Day Off! Will And Friends Time To Goof Off!

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The next morning, after the intense battle he had with Kraven, the now newly made Carnivorous, Will slowly woke up in bed scratching his head.  His fight with the now animalistic man left him feeling a little sore, but he felt good that he was doing the job he was. Though he did honestly wish he could talk about it to.... anybody really. How could he not talk about the exciting adventures he had with his crazy awesome powers?? He took a deep breath and decided to try and call Peter to see if there was anything he should do to stop Fisk. What surprised him though was that he was told to take the day off. "Are you sure about that Peter? I don't mind comin by to fight again." He asked, wanting to be sure that was the right decision to make.

Peter poured a cup of coffee in his mug and got ready to eat some toast. "I appreciate that you're wanting to work so hard to clean the city, but you've got to take some time off to relax once in a while. Live life, be a kid for cryin out loud. Crime will still exist tomorrow." He assured Will after hanging up.

The curly haired boy took a deep breath thinking about what he could do instead. He had all this free time to do anything he wanted, so what was he going to do? That's when he remembered something important. 'Oh right! I got plans today with the guys!' He thought to himself as he dashed to his closet to get some clothes. Nothing too impressive, just a casual t-shirt with Spider-Man on it....the original Spider-Man that is, along with some shorts and his watch. He may not need it to be the web shooters they were originally, but at least this way he would be able to keep track of time. He then ran out the door. "Mom I'm goin to hang with the guys! See ya later!" He called out before hearing his mom call back to him to be safe.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, the boy was able to reach Cornelius's house without fail. He rang the doorbell, holding his backpack over his shoulder as the door opened. "Ah greetings, we've been waiting for you dear friend Will." Cornelius answered as he invited him in.

There in the living room, was Johnny, Paul and Charles all getting snacks and drinks out, while getting everyone some pizzas, bread sticks and more for the day ahead of them. "About damn time you showed up man! Cornelius had just gotten that new online game we have to play!" Charles called out as he got one of the gaming chairs in the area.

Paul smirked as he got his controller out of his bag. "We've been looking forward to this game coming out forever, and Cornelius got the first copy of it Tuesday!" He said as he started to relax comfortably in the chair.

Will couldn't help but get a little excited to join in on the fun. He immediately pulled out his own gaming controller and let it sync up with the gaming console Cornelius owned. "Finally! So have we made a plan to build our characters? Something to balance out our team dynamic?" He asked as the game started to load on the tv. 

Johnny simply smirked at his friend's comment, followed by a sly smirk on his face. "Please, a plan. We'll just kick ass cause you've got the best gamer in the entire city right here.....little ole me." He boldly stated as he stood tall and proud.

Charles looked at Johnny unable to comprehend how confident Johnny was. " does your head stay attached to your shoulders....?" He asked curiously. "You actually need to learn the game a little bit."

Paul sighed at the comments being made. "Will is right though. We could use a plan, so we don't all have the same character type and screw ourselves over because we can't heal without an item or something." He told the group, trying to at least be somewhat of a voice of reason.

Cornelius nodded his head as he took sat in his special gaming chair. It was a controller, a chair, and a dining table all in one convenient spot for him. "I thought this would happen since you potentially could not decide on a character type, so I went ahead and planned accordingly to your fighting styles." He proudly proclaimed as he got out a statistic analysis he took earlier. "Will, you are our monk for balance in the team, I shall be our paladin so we can heal and I shall battle valiantly, Johnathan my friend, you shall be.....the brute fighter of our team, so we can have pure muscle and close range weaponry, Paul, you shall be our future man fighter to use all forms of weapons from close range or afar, and Charles, you shall be our wizard to use all kinds of spells." He told everyone before looking at Will. "Now before anyone asks, Will is to be our team leader for his experience in fighting in the streets." He told everyone with a confident authority.

Will was a little surprised to hear Cornelius say such a thing. After all, it was usually the big brained boy that was the leader in the groups for having an understanding of combat in games. But he had to admit, he had a point being made, especially now since he was fighting criminals now as Spider-Man. "I promise to do my very best to guide you all to victory." He assured everyone who seemed to feel fairly confident in his abilities.

Johnny kicked back in his chair next to Will, who was comfortable on the couch with Paul and Charles. "Alright fine fair enough. I accept because of all the good that's happened in the city lately. Ever since that Spider-Man showed up, a lot of stuff seems to have been cleaned up in all of New York so far." He said while kicking his feet back. 

Cornelius looked back at his friends and gave a small smile. "Indeed, that hero has changed the city for the better lately. I do wonder who he is and how he acquired his powers, however. Especially the ability to shoot the sticky substance spiders use to trap their prey." He asked as he thought about his question in detail.

Johnny rolled his eyes as he heard the big words being used. "Dude....just say webs. We can actually understand you that way." He told his incredibly smart friend.

The curly haired boy snapped his fingers and prepared to start building his character with everyone. "Alright everyone, just be ready to take on enemies if we need to." He ordered while getting himself started. His character was simple, black and red gi, a sword and bo-staff, wrist guards and thin looking shoes. 

Johnny's was a large male with a battle ax, buster sword, and heavy armor to defend against enemy attacks. "Yeah yeah, relax, we know how to work as a team in these sort of games. We kick way too much ass to not know what we're doing." He told Will in a very laid back tone.

Cornelius made his character fairly quickly, white robes with high powered magic at his fingertips, small gloves to maintain the power much easier, and a bag of items to use extra magic. "It is best to not get too confident no matter the situation. Things could get much much worse if we do so." He adds to his statement, trying to help build the team more. 

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