First Real Threat! Spidey's First Big Call To Action!

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Down at the mayor's office, Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin was pacing around the room waiting patiently for his next client to come in. He had to get rid of this Spider-Man once and for all. The original alone was bad enough, but this new one was a brand new, dangerous threat to his organization. He had to find a way to get rid of him if he was to complete any of his future plans. However, he didn't want to get his own hands dirty unless he absolutely had no choice but to do so. "It seems I have to test him more. Hire someone to take care of this Spider-Man, before he becomes an even bigger problem for MY Empire." He says to himself while looking out a window. The only question was who would he hire? Doctor Octopus was no longer a true villain, Scorpion had retired, The original Vulture died years ago, Mysterio was in hiding, in fact he had no real idea where any of the previous villains were. Some were unusual because they were impossible to hide given their size and potential bounties on their heads. He goes to sit in his chair and makes an annonimous phone call. "Kraven? This is Wilson Fisk. I have a personal job for you." He heard the hunter ask him what was so important he was interrupting his hunt? After all, there wasn't any true challenge for him to conquer anymore. "Have you heard of a new Spider-Man in town?" He asked his client with a smirk on his face.

Meanwhile, about twenty minutes after school had ended, Will had just gotten in his Spider-Man costume, swinging through Harlem as he always did. 'Man I can't believe it! Gwen invited me to HER house!' He thought to himself barely able to contain his sheer amount of joy he felt. Now that he was free from school for the day, he could truly express his feelings to himself while thinking about what he could do. 'Only thing to think about is should I dress fancy for the occasion? Should I bring anything to be a polite houseguest? I've bever really done anything like this before....' He continued to think about the day...erm evening to come as he swung down the city. He then saw a group of Fisk's Fists men attacking a group of innocent teens for their style of clothing. Not their fault they just so happen to dress similarly to certain gang members! 'Well, time to go do what I do best.' He then dove in to face the threat head-on as he had been for the last week. His first action was to place his hands onto two of his foes' heads and throw them to the wall. Once they hit said wall, he webbed them securely to it and got in front of the teens ready to defend them. "You're just gettin desperate in your reasons to arrest people aren't you?" He joked, staring the soldiers down.

The members of Fisk's Fists looked a little nervous about seeing the web head come to action. "It's Spider-Man! He's here!" One shouts while two of them run toward the hero with their gauntlets.

Using his agility, Will smirked as he was able to dodge the oncoming attack while not even breaking a sweat yet. In fact, he hadn't even started warming up yet. "Well yeah of course. You really thought you had a legitimate reason to arrest people over nothing? You follow a mayor who won illegitimately." He stated as he punched one of them with a smirk on his face under his mask. He fucked from behind noticing one try to hit him again, but instead his partner took the hit and was sent flying into a mailbox. He then moved his wrist to the right and fired a web ball. It hit the one behind him and knocked him out. "Now THAT'S some impact webbing. But nothing compared to what I've got here!" He bragged as he moved his left wrist to the left. After that, he was able to shoot another web which was shaped slightly into a star. It hit an enemy in the face mask and shattered it, slightly cutting his cheek. "Razor webs. They won't totally cut anyone to murder you, but you'll definitely feel that hit." He explained as he shot another web out and grabbed his gun.

The soldiers were immediately having trouble as they fought their speedy strong opponent. They weren't very prepared for a fight against the wall crawler with the weapons they had. However, they refused to stop trying so they could impress their boss. "Don't let him hit anymo-" before one could finish his sentence, the Arachnid themed hero punched his face again knocking him out. He then webbed a group of them to tie them up. "That'll keep you tied down for a bit." He said while slightly yawning from boredom. After he was finished, the hero jumped high in the air and swung off to deal with the next threat in the city. It didn't take long for him to find that threat however, as he soon saw more of Fisk's Fists men fighting against three of the gangs in the middle of their war. He lands on top of one of the men's shoulders and threw him over after flipping slightly. Using his strength and agility to give him an advantage, he watched everyone stare at him. "Is this a private affair? Or can any spider join in on the fun?" He joked watching everyone start to attack him now as well.

The Rising Dragons used their chains to wrap around Fisk's Fists men around their wrists and waists. They would get thrown around, but not a single one was knocked out by it. "You ain't got shit on us now! Especially since everyone knows exactly what you all are now!" One brags as he hits a Fisk's Fists men with a crowbar.

Meanwhile, the Chaos Brigade stated to shoot at the gang members along with Spider-Man, which luckily everyone was able to find enough cover to protect themselves. However, other members of the Chaos Brigade were all able to still hit most of their enemies with other weapons. Even if the guns were to hit Fisk's Fists men, they couldn't kill them given their armor. They would still feel pain, but not enough to lose too much blood. "Risin Dragons are right. They ain't any better than us!" They call out with confidence.

Spider-Man smirks as he webs one of each member and yanks them toward him and does a spin kick on each one. "You say that as if you're off the hook! Buncha hypocrites! Thinkin that you're all good for what you do just cause they're called out. Shame on you." He joked while jumping toward a group of his foes and kicks one while punching the one behind him. Immediately after that, he sees a tank and stands posed like a spider. "Tanks? Here I thought Fisk's Fists couldn't get any lower than this." He jumps up to it and webs the turret. It jams up and immediately clogs with sticky webbing inside.

Each enemy side tried to hit Spider-Man even once with most failing miserably due to his speed. He webs three of each enemy with his sticky webbing and pulled each one into an object in front of them. A Fisk's Fists agent first hit a mailbox, while the Rising Dragons slammed into the tank rather hard, the Chaos Brigade hit a light pole roughly and the last gang, the Unmartial Laws, hit another member of his own gang. It made him laugh knowing how easy it was. He noticed Gwen watching the action, cheering for him with each action he made. It took him another minute to defeat them, but part of it was due to them fighting each other more than him. Not that he was complaining of course, but now it was even easier. He felt pretty good about himself. First he defeated Heinguard by himself, now he's tearing apart each gang one by one, little by little. He was starting to feel a little more confident, especially since he was getting more used to his powers with each fight. He webbed up each of his foes and waited for the cops to arrive. "You all have fun now, and play nice when you're in bad guy daycare!" He joked as he jumped up high and swung in the air, his confidence going up even more than before.

However, a bit further away from the battle, on a rooftop, a familiar figure wearing a lion skin for a shirt was watching the spider hero swing away after his successful battle. He seemed to have been studying the hero closely to see what was the big deal was to The Kingpin of Crime. After seeing the show, Sergei Kravinoff, better known as Kraven The Hunter, looked at him and felt something he hadn't felt in such a long time. Joy, excitement and the thrill of a new challenge. Finally, after all these years, he could get the battle he wanted. Even though it wasn't the original Spider-Man, this one would be a fine one to battle. He then gets his phone and makes a call. "I have seen the target you wish for me to hunt. I accept your offer. However, I wish to play with my pray before eliminating him, and I get his get the mask." He offered waiting for his client's response. Once he heard Wilson Fisk had accepted, Sergei smirked watching Spider-Man slowly fade into the distance. "Excellent. Then we have ourselves a deal. Expect this victory in a matter of two days tops." He boasted, hanging up and stood tall with the wind flowing through his hair. "Soon Spider-Man, our hunt shall continue anew....and we decide who is truly....the greatest hunter!"

(Editor's note: this is to say that there will be some old villains with some new ones I have in mind. Or old villains under a new guise. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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