The Aftermath. Will's Thought Process!

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"Christopher Richardson left behind two sons and a daughter. This city mourns the genius of Christopher Richardson and the many marvels he had helped with for this city." The news was on with the funeral that had happened about after last week's disaster. The video showed Will, Kenny, Misty and even their mother, Ruby. Ruby had dark black hair with some curls, clothes that were out of style but affordable and a small necklace on it. "we now bring you to Richard and Wilson Fisk with an update on their thoughts." The news reporter added on.

The screen then showed the two Fisk family members who looked as professional for the camera as they ever did. It was rather sickening. "I pledge to have Heinguard be more careful and more informed about who he is after. He will definitely be reminded of what happens to those who oppose me." Wilson said in the saddest tone he could.

The TV in the room turned off thanks to Ruby who couldn't stand to watch more. She gently picked up the sleeping Kenny and Misty, taking them to their respective rooms. The house she had looked little better than Christopher's. She had received money from Christopher thanks to his will, but that didn't matter to her. She heard a knock on the door and went to go check out who was there through the peephole. She saw it was Gwen who looked worried. She opened the door cautious of what could happen. "Hello? Are you a friend of Will's?" She asked Gwen.

The strawberry blonde moved some hair out of her face and showed a sad look on her face. "Yes. Uh my name's Gwen. Gwen Stacy. Is Will home? I just haven't heard from him since....well I saw him at school and I knew what happened.....I was worried about him was all." She asked with sympathy as she hugged Will's mom.

Ruby held her in that hug, showing concern for her son. "He's home. He hasn't left his room since he got here except for the funeral. He barely comes out otherwise. Which is understandable considering what happened...but I'm deeply worried for him." She answered as she gripped onto her black dress she wore to the tragic event they went to earlier today.

Gwen understood and slowly stepped in. "I think I can help you with this. I know he's shutting himself out....but I might be able to get him to talk even a little." She told her hoping she'd allow her to. The black haired woman nodded as she guided Gwen to Will's room. "Thank you. You're free to come with me if you want?" She offered. Once she got to the door which led to Will's room, she stated at it for a moment and took a deep breath. She then knocked on the door to let him know that they were there.

Ruby slowly opened the door to Will's room. When they did, they saw it was rather dark. They could faintly see that he was sitting there on his bed, staring at the wall in front of him and thinking to himself. "Your friend Gwen is here. She wanted to check up on you." Ruby told him hoping to get a response from him. But he said absolutely nothing.

"Will? I just...wanted to check in on you.....I wanted to talk to you at the funeral.....but I wasn't quite sure what to say....." Gwen told him. Once again, no response. This worried her a little more.

The black haired woman looked at him with concern. "Will.....have you eaten anything today?" She asked him with concern. Still no response.

Gwen sat by his door, being sure to not be a bother. "I promise you I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay here when you're ready to talk." She promised him. She didn't care if she had to miss school to help him. He needed someone and she knew that.

"Why did they randomly want to arrest me then and there?" He asked randomly which shocked the two. "Those Fisk's Fists Elite guys they wouldn't wait to arrest me then and there they'd do it the day the incidents happen when there's evidence! And they are never this lethal no matter if the suspect want to get shot." He continued on, sharing his thoughts in on the matter and facing the two females.

The strawberry blonde slowly stood up to walk up to him. "We don't know if they were slightly delayed because they've been so busy lately. You've got to stop torturing yourse-"

"I should've done more! I could've helped him! I could've gotten him out of there! I could've beaten them! I-I could've done SOMETHING!" He then shouted out, showing signs of frustration and pent up resentment.

Ruby looked at him with concern in her eyes, worried about Will's sudden violent thoughts. "No..." She said with that worry showing more with each passing second.

The curly haired boy stared at them, slightly showing the broken pieces of himself in his eyes. "YES! I'm not afraid of those losers! We could've taken them down and proven them wrong me and dad! We could've fought-!" He then started to feel his heart shatter. The memory of what happened starting to play in his head again. "I yelled at him mom....I provoced them Gwen...." He stated with his fists clutched tightly. "He tried to test something with me and I told him such horrible he wasn't my father....then they showed up and attacked dad and I just suddenly attacked them..." He then fell to his knees starting to cry.

Gwen got down to his level slowly as she got closer to him. She pulled the troublemaker into a hug to try and comfort him. She could feel his trembling and felt awful for him. He was really blaming himself for what had could Will have known what would happen? She stroked his hair to try and calm him down. "It's okay Will.... I'm right here for you.....I promise." She whispered softly as she stared down at Will. She didn't leave his side, knowing that it would be a bad idea if she did. It seemed he didn't sleep much either. She was able to tell based on his behavioral patterns and how he was currently reacting. He wouldn't do anything too bad, but he still needed someone to vent to. After all, he had kept himself alone, quiet and isolated as long as he had been.

Will gripped onto her body just crying on her. This all happened so suddenly. He was now thinking about how he should never have said what he said....given him a chance to explain....a chance to help him to figure out his powers...after all, he did know he had them. Now he had to figure them out on his own? All while having to live with the fact that he said those cruel things to his own father.....and to make it worse, he could never apologize for it. "The things I should've been me...." He mumbled under his breath.

Gwen held onto him a little tighter. She didn't know what to do to help him. She had never lost a parent the way he did. So she stroked his back gently while shushing him. " that's not true. If your dad wanted you to survive, there has to be a reason behind that.....but it's up to you to figure out what that reason is." She told him softly with compassion. "I'm sure....that if anyone can, it's you." She assured him while she kept a hold on him. The two stayed together, with Ruby walking in and joined them in their hug. She wanted to be there for her son in his time of vulnerability. Whatever it help her son in this troubling time... after all, he lost a father, and she lost a man that she loved. Maybe not in love anymore, but she did still care about him deeply....

(Editor's note: these last two chapters have been a major feels fest haven't they? Well I'm trying to make this as compelling as I can! I hope I'm doing a good enough job! I also hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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