The Next Day! Family Squabbles Worsening!

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The curly haired troublemaker slowly opened his eyes, completely groggy after what had happened yesterday. He had no idea what time it was yet so slowly stood up hoping to find out. As he did so, he saw the time was 4:56 pm....on a Sunday!!! His eyes widened in pure shock from what he had seen. He then stared at his watch to see the same time. God he was hoping to some kind of god up above that this was some sort of prank! He ran to the door as fast as he could. A horrible idea of course as his body slammed into the door. Well.....he wasn't dead yet so that's a decent sign. When he opened the door, he immediately sprinted down to the kitchen to see the same time. "What the hell happened...?" He asked himself quietly trying to remember everything that happened the day before. After a moment of thinking, Will suddenly remembered what happened. He had passed out trying to sit down in his bed.

As Will was trying to process the information he took in and think about how he was awake, Christopher walked in to see his eldest son leaning his hands on one of the kitchen chairs. "Well good to know you're awake for once, and still living... because you are a dead man!" He shouted out in anger.

The curly haired boy looked up at him in shock. He hadn't done anything since two days ago so why was he in trouble?? "You're still mad at me for two days ago?! Look I told you I-"

"This isn't about that! I'm talking about the spider YOU SQUASHED AND COMPLETELY KILLED!" He cut off Will instantly to catch him up to speed. "That spider was part of an experiment I've been running for YEARS and you ruined it! I never got the chance to see if my experiment succeeded or not! Because of you and your idiotic way of doing things without thinking them through for once in your life!" He shouted out slamming his hands on the kitchen counter.

The troublemaking boy couldn't believe his ears at what his father had just said to him. That was what he was flipping out about??? "Wh- you're experi- that's all it was?! A stupid spider experiment you were working on?!" He shouted out in an equal amount of rage. "How the flying hell was I supposed to know that was a fancy science project you were working on you old man?! It was a spider! I killed it since it bit m-"

"I don't want to hear another word out of you!" Christopher once again cut off Will before he could explain anything to him. "That was my life's work! And you thoughtlessly destroyed it! Now I'm behind by so much! Which means the lab will more than likely cut my pay by over 50%" He then walked to Will. "But all that matters to you is that you got to impress some girl you took with you!"

Once again, Will couldn't believe what he was hearing and lightly gripped onto the chair. "Look, she wanted to go! I had no idea that spider was so important to you! I just thought it was a random one since you take such good care of them! Instead of your own family!" He called out his father without thinking about what he was saying.

Christopher growled at Will, not believing what he had just said. He then grabbed onto his arm and pulled him off the chair he was holding. "That's enough out of you! You go to your room! You're grounded William! For seven months!"

Will yanked Christopher's arm off of him and walked away. "Not like you'll ever notice if I'm gone anyway jackass." He said aloud as he walked up the stairs and towards his room. He then walked in his room and slammed the door shut, hearing some cracking on the walls. Then again, the house WAS kind of old, so it only makes sense that would happen. He slumped down on his bed and felt some of the stress on his body leave at once. But he was still steaming mad at what had just happened. He was being punished for something he didn't even mean to do. What made it even worse, was that his own so called "father" wasn't even listening to what he had to say!

Meanwhile, in the homemade lab of the house, Christopher sat down at his desk, hands holding both sides of his head trying to settle himself down after what he had experienced. He didn't deserve what he had just went through with Will after what he had done for him. He glanced at his computer to see his experiment. He'd have to start from the very beginning which of course meant finding yet another new spider and remixing a new formula from scratch....or so he thought..... As he took a look at his previous experiment, the older scientist sees it read "experiment successful. Download of formula saved". Does this mean.....the spider survived???? He'd have to find that out later. For now though, he started to laugh softly to himself...but his laugh slowly started to get a little louder from the sheer joy he felt. "It worked! My spider experiment worked! I can make more of these types of spiders!" He says to himself taking a giant leap for his sheer genius. He could do this again! But he would need to wait a little bit longer for the extra spiders to potentially be ordered again. But this was a huge step for him. He could finally complete his experiment once and for all. He could earn a large sum of money for what he was doing with these spiders....all for his family.....just as he had promised.

(Editor's note: two chapters in a span of an hour or so....and at this late at night for me! But this chapter being as short as it is is necessary. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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