Let The Party Begin! Will and Gwen's Friend Date!

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At the pier, Gwen and two of her other friends were waiting out by the entrance. They were waiting patiently for the curly haired boy Gwen had invited. "I'm surprised you wanted him to come to this. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy you'd want to hang out with." Her first friend, Reileigh had asked sticking her nose where it didn't belong.

Her second friend, Janet on the other hand lightly hit Reileigh in the shoulder with her elbow. "Leave the girl alone! He obviously must've done something right! Otherwise she wouldn't just invite him. After all, she's always been a great judge of character!" She said in an encouraging tone. "Though I'm surprised you trusted him so fast. Usually, you're a little bit more patient." She inquired curiously.

Gwen lightly brushed some of the hair out of her face with a soft smile on her face. "Guess I see a lot of his good nature. I know he's had a bad rep and has had some issues with both the police AND Fisk's Fists, but he seems like he cares about others around him." She explained. "I guess in a way, I'm wanting to see the real him? But otherwise I don't really have an answer for you." She then crosses her arms across her chest trying to look as casual as she could. She couldn't pull off that kind of look, but she definitely wasn't afraid to try.

Meanwhile, Will was just entering the parking lot to get to the pier. He locked his older car and tucked his keys safe in his pockets while trying to slightly readjust his hair. Even though it was still a bit of a mess, he figured it'd have to do for his look. He then put his hands in his pockets walking to the pier as calm, cool and collected as he could. He could faintly see Gwen along with her two friends waiting for him. "There she is! Along with her friends!" He says to himself trying to not sound too excited. Sure it was going to be fun for him, he was still just hanging out with them as just friends.

The two girls see Will slightly jog up to them and smiled at him. They then lean up to Gwen's ears and smirk slightly. "Ohhh he's cute! But does he have what it takes to be good enough for you by OUR standards?" Reileigh asked Gwen with a stern look. Truth is, the two wanted to meet Will as well, which was why they went with Gwen. Though Reileigh wanted to see just how bad of a guy he could be, and Janet went with them to support her two friends. They all knew Will's past has been slightly sketchy, but there could be reasons behind his actions, moral or not.

As soon as Gwen heard the teasing tone in Reileigh, she lightly yanked herself free from the two girls and glared at her. "Try to not embarrass me will you please?" She asked her friend, trying to help make tonight perfect for her. She then waved him over to them, hoping to get his attention.

The curly haired troublemaker had noticed her with the greatest of ease and walked to her. "Yo! Sorry if I made you worry long." He apologized, keeping his hands in his pockets.

Gwen smiled pushing some of her hair and tucking some of it behind her ear. "No it's alright! You made it just in time!" She assured him. "Oh right! Will, these are some of my friends, Janet and Reileigh!" She introduced them to him trying to hide how nervous she was. But not because of him, no these nerves were for her friends. She knew how they could be. Especially around a guy she meets or hung out with.

Releigh was the first to walk toward him. Instantly, she started eyeing him up and down, checking him out slightly before she felt his arms and chest. "Hmm....you've had a history with the law.... and some other people along the way...." She studied him. Releigh's special talent was knowing a person's history based on certain looks and touches. Not necessarily a superpower, just some observation skills she learned. "But....you did it to help your family mostly....plus.... strong with a hint of intelligence.....all in all, you're pretty cute...." She states with a smile on her face.

Janet instantly ran in front of the unsuspecting boy and grabbed his hands, forcing him to shake hands with her. "Soooo nice to meet ya handsome! I've heard quite a bit about you!" She stated with a lot of energy.

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