The Test Subjects Three! Birth of Terrainia

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After three days, Wilson Fisk was able to update Machine Man on what he claimed had happened to his fiance. Or rather, his version of what happened. Once that was in his databanks, the tyrant allowed his scientists to repair the cyborg and soon walked out. While he now had an official plan to eliminate the wall crawler once and for all, the problem he has currently was figuring out how exactly to execute said plan. Sure, he could easily send his police force after the web head, but it would cause more harm than good for his reign as mayor. So they'd have to just distract him at worst. What he truly needed was people to use his super soldier serum. The same one that made Richard Fisk into what he was, but with different types of powers. Ever since Wilson saw what his son was capable of, and even saw that he could.....for the most part, control himself, he knew he'd need some people willing to test this as well.

As the mayor clasped his hands together, he started to think about those that had taken it that were also given powers, or a strange transformation. Of course he could count his son, along with Kraven, or as he's now known as, Carnivorous,  who knows who else would have this immense power with the serum? Perfect if he could perfect it to be what he wanted, he could have power himself. He could be an even better version of Captain America. The possibilities were endless in his mind. However, he would feel even better with an army of his Fisk's Fists agents with this type of super soldier serum in their veins, AND the one that mutated those that had it so far. With his mind leading these soldiers, and even having some of Spider-Man's enemies, he could be unstoppable. 

As Fisk contemplated this, and wondered who would even want to help with that, Bunzisky stomped in, showing bruises on his face, and some of his uniform covered in garbage and dirt from an earlier battle. Anger covered his face from what could have been another defeat at the hands only that annoying web head. "Kingpin, we need to talk." He demanded, causing his employer to glance up at him. "I heard you got an experiment to potentially give people some freaky superpowers." He then took a deep breath, some lightning crashing down as a storm begins. "I want in. I want some powers like some of those other villains out there." He finally told him bluntly, the flash of the lightning bolt brightening up the entire room.

Fisk heard Bunzisky's request, an intrigued smile forming on his face. "And to tell me why that is Mr. Bunzisky?" He asked with intrigue in his voice.

Bunzisky clutched his hand into fists, his entire arm shaking from sheer rage. The memories of being humiliated by the likes of some untrained wannabe was something that stuck with him. Especially since he was supposed to be some of the best of the best soldiers in Fisk's police force. "Because of that wall crawling punk of a so-called"hero". He's made a mockery of me for the last time. So my boys and I are more than willing to be test subjects for you to work your science on." He answered the mayor, showing his determination to get the job done. "You pick me, I'll be sure to bury that web spinning little bitch once and for fact.....I know the perfect way to do just that." He then gets closer to Fisk, whispering something in his ear. An idea he had been thinking about for about an hour.

Fisk heard exactly what he had whispered and was amazed by this idea. Whatever it was, it made sense to the Kingpin to permit this plan of his associate's to pass. "Very well. I shall accept your terms. If you're a success with the serum, then I shall allow your allies to acquire other abilities. However, you must show me it shall not be in vein." He tells Bunzisky as he soon shakes his hand, finalizing their agreement. Once the Fisk's Fists Agents left to head into the hallway for the test, Fisk let out a soft chuckle to start, which slowly turned more into a much louder, more wicked sounding laugh. All because his plan was slowly starting to come to fruition, slowly but surely. 

When Bunzinsky heard the deal he made with Fisk, he didn't shy away from it. Mostly because he wanted to prove himself worthy to take down the wall crawler himself. Even if it meant changing himself to have powers. To turn him into some sort of freak like some of the others. He didn't care what people thought about him after he acquired the power. All he cared about was doing his job, and eliminating Spider-Man, no matter the cost.

An hour later, Bunzisky was in an underground lab with scientists and a singular test tube. His clothes were mostly off, save for a pair of boxers. Having heard he needed to have most of his clothes off for this experiment to be a success, he guessed that whatever the Mutegene was used for, he needed to have exposed skin to make sure it was inserted in specific parts of the body. In the end it didn't matter to him. The elite Fisk's Fists agents was going to gain the power he so rightfully deserved..... at least in his mind he deserved them. He then looked at Fisk, who was slowly walking towards him, saluting to his higher up with respect. "What are your orders sire?" He then asked, waiting patiently to see what he should do.

Fisk stands next to his very focused test subject. "First off, I want for you to tell me what qualities you wish to possess?" He asked the strong male.

Bunzisky smirked upon hearing his question, seeming to have thought about this for some time. "I want the power of earth." He said bluntly, as Fisk looked at him intrigued by his answer. "If I'm gonna squash the bug, I'm gonna need the entire landscape at my command. So I'm gonna crush him with the very walls and land he crawls on." He explained with the smile as wicked as they come.

Wilson heard his reasoning and couldn't help but smile at his request. "Very well Mr. Bunzisky. It shall be done. All we require is for you to step into the test tube and be prepared for the experiment." He ordered his employee calmly, ready to proceed with their very first test subject.

Bunzisky followed his orders given to him, stepping inside of it. Once inside the tube, he turned to face everyone to wait for his next instructions. After this, wires were placed along his upper body and legs. Some with tiny needles needed to be placed in specific parts of his body. Something he assumed would be a part of the process. "This gonna numb the pain?" He asked Fisk.

The mayor stood, keeping his cane in place in front of him. Hearing his question, he gave a small chuckle to his employee and test subject. "Oh I'm afraid not my young man. This is how the serum will be injected into you. With it, your DNA shall be genetically enhanced to gain abilities that you could potentially hide deep inside your very core. However, the body's limitations do not allow us to unlock such a this should help.... increase your chances." He explained to a somewhat more scared Bunzisky. "Prepare the test now."

Upon Fisk's request, his scientists activate some switches, which closed the test tube Bunzisky was in and waited for the serum to run its course. They started a countdown to explain when it was officially time. Starting with ten......9......8.......7......6.......5.......4........3......2........1 *FLIP*

The last button needed to let the serum run through his veins was pressed, and Bunzisky could feel it start to flow into his body. In all honesty, he expected this to be a quick, painless procedure. However, he was dead wrong. As the experiment continued, the serum slowly getting into his veins, he began to scream in agony. "It burns......IT BURNS!!!!!" He screamed in agony, feeling everything inside his body feeling as if it was on fire. Meanwhile, in his body, the unusual greenish purple liquid ran through his blood stream, making it harder, more solid and dense. On top of that, it was as if half of his normal blood cells were His DNA structure was being changed ever so slightly. As it continued outside, the man could feel his heart about ready to explode from how fast and how frantically it was beating.

The scientists could hear how agonizing this was to him and immediately ran to the computers and frantically turned the process off. Unfortunately, by that time the experiment was complete. "GET HIM OUT! GET HIM OUT RIGHT NOW!" The head scientist demanded sounding more panicked by what was happening. His team began to walk to the slowly rising tank. However, as they got closer to the male, some were pushed back by him. An accident of course, but appearing to be a sign of something. As the head scientist stared at the silhouette of Bunzisky, who was soon standing tall and appearing to be staring at his own hands, he couldn't help but stare at the big galoot, amazed and stunned by what he was seeing. "It worked.....even better than I had ever anticipated......"

(Editor's note: yes this is a shorter chapter, yes I left it on somewhat of a cliffhanger, but there's more to come I promise! Until then, I hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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