The Sounds Of A Working Man!

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Deep in the labs Fisk had made for him, Howard Shultz immediately ripped his helmet off, feeling sweat dripping off of his face from how hot the suit was. For a brief moment, it was so hot wearing it, he wasn't sure if he'd make it back alive. He felt as if he had failed to show everyone what he was capable of. However, he learned from his mistakes, and decided to improve himself to be ready for round two. "First, I must upgrade my suit's coolant system so it can run permanently. Then the boots need smaller sonic emitters. Large enough to still be able to fly, however, small enough to fit on the palms of the suit's boot." He said out loud to himself.

Meanwhile, Kingpin was walking over to his lab with a somewhat stern expression on his face. Whatever had him upset, he clearly needed to get off his chest. Once he stepped into the lab, he could see the scientist working on his suit more. "What is the meaning of this failure Doctor? You had the wall crawling pest where you wanted him, yet he still roams free!" He shouted in anger at his somewhat employee. "Do you not want your devices to be used all over the world? To show that they can work many miracles?" Fisk then asked Howard.

Shultz turned his attention to Fisk, a determined look in his eye after hearing him. "No no not at all my good man. This was simply a field test. The web head will be defeated next time. I simply had to run experiments to find out if need to upgrade the suit at all, or if it would be enough. As it turns out, there are a multitude of ways to improve upon it. Perhaps I can even train for an extra day to get a true feel for this suit." He said out loud while turning his attention back to the Soundwave suit he has. His determination to get this work done more was more prominent than before.

Fisk simply nodded his head before he walked out. "Very well. Take the time you will need for this. However, fail me again, and you can forget our deal." The dictator like mayor threatened before leaving, the lab doors closing tightly behind him.

In the meantime, Howard had spent so much time focusing on upgrading the suit, wanting to make it better. For most scientists, they would want to take a break after a test he went through. However, Howard was always determined to get his work off the ground that this felt normal for him. Though he did feel considerably faster as he worked hard on his suit. Then again, he was so determined for this since he had never built something like this before. This project was like his baby, even if he wasn't crazy about the idea of it being used for violence. On the other hand though, he knew that people would pay a large sum of money just to have more suits like his own. Or for more peaceful methods, like therapy or relaxation. So for funding, he would do this one more time. Fight Spider-Man, and this time, make sure that he won. Only for the money this time....

To start, the scientist spent his time readjusting the boots on the suit. All he had to do was add some small stabilizers that would work in sync with his sonic emitters. Not enough to damage anything, but something powerful enough to get him in the air. He also prepared stabilizers on his back so he could fly easier without too much loss of control. After finishing that, which took a half hour to complete, Howard opened the suit's chest piece to reveal the metal alloy, and behind that, a red, hot looking machine ready to burst. In the palm of his hand, was a blue chip. Something to help cool the suit down for longer, consistent amounts of time. With this extra amount of time on his hands, the male then decided it was time to test his new suit once again.

Twenty four hours later, Wilson Fisk entered the lab to see his employee at work. "So doctor, how is your suit now? For your sake I hope it has significantly impro-" He stopped mid sentence when he saw the mess of a lab. Destroyed targets, scuffs on the walls, damaged parts of the wall, splattered messes, and some wires hanging from the ceiling. "So I take it the fix up was a success doctor?" He asked Howard seeming very sure of his success this time.

The scientist removed his helmet and placed it carefully on the table. He wasn't sweating nearly as much this time, so the coolant system was already working several times better than before. His weapons were functioning the way he wanted as well, so he was more prepared this time, as well as his gadgets equipped. "I am more than ready for round two Fisk. This time, everyone will see my brilliant genius at play." He told his employer while shaking his hand. Upon closer inspection of the helmet, it seemed a small spark of electricity shot out from the very back of it. Only noticable upon very close inspection of course, but something the good doctor was not at all worried about.

Meanwhile, out in the city, Will was swinging high above on his patrol while on the phone with Gwen. "Hey, I'm so sorry for not being able to hang out tonight, but I'm more than happy to talk to you if you're available?" He said calmly while swinging, hearing her ask if he would be too busy? "Nah. Just some lifting here and there. But I can easily talk and call." He told her determined to talk to her.

Gwen smiled on the other side of the call, happy to hear he was still wanting to at least communicate with her. "Just don't get in any trouble with your boss. Last thing I want is to be the reason you got fired." She said with concern. "Listen, I was thinking that this Saturday, we go to Lake George and...well... have a picnic? My father would love to see you again, and we could spend some time together?" She asked him while brushing some of her hair behind her ear, showing how nervous she was.

Will couldn't help but smile under his mask while landing on a nearby building. The thought of spending more time with his crush honestly made him feel more nervous and excited at the same time. But of course he wanted to join them. Anything he could just to spend more time with her. Though his alter ego life is unpredictable, he didn't care too much. He wasn't going to miss out on this. "Yes. I'd love that!" He told her with excitement in his voice. "should I bring anything? I don't want to be rude?" He then offered to try and be polite.

"Just a pair of swim trunks and maybe a dessert?" Gwen said after thinking about it. "I really can't wait to do this with you!" She then said, her face tinting to a light pink after hearing herself say that. She then heard the door open behind her. "Listen I've got to go for now, but I promise that I'll talk to you whenever I get done. I'll text you and everything, we can talk after that."

Will smiled hearing that exciting news. "Sounds perfect. I'll talk to you soon." He said before hanging up, Whooping and hollering over this. He'd get to spend time with her! First thing he'd have to do is get a new swim suit. His current one was......old to put it nicely. Then figure out exactly what kind of dessert he could bring....maybe he'd make something..... something to think about. He had two days to plan after all. Unfortunately, his thoughts were rudely interrupted by a blast of visible Soundwaves shooting in the air. A sign that the Soundwave guy was back wanting to fight again? All he knew was that he had to find out. Once he swung closer to the area, the hero landed on the rooftop, seeing he was correct in his assumption. "You know you'd be perfect for the police. You'd be their megaphone!" He slightly joked while giving advice on how to use the suit.

However, Soundwave wasn't listening this time, his suit powering up slowly but surely this time. He seemed more prepared and sure of himself this time compared to the last time. His suit soon starts to lightly vibrate from the sound stored from within. "Our test wasn't completed yet.....there's still some experimenting to be done....."

(Editor's note: shorter chapter yes. But it was necessary for what's coming up next! Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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