Victims Of Circumstance! Rebirth Of Brando Sanchez!

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A dark, stormy night, a large hospital taking care of a screaming patient. One screaming out of sheer pain and agony. The many doctors and nurses trying to help the poor male that was practically rolling all along the bed he laid on. "Dr. Sanchez! Please! We only wish to help you with your injuries!" The head doctor called out, trying desperately to inject him with an anesthetic to help him relax at least a little. However, the man wasn't letting him do so. 

Upon closer inspection, the bed had his name and information about this patient. Name: Doctor Brando Sanchez. Education: Masters in Engineering, hacking and a minor in biology. Seeing the body, Brando showed his body burnt to a crisp, his arms and legs looking burnt to a crisp, unable to fully recover, if at all. The multiple shocks burned his body entirely, now making it most likely unable to be healed from the irreparable damage. After a moment, he started to relax from the amount of energy he was using to fight out of the hospital bed. He takes a breath, closing his eyes to get a little sleep. 

The doctors sigh in relief, glad to know they didn't need to use the anesthetic on him. God only knew the pain he'd feel from the needle alone. Despite the 4 days in the hospital, the burn pains continued to cause him agonizing pain. "As much as it pains me to say this.......I'm afraid we may not have the technology to heal him....." The doctor said, closing the door behind him. Once he turned around to walk away from the room, he saw Mayor Wilson Fisk waiting. "Mayor Fisk! W-what are you doing here????" He then asked.

Fisk held his cane in both of his hands, staring at the doctor with a small smile on his face. "I understand that your current patient is uncurable......I have a way to assist the young man. I shall even pay for this. However, there are some special conditions I have in order to gain my assistance." He said, noticing the doctor stare at him in anticipation.

Meanwhile, back in the room Brando was in, he was having a dream- nay, a nightmare of what had happened to him. A week before.........three days before the incident that caused his many injuries. It made him toss and turn as lightning struck down from the dark, cloudy night skies, as if the thunder and lightning were making his nightmares feel worse than they were.

One week earlier......

We meet Brando Sanchez, a brilliant engineer with a masters in his profession, with the added minor in biology. His features included mid neck length dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a rather tall figure. He was a confident young man, in his early to mid twenties with a bright future in one of the many Fiskdation labs throughout the city. With his recent project almost completed, a pair of automatic mechanical arms that would be able to mix chemicals in labs so other scientists don't have an accident due to an experiment going wrong, he had a feeling that it would take him to the very top of the company, granting him a job at the biggest lab in the city. An opportunity to get higher pay, more respect for his colleagues, and even being THE head scientist in the entire company.

During his walk during his usual lab, Brando was strutting down the halls, his fellow co-workers and colleagues acknowledging and respecting him. He of course, responded in a friendly manner, having nothing but respect for everyone he worked with. "Good morning everyone. Be ready for the final tests this afternoon. This shall be my test to prepare for the audition in two weeks. If anything goes wrong, I can easily fix the problem since I have over two weeks before they see my work." He told everyone sounding more excited with each passing second.

Everyone nodded their heads, getting supplies and gear ready for one of many tests they had for things to run as smoothly as they wanted. They all knew just how excited their fellow co-worker was. It was all he would talk about, this exact day was all he could think about lately. So they all understood just how important this was to the young engineer. Like him, they wanted him to succeed. After all, he had been a big help to the entire lab, from fixing machines that needed it, to simple things like helping upgrade a coffee machine that was older. So everyone decided it was for the best to at least help him reach his goals. 

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