The Final Experiment: Earth's Core Taking Form!

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As Fisk sees the news of his third experiment being sent to prison, he folded his hands on the desk, a look of disappointment in his eyes. But he understood that this was another test to see what he was capable of. Now he had a better understanding of his spidery foe's capabilities. Not only was he strong, not only was he fast, not only was he agile, he was incredibly smart, and getting smarter with every battle with everything they threw his way. Something that he was perfectly fine with. This was feeding him with knowledge himself. This could mean that at least one of his experiments was bound to work. It also made him feel proud that he knew this for one simple reason......the fact that since he knew this, he also knew there was one final person to run the experiment with.

Aaron Vinzent could tell exactly what Fisk was thinking as soon as he started to look in his general direction. If he was honest, he didn't like the thought of it. It also didn't help him since he knew what he saw the corrupt mayor do to the rest of the crew he's worked with for so long. He wanted to run right away, but he stood completely frozen with fear. Fear that he would have to do the same exact experiment they did and becoming a freak, or something far worse than them......he wanted to destroy Spider-Man just as badly as they all did, but not badly enough to go through this change....this..... mutation! It didn't take long before he could see Fisk slowly start to walk toward him. So in response, he backed away from the larger male, just trying to get away from him. Out of sight, out of mind.

Unfortunately for Aaron, Fisk was already ready to get Aaron. He had to be sure to get one last person to run this experiment. Even better, he had to be sure that he had his idea be the one that they go with. Scorpion had failed, Rhino had failed, Terrainia had failed. Even Soundwave and Machine Man had failed. But this time, he was certain of his success. If this did help, then they would never need to experiment ever again. "You must be Aaron Vinzent....I think it's time we got to work with you next......" He said in a calm, low, yet menacing voice.

Aaron continued to take steps back and away from his employer. He didn't care if he would get in trouble for it. He had to be sure that he didn't get experimented on. The super soldier serum would indefinitely turn him insane, and that was the last thing he wanted. "W-why not just make a super weapon? Something that can steal his powers, or remove them entirely! That should help with the-"

"WE DO NOT HAVE THE TIME!" Richard suddenly shouted from his spot while throwing a large table casually. His anger slowly was taking over, and his eyes began to glow red while he slowly showed his fangs slowly growing in. His transformation into the Reptile King was slowly starting to happen. "You are our last chance! So get over your ridiculous fear, and concentrate on the task at hand!" He shouted while heading toward the two, Trying hard not to transform,  however he was severely failing due to the rage he was feeling not only due to the previous failures, but because this soldier was being a coward trying to get out of having this procedure done to him. Richard didn't show any remorse or care for what was going to happen to him.

Fisk was able to tell that Aaron was about to run, and immediately grabbed him before he could, getting him in a secure bearhug. "If you want to defeat that web headed menace to our whole will have to do so, my way." He said as he watched the man squirm to get free.

Aaron continued to try and escape from the large army of Fisk's Fists, feeling two of them grip him by his arms. If he wasn't scared of the mayor before, he was absolutely terrified of him right now. "You're absolutely insane right now! You truly think that these experiments will be of any help for your goal?! Make you look any better than you do now?!" He shouted, trying to reach some form of rationality within him.

Fisk soon watched as Aaron was injected with a needle, filled with an anesthesic to knock him out. As he slowly passed out, the twisted mayor stared down at Aaron, a cold, unfeeling stare in his eyes. "It doesn't matter.....that Spider-Man shall suffer....with our own forces .....our way." He said bluntly before his soldier passed out in the other two's arms.

Two hours had passed, and Aaron was just starting to wake up and noticed he was in the same tube as the previous three, all chained up and secured to be sure he couldn't escape. But he was frantically trying to struggle to escape his bindings. Of course, they wouldn't even budge. He immediately knew what was going to happen any moment, and he couldn't escape no matter how much he struggled or squirmed. Once he saw Fisk, a look of both anger and fear covered his face. "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT NOW! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" He screamed while frantically trying to get his arms up to ribs level.

All Wilson did was stare at the tube that his test subject was in. "Sometimes, in order to test something, sacrifices must be made.....if you wish to blame anyone, blame the wall crawling worm. He is the reason we are doing these experiments in the first place." Fisk explained while his scientists began to run their experiments.

Aaron yanked as hard as he could, jerking about in the tube to try and break the chains that held him securely, begging and pleading to be freed. However, no one would offer to even lift a finger to save him. Instead they came in with several needles, each in different parts of his arms. The pain was so unbelievably unbearable, he screamed in anguish and agony. He could feel his entire body heat up, burn and grow more agitated. His skin felt no better though. It was as if magma was burning and melting his skin as he rolled on the ground, crying out in pain. All he wanted was the agony to stop. For this magma like feeling to stop. But it could only get worse after he opened his eyes and saw his arms. Not only were they splitting apart, but he saw his skin turn brown and then a dark black. Orange glowing cracks began to form as well....he was quite literally a living volcano ready to burst. Even when he felt the shackles keeping him down were melted off, Aaron still couldn't move, most likely from the pain he felt from still experiencing the transformation.

Meanwhile, the scientist outside was staring at the sight before him, trembling in fear from how terrifying the transformation looked. This......this thing wasn't in the plans! He immediately looked at Fisk, a look of anger yet fear covered his face. "This wasn't the plan. This wasn't supposed to be what he turned into!" He said with a frantic voice.

Fisk stared at the scientist, no remorse or regret in his eyes. Instead was a cruel smile. "It appears we put too much in the syringe." He said rather casually.

That's when it hit the scientist. All this time making these things, to fight Spider-Man? Creating monsters to cause chaos, destruction and mayhem? This could only lead to one solid conclusion in his mind. "You really HAVE gone insane..... Spider-Man isn't the public're a madman!" He shouted in realization trying to escape.

Fisk didn't try to stop him though. At least not with physical confrontation that is. No he had a much better method to get him to stay, or at least not rat him out. "Who do you think you can tell about this? About these things you helped create?! The police? They'll arrest you along with me. The Avengers? Fantastic Family? X-Men? All nowhere near New York! Spider-Man? He'd bring you in himself if he could. You're just as involved as I am, your hands are just as dirty, if not even moreso because of you creating these with your own hands." Fisk said in a cold calculating manner of speaking.

The scientist stopped dead in his tracks. For all his insanity, for how twisted he was, Fisk made a good point. If he took Fisk down, the mayor would take him with him just to suffer. So all he could do was turn back around and watch Aaron turn into the beast he was slowly becoming.

As Aaron's transformation was completed, he placed his hands on the glass itself and melted it with the intense heat of his magma palms. He then stared at Fisk, a look of horror upon his face as he knew this meant the transformation is complete. "Please..... you've got to help me return to normal...what do you want from me?" He pleaded while looking at Fisk with a broken expression.

Fisk watched as the now hideous looking male made of brimstone pleaded GIr freedom from his form. "All I want for you to do is to destroy the man that started this in the first place. The so called hero, Spider-Man." Was his response as he watched him leave. "oh and.... before you leave, be sure to acknowledge yourself as that shall be your name in this form from now on." Core walked out of the lab, crashing into a wall as lava was left from the hole he left behind. This was the victory Fisk was going to earn, that, the corrupt mayor was certain of.

(Editor's note: we finally got this done. Wanted this to be a smidgen different for his origin without being too much different at the same time. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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