Meeting Captain America! Discovering A Secret!

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At a local diner in the city, Will in his civilian clothes, along with the legendary Captain America were eating at a table. Lucky for him, no customers were in tonight so he could eat and not worry about his secret identity being made obvious. Still though, it was a little weird to be eating with Captain Frickin America! This was like meeting up with a favorite voice actor as far as he was concerned! He was practically stunned by this. "I can't believe it....I'm meeting THE Superhero of Superheroes!" He said to himself.

The good captain couldn't help but smile at the young boy and his enthusiasm. "So....tell me, how's Peter been doing? Taking good care of himself?" He then asked Will who was stunned. "don't worry son. I know his secrets. It's his to keep, not ours to tell." He then said.

Will sighed softly at that. To be honest, hearing him say that was very comforting. Like it was a buried promise he had to keep. He truly was as honorable as he was made out to be. "Mr. Parker is doing pretty well. He's been very helpful with me and my abilities. He's not feeling like getting in the costume any time soon, but he's been very helpful with advice, getting me used to moving around with training, and in all honesty..... doing a lot more for me than he knows...." He told the super soldier.

"That's Peter for you. Always looking out for others no matter what." Steve said to the curly haired boy. He then sees a projector with Peter looking up at him. "You haven't changed much I see." He told the retired hero.

Peter rolled his eyes with a small smirk on his face. "in all fairness, he had to convince me in a way. He's a little rough around the edges, but for the month or so he's breen doing this for, it's quite impressive." He said simply while looking at Will.

Steve nodded in understanding. "I understand. I had heard the rumors of Spider-Man's return and wanted to confirm if it was true or just a rumor." He explained to him seeing his order come in. A simple sandwich for him with his coffee.

Will on the other hand, ordered an extra juicy bacon and mushroom burger with extra cheese. After his first bite, he fell in love with the flavor. "man! This is delicious!" He said aloud.

Steve chuckled at his reaction to the burger he ate. "This place has been around since I was about your age. The same family has been running this diner for years and I'm grateful for that. Especially since their recipes haven't changed one bit." He said with pride in his voice.

Will was amazed to hear that story from another one of his idols. Learning a piece of history from the man himself was truly an honor, and he knew that. However, he also knew that there was a reason for why he was here..... "That's so awesome to learn! I always knew this place was special! But uhh....if you don't mind me saying.....I know that you didn't just invite me here for no reason....why did you want to meet up with me?" He asked trying to not sound rude.

The first Avenger couldn't help but smile at his request. Especially with the way he asked it. "Polite yet to the point. I like your style Will." He said to Will with honesty. "As you know, my daughter has been helping save the world with my team. But.... After a recent mission, she's changed.....a lot." He started off. "She had a friend that was.... almost like me with Bucky. Someone that was a great partner, her best friend. They did everything together..... especially fought well. They had an unspoken communication with one another."

Will listened to the star spangled man very attentive to every detail he could. Especially since he could maybe learn something to help out a possible someone in need, whether she knew it or not. "So then I take it she lost her?" He asked feeling certain of his guess.

"She did...but not in the way you think....." He said sadly remembering that day. "During a Skrull invasion, the two were were working together to destroy their main ship at the time. Just when she had thought they were going to escape together....she was captured.....but my daughter....she escaped and watched her die.........her friend didn't even stand a chance...." He looked down at the table the two were sitting at with a saddened expression. What he didn't tell Will was that she thought of his daughter's best friend as an unofficial daughter...though Will could tell by his expression. "She now wants to protect everyone she can... by being sure she saves everyone even if it's Impossible....even if it means arresting them.."

Will thought about what Captain America had said. It started to make sense the more he did. Of course she would want to go to some extreme to protect heroes like that......after all, she felt responsible. Will knew exactly what that was like.... especially after losing his own father like that? He wanted to do something rash too....but he realized what would be better.....and became a better version of the man he wanted to be as a result of that....her though? She was going about it all wrong. She was taking freedom away so she could do what she thought was protecting those around her. Especially him.... "I know what she's going through..." He said sadly while looking at his cup of water.

Steve looked back at Will after hearing him. "She doesn't hate you. She's just overprotective of those around her.....all she wants now is to do what she thinks is with that as you wish." He said while paying for their meal. But before giving their waitress the cash, he ordered a chocolate shake for Will. "It's on me tonight kiddo....just take care of yourself....and know what you think of your potential future is sure you know that it is." He said as he walked outside of the diner.

Will thought long and hard about what the first Avenger said. He sat at the table for a while thinking about what he had to do. But until then, he had a meal to eat. However, Peter didn't give him a lot of time to think, as he asked Will a very important question. "So....what are you going to do now?"

(Editor's note: yes this chapter is short. That's kinda the point of this one! But I hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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