A Somewhat Normal Life!

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Later that same evening, Brando's fiance, Gia, was cooking dinner with a heartbroken expression on her face. She hadn't heard anything about the love of her life, good or bad, amd it got her concerned for his well being. The last she saw of Brando, he was laying on the pile of computers, dying from the ongoing pain of electricity. Of course she was constantly worried about him. She had to see him soon, yet no one was ever letting her go in his room, claiming that seeing him in the condition he was in could truly hurt her. However, she knew that if she didn't get to see him, it'd hurt even more. She just had to see him, even if he was asleep. However, she still didn't know how to do so without doctors, or anyone for that matter, seeing her sneak in. 

Just by the entrance/exit to the apartment, Brando had just closed the door, entering his home that he shared with Gia. He slowly stepped in the semi large kitchen and saw her cooking, taking a quick whiff of the air. "Smells amazing love. I do hope that you've made enough for two." He told her, noticing her slightly jump upon hearing his voice. 

Upon hearing his voice, the brunette turned to face him, dropping her ladle which had marinara sauce on it into her dish with some lasagna noodles on them. "B-Brando....??" She asked as she slowly stepped up to her love. Once she let her hand rest delicately on her face, she let it rub her fiancee's cheek ever so softly as she stared into his bright blue eyes with her own gentle green ones that started to tear up. She then tackled him into a hug, squeezing onto him as if she'd lose him at any moment.

Brando understood what she was doing, and not only allowed her to, but also hugged her just as close to him. If he was honest, she missed the feeling of being in her arms the way they currently were. It felt like a lifetime since they were together like this, even if it had only been four to five days max. "Hi honey...I'm home....." He said quietly while feeling content in her grasp.

Gia did eventually let him go and stared into his eyes once again, tears still streaming down her cheeks and a smile across her face. "Brando..... you're alright...... it's so good to see you again...." She said softly while sniffling. She could feel the engineer's fingers softly brush her tears away with his fingers, being as delicate as he possibly could. This made her feel a little more relaxed, like this was actually happening, that this wasn't just a dream and he'd disappear any second. With this in mind, she gently took his hand and squeezed it in her own.

Brando kissed her forehead very softly, feeling her hand tighten around his own now. Only slightly weird thing to him was that typically, her hand would feel like she was squeezing it more, yet it wasn't as tight as usual in his mind. However, he figured that since he was working so hard, and needing to use his arms more that maybe he was just getting physically stronger and more durable. It didn't matter to him though. He felt much more secure with her now, especially after four days in a hospital bed.

The next day, the loving couple were out in the city, getting ready to have a special breakfast to celebrate not only Brando's new job, but also him getting out of the hospital. For this, the two were going to go to a celebratory lunch and dinner to start, followed by a tour of the Statue of Liberty, and then another expensive dinner. After everything that had happened, they felt it was earned. Brando especially, since he had a new mindset. That he could've died earlier, and that his life could be cut tragically short afterwards. He felt this need to take more risks in his life, have more fun, and spend every precious moment he could with the love of his life. He knew Gia wanted to spend time with him as well, given that they shared the same views about their future.

As the two started to walk toward the restaurant for lunch, the couple soon see a group of gangsters, ready to start a gang war in the middle of the city. Every member of each gang started off with some basic weapons to fight each other. Brando was about to run in to try and protect his fiancee, clearly not thinking of the consequences of his actions. his first move was to punch one of the Dragon's in the face. The first hit slammed him into a mailbox as hard as he could. However, when he was about to attack the next, another came flying in on a turbo motorcycle and slammed his bat into the male, stunning him.

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