A Cold End! Spider-Man's Warm Up!

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Criosis stands above his spidery foe, with his hand extended our and ice being charged up to blast him. "I don't see how you were such a threat .... but you're about to see.....just how cold I can be." He said, his voice menacing.

Spider-Man stared at the supervillain above him, unable to think of a plan. However, he knew he had to do something to defend himself. So out of instinct, he spins slightly, kicking the cold villain and tripping him. The ice he prepared to fire shot up at the ceiling and froze it even more. With this extra amount of time, he jumps away, flipping backwards to avoid getting hit in the future. "Sorry Criosis, but this spider doesn't do ice unless it's in a drink." He quipped, staring at his foe. With this, he needed to think about his next step. Something to stop Criosis from succeeding.  He needed to come up with something. That said, he knew exactly a way to defeat him. The biggest problem was the temperature. Not because he was feeling cold, but because in order for his plan to work, he'd need to find some way to make it warmer. "Parker, any method to warm up this place?" He asked, praying for a miracle to win this fight.

Peter started doing research on the building he was in. "There's a heater on the same floor you're in. If you can get it started it should be enough to slowly melt the ice." Peter tells Will.

During the fight, the web spinning hero dodged multiple blasts of ice, firing rapid fire impact webs to knock him off balance, and give him a moment to breathe. "yeah only problem is slowly won't be fast enough to free this entire building!" He brings up. "I can't just fix the heater to make it hot,He added on while trying to adapt to Parker's plan. Until at long last, his eyes widen. He starts to realize something about Criosis. Why does he need to have such thick armor? Why was he trying to make the city colder? "I've got it!" He shouts out triumphantly while jumping toward his enemy, hoping to catch him off guard. It did work, and before he could get frozen, he webbed his way up to avoid getting frozen and swung in his direction.

Criosis glared at the Spider hero, gesturing his hands to move closer. As he did, several jagged ice pillars are shot up, attempting to stab at him. This power surprised him, but he wasn't going to object to having it. After all, if he had this, what else could he have? He then began to shoot ice at the ground, sliding on it gracefully. "You can't run from me forever wall crawler! You'll face an icy demise sooner or later!" He shouted to his adversary.

Relying heavily on his agility, mobility, and his spider sense, Spider-Man was able to dodge the oncoming assault. It wasn't easy, especially since there was so many coming at once, but he wasn't going to risk getting stabbed. He couldn't afford getting killed now. Not when the city still needed it's hero. "Sorry Freezypop, but things need to get a little.... heated up!" He quips as he found the heater and immediately turns it on. However, he cranks it up higher to heat everything in the building up. Thanks to this, it wouldn't take nearly as long. But it still wasn't fast enough. So he fired multiple web traps to hold Criosis back. With this extra amount of time, he opened up the panel to the heater, and immediately saw the many wires it had within it. 'Of course....why would it ever be easy?!' He thinks to himself while studying the wires. With this, he quickly started to disconnect some wires. He didn't have much time though, and he knew that. Especially since Criosis was slowly freezing his webs when he was caught. So he frantically started reconnecting wires, but fixing the exact connection to be even better. It clearly started to work because of the heater whirring. "YES!" He cried out, swinging away from the heater and kicking Criosis in the face.

Peter was absolutely stunned to see his protege completely rewire the heater so easily. He didn't seem like the kind of kid to be capable of that, even if he made his own web shooters! "How did you do that?!" Peter asked, hoping Will could give him an answer.

The curly haired hero landed on the wall, giving him a chance to explain to Peter. "I've worked on a lot of stuff for televisions for my siblings. This was a little more complicated, but not impossible." Will explained, thinking of it as no big deal. "Though there is one thing. I only shortened how long it'll take to get the heater warm enough. It's gonna take about two minutes before it's ready. So I gotta keep him away from it long enough....." He then has another idea in mind. "Then again......" He ponders.

Peter immediately had a feeling he wasn't going to like the idea the rookie hero had in mind. "What are you going to do....?" He asked hesitantly.

"I'm gonna hit him, really really hard." Will said bluntly as he dove down, extending his web wings to glide down toward the icy villain.

Peter couldn't help but face palm, hearing such a simplistic idea. "THAT'S YOUR GENIUS IDEA?! HITTING HIM HARD?!" He shouted in disbelief. This sounded like a terrible idea, especially if he couldn't hit the villain up close.

Criosis saw the web head descend toward him, his cold icy stare feeling as if it could pierce through even the hottest flames. "You're not going to stop me from creating my icy utopia!" He declared, firing both ice balls and icicles at Spider-Man, who simply spun in the air while gliding down toward him.

With his spider sense still helping him, Will dodged gracefully and prepares for his next strike. He soon webbed both an icicle and an ice ball, and threw them at the ground. Once it they hit the ground, a cloud of dust formed, temporarily blinding Criosis in a cloud of dust. With this, Spider-Man took advantage of this and dove straight into the cloud, and slammed into Criosis with his feet, sending him into the ground. With the villain toppled onto the ground, he started punching Criosis, actually trying to do more damage to him. It definitely was working, as the suit was slightly denting with each blow. However, the part covering his face was definitely taking the most damage, cracking the more it was hit.

Criosis tried his best to get the web head off, but he was just too strong. He couldn't even concentrate long enough to be able to use even a tiny amount of his ice. Not even a little mist, that's how hard Spider-Man was hitting him. Even worse, his faceplate was getting cracked and damaged. It wouldn't be long before it was entirely shattered and he would be exposed to more intense beatings! "STOP! ENOUGH!" He shouted, attempting to sound intimidating.

Criosis's cries had no effect however. Instead, Spider-Man hit harder, until the cracks were almost fully enveloping the faceplate. With one final strike, he broke it, and a wave of heat blasted into the villain. "Figured it was time you warmed up." He quipped, noticing his foe start to feel weaker, more exhausted. He did seal up the hole, but only after Criosis was unconscious, and the building was unfrozen. This also thankfully helped the sun come back out to melt all the ice.

Peter was stunned that Will's plan actually worked. Especially since it was such a simple plan. 'Unbelievable....he actually did it.....' Peter thought to himself. He was truly seeing his mentor growing into a fine capable young hero. Sure he still had quite a bit of learning and growing to do, but he could tell that he was already doing better. "Kid....your plan worked.... I'm....I'm so impressed." He said, still clearly in disbelief.

Will soon swung out of the building, seeing the police going in to stop Criosis. "Yeah well.....this is only the beginning and we know that.... Fisk is unleashing a supervillain army, and it's going to get bigger.....which means I will have to be better." He says boldly, preparing to work even harder to stop Fisk. No matter what it took.....

Meanwhile, Criosis was being brought into a building.....but not the police station. No, instead he was brought into a lab. He was thrown onto the ground, tumbling while facing a man. Wilson Fisk was staring down at him. "Simon Pollowell.....I believe it is time we had a talk....." He started off. He could see Criosis trying to stand and helped him up. "you see ... We share a common foe now you and I. So....you join me in my cause to destroy Spider-Man, and I shall assist you with living in colder conditions. I shall even upgrade your suit even further." He offered.

Simon was suspicious at first, but he was thinking about it for a moment. Perhaps this is a good idea so they can both obtain what they want. But there was one question he needed an answer to. With a deep breath, he asked, "Why would you want to help me?"

Fisk clasps his hands together, watching the suspicion on his face. "Because Simon, I see a man with a vision....and no one should stand in the way of that ... especially not the likes of Spider-Man." He answers coldly.

Simon takes a moment to think about this. Fisk did have a point. Why should anyone stop him? No matter who it was, he still needed to go through with his goals. With renewed determination, Criosis grabbed Fisk's hand and shook it. "Alright Fisk...... you've got yourself a deal."

(Editor's note: another villain added. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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