Dinner With Her Family! Results Of Spider-Man!

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Will, Gwen and Johnathan all got their plates ready and each were able to get a slice of lasagna. They each took the first bite and showed how much they enjoyed  the taste instantly. Johnathan looked towards the two children and smiled with pride. "You definitely did well with cooking today. This is quite delicious!" He told them with sincerity in his voice. He heard them thank him for his kind words and went back to eating. He then looked back at Will seeing him eat. Though if he was being honest, he couldn't help but get the feeling that he was familiar somehow. Something.....recent that had happened. He just wasn't quite sure where yet. But it would soon dawn on him just who this boy was. "Ahhh now I remember! Richardson. You're the son of Christopher Richardson aren't you?" He asked Will who could only nod his head at his question. "I'm so sorry for your loss. No one deserves to lose a parent like that. Or at all honestly. But I'm sure he was very proud of you." He told Will while placing a hand gently on his shoulder.

Will smiled softly when he heard that. It was nice to know that even though he was a busy man, he was so willing to remember him in that way. "Well.... I know that others won't experience that same thing I did. Especially with people like you out there defending the streets." He complimented him as he took another bite of his lasagna.

"I can't take all the credit son. A lot of it has to do with my squad we trained and that Spider-Man guy that's managed to swing out again." Johnathan admitted while grabbing a piece of garlic bread and placing it on his plate.

Will looked at him through the corner of his eye when he heard mention of Spider-Man. "That's right. I happened to see some really cool looking artwork around the house of Spider-Man. You a fan of his?" He asked the police captain.

Mr. Stacy chuckled when his house guest asked that. "More than just a fan. In all honesty, I think of myself as his ally. Not personally of course, but in the end, we both have the same goal. To stop Wilson Fisk and put him behind bars for good." He explained while eating his meal. "He's helped the entire city in a matter of three weeks. Crime has gone down a considerable amount, Fisk's Fists are starting to back down and get arrested, and best of all, people are starting to have hope again. That's what this city needed. Especially since other heroes such as The Avengers are far too busy lately." He signed softly before taking a sip from his drink. "Honestly, a lot of the police on the force have wanted to bring Spider-Man in and arrest him. But....I think they'll change their minds once things settle down more." He guessed while grabbing some more lasagna.

Will felt some more pride knowing that the police captain was so supportive of Spider-Man. He was right after all, the city needed a hero that would defeat the mayor and his insane plans. At least he knew that. Though it'd take some time to pursued everyone else on the police force, Will was willing to wait for that day to come, no matter how long it'd take them. "Yeah. I don't blame you. I looked up to Spidey since the days of him wearing the red and blue. This other one that's out now seems like he's doing a lot of good now." He said while trying to hide the pride he felt in himself.

"I actually think the black and red looks perfect for this one. He may be an amateur and rookie, but he's definitely learning as time goes on. So that's what matters most." Johnathan said knowingly. He then took a bite of lasagna and looked at Gwen. "I'm just happy that there's someone out there that's fighting the good fight. He's keeping a lot of people safe out there. People like my daughter....who was taken in by those Fisk's Fists soldiers. Rescued by Spider-Man....I'm thankful to him." He added on as he took his last bite of lasagna. He then put his dishes in the sink and watched Will eating alongside Gwen.

Gwen smiled while thinking about what her dad had just said. He was right about Spider-Man. She knew that. This city was slowly starting to get stronger again thanks to the web slinger. Sure it wasn't quite over yet. But it was a start for them. "Dad's never had a chance to talk to Spidey yet, but he definitely loves seeing him in action when he can. So he records any bit of news that show him fighting groups of bad guys." She blabbed to Will. "Just a couple of days ago, he kept a news recording of him fighting that Kraven guy. Before and after he was turned into a giant animal mutation."

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