Earthquake! Sparking The Fire Of Heroics!

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After the night the two males spoke to her, Gwendolyn had gone home. Needless to say, Gwen did not want her around, making things awkward for the two of them. But the mother did what she could do to get closer to her daughter. Even if she attempted to shut her out. As she went out to shop for the family, Gwendolyn couldn't help but feel somewhat relaxed about being with her husband and daughter again.  But as she walked down the street, she could feel a small tremble in the ground. One that slowly started to get bigger and bigger. Something was moving....or rather, someone was moving. Had to be that rock villain, was the thought running through her mind. She ran as fast as she could to get to cover.

As she got closer, Terrainia was slithering on down the city in his rock form. But as he was, his feet were gone, making him slither like a snake through New York. But now, he didn't care about the damage he was causing. It especially showed when he was laughing at the damage he was causing. "Where's that annoying Spider-Man now???? I'd like to see him stand up to me now that I've got all this power!" He shouted, his voice bellowing throughout the area.

A web would hit his eyes, and Ghost Spider swung by landing near his rampage. "Sorry, Spider-Man isn't available right now. But maybe I can be of assistance instead." She quipped casually while perched on a light pole.

Bunzisky smirked while shaping his fist into a hammer. "You again eh lady? This time I'll be sure to crush ya real nice!" He shouted while throwing his large fist at her, which she easily dodged. All according to his plan though, as the earth villain launched a smaller fist from his larger one to hit her with. "Ya must've missed the memo sweetheart. I can shape any part of my body. Which means you ain't avoiding me so easily!" He boasted while smacking her away, into a building.

Ghost Spider groaned in pain after that experience. "Yep.... definitely not liking this guy ....." She mumbled while swinging up to his arm and running up it. She had to rely heavily on her spider sense to avoid anything the galute would throw at her. But some things were coming faster than she could concentrate on. So she'd have to take steps back and avoid them ahead of time. 'Hes adapting to his powers far too quickly, I can't get close enough to do anything!' She thought to herself as she evaded several of his fists at once.

The brute could only laugh as he watched his victim try and dodge the assault. At this point, he was just toying with her, making sure to keep her on the move to tire her out by making sure to constantly keep her on the move. "That's it ya web headed reject. Just keep going until you run outta steam!" He mocked while not stopping.

Unfortunately for her, the plan he came up with was working.....very effectively at that. She could feel herself getting tired as she moved. At this rate she'll be lucky to land even one shot. So with her strength, she began to punch his rocky parts, breaking each individual arm that was after her. Sure her hands were killing her, but she had to do something. Even if it was something small. Using her webbing, the experienced superheroine launched the broken pieces at the brute's face, which didn't do as much damage as she had hoped. "Great he hardened his face...." She muttered while trying to get away.

However, Terrainia was just able to grab her in his massive hand and squeezed her. "Nice try Ghost Spider, but I ain't falling for that same trick twice!" He smirked while keeping her secure while she struggled. "Bet you won't be able to believe just how much I've improved." As he spoke, he started to cause more Earthquakes, without having to move away from him. Some of which caused the ground to crack and causing people to panic in fear. Among that group of people was Gwen.

Gwendolyn noticed as her eyes widened with fear, trying desperately to escape his grasp. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape. "LET. ME. GO!" She shouted frantically while thinking of everyone that was in danger. But what truly broke her heart was seeing her daughter fall down a hole that was slowly formed around her. "NO!!!!!! GWEN!!!!!!!" She screamed out, feeling hot tears burn her eyes under her mask. She failed.....she couldn't protect her own daughter......that pain Peter felt when he couldn't save his loved ones? She started to understand that.....and why he quit being Spider-Man in the first place.

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