A Stroke Of Luck: Good Or Bad? Enter Black Cat!

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Almost two months since Will had become the friendly neighborhood wall crawler, and so far, Fisk's men are still being taken down. He was clearly getting upset over the results of what was happening. Especially since his son was having trouble controlling his own anger, which resulted him into turning into the reptile monster he could easily transform into once again. But to make matters worse for him, for the last few nights now, someone had been stealing from him! Rare and expensive things he had. Artwork, jewels, gold and more valuable things that would make many people beg to work for him. At first he thought it WAS Spider-Man trying to spite him more, given how he had been working so hard to destroy his empire recently. But then it occurred to him.....Spider-Man would never steal....he was too much of a goodie goodie to steal, even from a hardened criminal, especially a corrupt mayor. So if not that wall crawling pest, then who.....? This would be something he would have to focus on later. For now, he had to get some sleep. 

Later that night, in the shadows, a slender figure fired what appeared to be an arrow at a camera, destroying any traces of people on the watch. To help the situation even more, the camera along with any of the footage on it was gone. This was the perfect time for her to sneak in, claws at the ready and grab some more valuable objects. Namely, a golden vase from A French Architect  from the early 1800's or later. Something she could easily use to sell.....for what? That was her personal secret. However, she didn't have time to dawdle. So she left from the window she came from and swung out with a grappling hook. While holding that, she held onto what appeared to be twin Sais at her hilt, ninja stars with the points being cat ears to cut across, and some gas pellets/smokescreens. 

What she wasn't aware of however, was that she was spotted a moment ago, by none other than the black and red cladded web slinger. "Looks like your tip was right. Someone did rob Fisk.....some chick dressed up as a cat." He said calmly yet quietly.

"Did you say a cat?" Peter asked wanting to be sure that he heard his protege right. If that was the case, this could wind up bad for him. When he heard Will confirm his suspicions, he sighed an annoyed sigh. "Does she have platinum blonde hair?" He then asked frantically.

"No no platinum blonde, but definitely purple, with some weapons on her. Twin Sais, grappling hook, ninja stars and a one-handed bow to launch arrows at. Sound familiar to you?" Will then asked to be sure if Peter had any idea on this adversary.

"A little different from one of mine, but fairly close enough I'd say." Peter responded with a little concern but trying to not worry his student. Truth is he had no idea what to expect from this Black Cat, but he was very certain of one thing in particular......if she was anything like how his was back in the day, she was going to spell trouble for our hero.

Will didn't seem as worried about it. Not because of him being too confident, but because he figured he's run into someone like this eventually. It was only a matter of time. "Well.....guess I should introduce myself to the new neighbor huh...." He said to try and sound funny. Once he swung out to meet her and saw her about to run, his first instinct was to web her Sais to her hips. Something to at the very least stop her from using one weapon. He then tied her body with webs. "Shouldn't you be in a pink leash and collar? Or are you one of those black cats you see in those cliche Halloween themed movies?" He quipped as he landed on the ground safely away from the target.

This Black Cat couldn't help but sneer as she struggled to get free. "So you're the latest Spider-Man that's been the talk of the town....very impressive indeed....." She said to him sounding rather.....seductive. She did soon free herself using her claws in her suit's gloves. 

As Will watched her stand up, he could see how she looked for sure. Almost as beautiful as Gwen....though this girl was a different kind of beautiful. While Gwen had a beauty with her brains, her attitude, behavior and how she was courageous about standing up to make a better New York, this girl, she had a beauty in looks like Gwen, but also something about her confidence in herself, lack of worry for her safety, and desire to take what she wanted.....it was....intriguing. However, Will refused to get distracted by this and went right back to the fight. His first move being him jumping over her, to slightly confuse her. He then landed a swift kick at her to make her stumble before firing webs at her like that of a net. 

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