Assassins And Warnings! Will's Sticky Situation!

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The next day, after Will had finished classes, he couldn't help but feel slightly sore. Partly from his fight with Mantis yesterday, and partly from his P.E classes. A lot of exercise, running, and lifting. More than usual today for some odd reason. Not that he minded it too much, but after last night, but he wouldn't mind some time to just stretch his muscles out. It'd help ease his tension and get his mind off things. But first thing was first, he had to find Gwen and talk to her. He had to check up on her to see if she was okay. Lucky for her, he was able to spot her before she left. "Hey Gwen! I was wondering if you were okay!" He said jogging to her.

The strawberry blonde turned her head around to see Will. At first she was a little surprised, but that turned to excitement rather quickly. "Will! You're okay!" She shouted, wrapping her arms around his neck into a hug. "I'm just fine now. I'm more worried about you. After Spider-Man helped me out I was hoping that assassin didn't get you too." She said checking Will for injuries. Thankfully for Will, and her own conscious, he had nothing. "Okay so he was just using us to try and lure out Spider-Man.....just like he said." She sighed with relief. "I really appreciate that you sent him after me when he knew you were okay. It means a lot." She then said honestly.

Will chuckled at her concern over him and then gave a nervous smile at her appreciation towards him. "You're welcome. I figured that they wouldn't come after me after that. But I had to be sure about if they'd come after you or not." He explained, coming up with that excuse fairly quickly and saying so very fluidly.

Gwen sighed softly at him, believing his story. "yeah I'm okay honest. They never went after me again, thankfully." She said calmly. Though she was still a little worried about if that Mantis freak would come back for her again, or Will....or would they just go straight for the web slinger? She didn't have much time to think about that though. She had to head back home soon. Especially if she didn't want to be attacked by that assassin again. "Sorry Will, I'd love to talk more but my dad's been doing what he can to protect me from that guy again and I can't stay in one place for too long. I'll see you tomorrow!" She assured Will before waving off and leaving in a hurry.

Will waved her off as well understanding why. Her dad was pretty protective of her, as he should be after yesterday's mess. But it motivated him to find out more about that guy. He immediately got his phone out and called Peter. Maybe he could give Will an answer he was looking for. Once Peter answered, Will was a little excited. "Any word yet?" He asked his mentor.

"Negative. No activity from him in the last several hours. What information I did get about him isn't much." He explained as he pulled the file he found on the assassin from last night. "His real name is Hope Savez. A martial artist using the mantis style for assassination tactics. He trained close to Danny Rand, the Iron Fist. He doesn't have any chi based abilities that are known of yet. But he's known for being a threat. Even being one for The Avengers." He then read for him.

"Yeah that armor of his was definitely proof of that. He could feel my punches I could feel it...but they could've hit him harder. If it wasn't for that he would've been a pancake." He said sounding so sure of himself.

That was when Peter noticed something else about Will. Another potential weakness. First was him being too confident, then relying on his strength instead of something else in mind. "Kid I know you could. But you're relying too much on your new abilities all together. Yes using your powers are important. But you'll need more than that. You have great fighting sense and an instinct for your style. Use your human instincts're Spider-MAN after all, not...Spider-Spider." he said adding that last bit as a joke. "You don't need to just rely on your powers and senses. You can use your own mind too. It'll help you in the future." He promised his protege.

"I know....but....that guy.....well he was a lot faster. I felt like I needed to use my powers more." He explained while trying to find a hiding place so he could get in his Spider-Man attire. Once he got his costume and mask on, the rookie hero swung out towards the city. "Are you sure it's a good idea for me to be out there in the costume? After how Patriot Girl acted yesterday I'm almost afraid to go out." He then asked as he swung through the midday skies.

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