Test The Results. Family "Bonding" Gone Wrong!

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The curly haired troublemaker soon was able to get home after his time to release the excitement in his mind. A large amount of adrenaline had left his body and he was ready to spend the evening with his father. He was ready to help him with his next experiment. He may not be as bright as he was, but he felt he'd be able to help him somehow, even if it was something minor. He soon entered the house and threw his bag to the side. "I'm home! Anyone here?" He called out while jogging into the kitchen.

He then saw Christopher putting some dishes away where they all belonged. "Good timing. You go shower for now. I will wait to start this with you once you get back down. Meet me in the lab once you are." He told Will, who did as he was asked without question. He then got some notes out looking at each one, as well as preparing to take some extra notes for today.

Once Will finished about ten minutes later, he ran to the lab of his father and prepared for what he would have to potentially do. He entered and slowly walked in. It was already slightly bigger than he remembered...but also very busy. Lots and lots of notes on why certain things failed and how it could be improved upon. He then took a moment to sit down and wait for him to do the same thing.

Once the older scientist sat down next to him, he put a notebook down on his desk. "Tell me, how was your day today? Anything too exciting happen?" He asked first.

Will looked slightly confused about the sudden question. "Oh uhh....it was alright. I actually felt better than I've ever felt. Like a huge weight's been lifted off me ya know?" He told him honestly. "I completed the obstacle course in gym class faster than everyone this time instead of coming second this time! Oh and I didn't have to strain myself too much. It felt effortless!" He continued on.

While he listened intently to what he had to say, Christopher wrote down what he was saying like a note. These were better results than what he had expected! "Very excellent son! Have you been feeling dizzy or like a headache has come?" He asked next sounding more curious.

The curly haired boy didn't question this too much. Maybe he was trying to get him better before they started? "No not really. I honestly feel like I can see a lot more clearly in so many ways!" He stated. This time though, he noticed Christopher taking note in his notepad. He went to take a closer look at what was being written down. "What's thi-" before he could continue his question, he noticed that all these notes were were stuff about him since he got bitten by that spider......it then hit him.....the picnic.....them spending as much time as they were the last couple of days or so now, him being more attentive towards the family...him especially.....he then felt a needle being injected in his arm and blood being drawn and put in a vial. "Wait a minute....all this.....to just use me as a guinea pig?!" He asked feeling so hurt by this.

Christopher turned to face him as he put the newly acquired blood sample in a small place in the mini fridge. "Oh this? No no you're important to me and I really need you-"

"Oh cut the shit!" Will shouted cutting him off and throwing the notes at his face. "EXPLAIN THIS THEN!"

The scientist sighed as he removed them from his face and set them down gently. "Alright look I admit it. You were bitten by that spider and I'm running tests. But you don't understand, I'm doing this for you....for your brother and sister....so that you ca-"

"OH SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU OLD FUCK!" Once again, Will cut him off before he could explain. "Take care of us? You barely spend a minute out of your lab unless you need us to run some experiment! You never gave a shit about us! Otherwise you would've been there for us when we were sick! Or helped us with homework! Or- or something as simple as BE AN ACTUAL FATHER!" He screamed out in anger. He couldn't help but feel totally betrayed.... backstabbed..... "YOU'VE NEVER BEEN A FATHER TO US! YOU'RE JUST A LOSER OLD MAN WHO DOESN'T CARE WHAT HAPPENED TO US! YOUR EXPERIMENT IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU INSTEAD OF YOUR FAMILY! NO WONDER MOM LEFT YOU! WHENEVER WE WERE SICK OR HURT, I ALWAYS HAD TO TAKE CARE OF KENNY AND MISTY BY MYSELF! YOU. AREN'T. MY. FATHER. YOU'RE. JUST. A. DEADBEAT." After he finished screaming, he stormed out of the lab, slamming the door behind him this time totally destroying the door behind him.

Christopher couldn't believe his ears. His own son said what he had said and truly meant them....but upon thinking about it, he was right.....he never did spend time with his own family....but he was only trying to keep them safe with this experiment.... trying to raise them....at least that's what he told himself.... But no matter how he tried to justify it....no matter how he thought it over, Will was definitely right. He hadn't been a father to Kenny, he hadn't been a father to Misty...and he certainly hadn't been a father to Will....his eldest son. While he was so busy with his experiments, and his "living", Will was always taking care of his siblings, himself, and the people around him. What kind of father was he if he was never there for his son. This was now one of his biggest regrets in his life.....he tried to be a good husband until he was buried in his work.....thus causing his marriage to fail. Even though he tried to help her pay for her house bills and everything, he still failed as her husband. Now he was failing as a father.....well.....not anymore! Christopher soon walked up to his computer and stared at his files on the project he called "operation: Greatest Spider-Men", along with the other files having to do with his experiments and dragged them to the trash can in his computer. Once they were all deleted, he took all the notes he had on Will, and put every single one of them in the shredder. Lastly, Christopher took the blood sample of Will's and threw it down the drain, never to be seen again. This was going to be the start to his new journey into being a better father....so he hoped.

In his room, Will sat down at his desk thinking of another way to improve on the web shooters he designed for fun. He started to tinker with them to try and see if there could be a way he could upgrade them somehow. He started to think about how it could possibly have other functions other than just the typical webs. Not only that, but he needed another way for them to function and how they would activate without having to turn a dial in the middle of battle. Something subtle, but helpful.....he got started on it and decided not to stop until this was completed. About three and a half hours later, he had completed his work. But he didn't want to test them now, especially after what he went through with Christopher. That really made him angry. He thought that Christopher was starting to change...be a father he could count on....only for him to be used as a guinea pig.....a test dummy.....with that in mind, he laid in his bed and decided to go to sleep.

Meanwhile, down at mayor Fisk's office, The Kingpin himself along with his son, Richard Fisk and one of the generals for Fisk's Fists stood together and looked at the files for the scientists at Fiskdation Labs. Wilson stared at each person's files and noticed everything was deleted....he knew he was working on something big for him...a project for a super soldier of his very own. But he had stopped for some reason. "This man...this Richardson man....he seems to not have our best interests for this city at heart....." Wilson stated while cupping his hands together in front of his face.

Richard looked back at his father and wanted to be the one to help with this assignment. The male couldn't help but smirk. "An illegal action of disobeying your work order. That should be him getting arrested. Permission to let the elite Fisk's Fists men take charge?" He asked his father with a slight amount of excitement.

Wilson looked at his son with a serious expression on his face. Using the elite men of his police task force was for serious crimes in his eyes. This might be just what they had in mind. "Very well. I suppose you may. But be sure that you bring him in...or else do whatever needs to be done....so that no one does something like what he had done ever again." He told his son, showing no ounce of mercy in his eyes.

(Editor's note: this is where things get very VERY interesting here! Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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