Upgrades! Part 2: Newer Strategies For All!

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The next day was Saturday, and Will went to Peter's house rather early. He knew he was going to run into Electro again, and he needed a plan to defeat him this time. Last time didn't go as well as he had hoped. He was hoping that seeing his teacher would help him with coming up with an idea. But he didn't come empty handed. No, he had brought his mother's baked treats. At least something for the two of them to share while they worked. As he arrived at Peter's front door, and entered, he didn't seem as upbeat or cheerful. Instead it seemed as if he had something on his mind, and the retired superhero noticed it right away. "Something wrong kid? Usually you're in a little better spirits....was it Electro?" He asked, hoping to get an answer from the boy.

The curly haired boy groaned in annoyance. "Yeah....it is! I knew that fight wasn't going to be easy, but it was way way more difficult than it should've been!" He started out, trying to not show just how frustrated he was. "Don't get me wrong I wasn't expecting to be able to mop the floor with him, but I figured I'd be able to defeat him! Instead I had to hide way more than I would've liked! Even worse was I could tell my attacks didn't damage him as much as they should've!"

Peter listened to his protege vent his frustrations. It makes sense to him that he'd be upset and annoyed with himself, but there was more to it than that, he knew it. There just had to be.....until he remembered about what was on his student's mind when he was fighting.... "Kid I'm so sorry...."

"I should've been hitting him harder right? Was I doing something wrong? Did I pull my punches too much? Was he just messing with my head somehow? I don't understand!" He shouted while clutching his head. The more he over thought the previous evening's fight, the more frustrated he became.....it infuriated him beyond belief, and he hated that feeling more than anything. He just wanted answers!

Parker could see his protege, becoming angrier with himself of all people. This definitely confirmed his suspicions though. This definitely had something to do with their conversation yesterday evening, and he knew that. "Richardson, listen to me-"

"Maybe I didn't plan ahead enough to account for the flow of electricity? Or make enough webs to go in different directions so I could attack him more effectively....?" Will cut off Peter, far too into his own head to truly hear his mentor. So much was running in his mind at once, that he couldn't even think straight. Everything felt so.... cluttered.

The retired superhero could sense the rookie superhero's distress, and distrust in himself..... the self doubt that was entering his mind. He truly understood the curly haired boy's pain and mental suffering......he couldn't count how many times he felt that same way when he was Spider-Man.....he didn't know how to get himself out, but thanks to Mary Jane all those years ago, he eventually would be free of his mental burdens..... Now, he has the chance to do the same for his student. "Kid!" Peter tried shouting again, hoping to help Will snap out of it.

The curly haired boy just couldn't get out of his head, thinking of a multitude of scenarios where he should've won against the supervillain. Some would start well but end with a defeat, while others just sounded terrible by comparison. Then, another thought entered his mind. "Were all my other fights just based on luck? Did I just get lucky to beat them? Did they just make some unfortunate mistake and that's how I won? A lucky break????"

"WILL!!!!!!" Peter shouted much louder this time, finally getting the boy to pay attention to him. This confirmed all of his suspicions at once. Thankfully, he knew the problem, and had a solution for it. "Your problem isn't luck, it's not your skills, hell it's not even you not being as smart as me! It's your own mind!" Peter started off, soon seeing his protege's curiosity peak out. "You weren't focused on the fight. You were also concerned about your mom and the rest of your family, which in turn, effected your mind. Your usual instincts were clouded with ways to help your mom...." He explained in greater detail, hoping to get Will to understand.

Thankfully for Peter, the rookie superhero was understanding, feeling as if a heavy weight was finally off his shoulders. "You're right.....I am concerned about them.....my mom raised me most of my life, is doing her part to take care of my siblings so that I can.... do this. Instead of having me pay for bills like Dad helped with she told me to save for me....my future.....and I want to help......but I don't know how......she won't accept my help...... and if she loses the house.....what will happen to my little brother and sister?...." He vented out, just wanting to get even some kind of answer.

Peter gently placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, showing a lot of empathy for him. "In order for you to do better as Spider-Man, we first need to solve this crisis. What is a good way to help your mom earn more money?" He asked before taking a cookie and brownie off the plate Will brought. After taking a bite, his eyes brighten up with amazement. "These treats are delicious! Did you make these?" He asked, still practically stunned by the taste.

Will shook his head no, confirming he didn't bake these. "No that was all mom. She had baked a lot of them and she figured I should bring some over for you to try....she's always been an amazing baker-" Suddenly, the curly haired superhero's eyes shot open, as if he had an idea. "Wait......wait a minute.....I THINK I'VE GOT IT!" He shouted, clearly having an idea. He then indicated to the baked treats, smiling wide at this plan. He could tell that Parker agreed with him on it.

Peter gave Will a small smile, indicating he knew how to help with this plan. He knew of something that would fit perfectly into this plan of Will's. "Alright. I know what to do and I'll work on that. You? I need you to figure out a plan for Electro." He told Will with authority and pride in his voice.

The hero grinned, getting his costume out of his bag. "I already have one. I just need some of your tools." He told Parker while laying his Spider-Man suit out on the coffee table, showing that he was ready to get to work immediately.

Peter watched his protege start to work on his suit, seeming to rewire some things from within. He was able to tell exactly what he was working on. "You're working on the durability to electricity without making the suit too heavy....right?" He asked, seeing the boy nod his head. "Impressive..... what else you got?" He then asked.

Will smiled widely at Peter, showing him the web shooters he made. "I'm making an improvement on my web shooters. Something to show Electro he's not the only one who can make something of his more powerful." He said, showing his excitement in his work.

After many hours of work, the curly haired boy was in his Spider-Man suit, swinging out of Queens and out towards the big city. He couldn't explain why, but he felt.... stronger.... faster.... more agile than before. His confidence was boosted once more, and he felt far less stressed than before. It made him feel light as a feather, and stronger than any high winds that could come his way. It didn't take him long before he reached Midtown, then the Financial District, closer to Upper Eastern District, stopping several crimes and Fisk's Fists along the way. This was definitely what he needed. "Alright! Back in action and better than ever!" He shouted, clearly excited.

Peter could see Will fighting even better than before. It made him feel better that his student was so happy and full of life. However, he knew that wasn't going to last forever. Especially since his computers were going off again about reports on Electro out in the city. "Head over to the power station in New York City. There's all of it's electricity there." He stated to Will, who swung over to the suggested location. Round two was about to happen, and this time, Spider-Man was ready for it.

(Editor's note: another shorter chapter but worth it. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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