Test Results! Training Session!

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After about five days since Tombstone was arrested, gangs were becoming braver about stepping out of the shadows to take over the streets and stand up to Fisk's Fists. Will hadn't minded though. He was happy to defeat each and every foe while rescuing all the people he could. Though he still wanted to learn exactly what he was capable of, he knew Peter was going to be able to help him find out. Sure it'd take some time, and maybe he was almost finished with figuring it all out, but in the meantime, he had plenty of people to help and criminals to bring in. After his recent class, Will receive a text from Peter, telling him to meet him at the abandoned park near Queens. He had something especially for Will.

Once he had arrived about twenty minutes later, the curly haired hero had discovered.... nothing was here.....but upon closer inspection, he saw there was a full obstacle course for him. Weapons, traps, walls and more awaiting him. Parker really outdid himself with this..... He dashed toward it ready for Peter to start it up. First up was some buzzsaws that were headed his way, which he was able to dodge effortlessly. His spider sense, speed and agility were playing an important role for him in this. He jumped, ducked, dodged and rolled in any way he could to avoid the blades. When he got to the blasters, Will had to try a little harder, but he was dodging. Some he had to jump from because they would randomly blast him from below. He had jumped higher than he thought, but he wasn't afraid of the height he was at.

On the sides, Peter was taking notes on what he was seeing his protege do. He was already seeming faster than him and age wasn't the.....the full cause of it. But he remembered that Will was already more enhanced than he was! The spider that bit him must've been an interesting spider like he had thought. He had started to understand more of what it was that was in the spider that gave Will his powers, but he had to see it in action for himself. "I think I understand what he can do now...." He mumbled to himself while still watching Will move.

Back with the rookie hero, he was dodging laser fire and ripping them out of the ground with little effort. Even the drones he was now fighting didn't stand a chance against his spider strength. Normally it'd take Peter a couple of extra hits before they went down even with his full strength. Yet here came Will using all of his strength and destroying them with one hit. Once he saw heavy weights ready to crash on him, Will was able to catch and lift it. Though he felt the weight of the objects, he wasn't going to give up. He finished lifting them and jumped over the wall. Though he jumped higher than anticipated, it helped him avoid oncoming missiles that almost hit him. Though he was about to land in a lake....a major miscalculation on his part. Once he landed in the water, he was faced with many many nets trying to keep him down. He had to come up with a plan before he drowned! After around three minutes underwater, Will had realized he was still fine........he wasn't feeling like his lungs would burst.....was it something to do with the spider....? Whatever the reason was, he continued to swim through as fast as he could. He was able to dodge everything coming after him rather easily. In fact, it seemed almost too easy for him. What else could he do now??? he had almost been under water for 5 minutes and realized that he may need to come up for air soon. Once he reached the surface, Will was able to jump freely and landed back on the water. Wait...ON THE WATER???? It wasn't frozen in ice or anything. SO HOW WAS HE STILL STANDING ON THE WATER???? He started to run toward land again and prayed that he wouldn't sink. Thankfully to him, he was alright. 

Once his protege was back on dry land, Peter walked toward him, clipboard in hand. "You've done pretty well. Some areas could use improvement, but you'll get better in no time." He stated calmly while watching him breathe rather heavy. The older male then handed Will a bottle of water to keep him hydrated. "I was able to get conclusive data on your powers. It's a lot more interesting than I thought it'd be." He explained, gesturing for Will to follow him.

The curly haired boy of course complied to his teacher's order as fast as he could. At long last, he was able to discover more of what he was capable of. Maybe he could train like this now and then until he got a better understanding of his powers. He'd do anything to help improve himself so he could be an even better hero ...a better version of himself. "I can't wait to see what I came up with!" He shouted with enthusiasm as he followed Peter.

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