Editor's note: another villain introduction???? This ought to be interesting right????? Well .....hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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