Enter: Gwendolyn Stacy!

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For several minutes, the four stared at one another, unable to say anything at all. But for Will, this was incredibly insane. After all this time of Gwen never bringing up her mom, and now she was here. Yet there was this awkward tension between everyone. Something in the air felt extremely awkward, and he could tell. While he wanted to break the tension between everyone, he didn't have a clue of what to say. Starting off with a joke would be terrible timing given the atmosphere, asking questions seemed rather awkward given how silent everyone seemed to be, and changing the subject seemed like the worst idea possible! But he didn't know what else to do.

But before Will could speak, Johnathan cleared his throat. "So.... pumpkin, your mom's come home again! Isn't it amazing?" He asked trying to ease the tension in the room.

The strawberry blonde showed a visibly annoyed look, scoffing in annoyance after hearing her dad try to coax her to talk to the woman. "Yeah? How long this time before she just leaves again?" She asked with irritation. She could see her start to walk toward him and stepped away. "Don't touch me...." She said in a demanding tone.

The woman only smiled the best she could at her daughter. "Gwendolyn, please I just wanted to see my daughter again. To catch up and spend a little time with you." She said while trying to get closer to her daughter. But through the corner of her eye, she saw the curly haired trouble maker, slightly cringing in the corner. A look of intrigue peeked on her face as he looked at every detail on him. From his height, to his muscle mass, even particular facial features. Specifically the shape. "I wasn't aware that you had a boyfriend coming over."

Both of the teens turned bright red at her comment, wanting to argue against her, but for the most part, unable to from how stunned the two were. But finally, Will was able to get himself out of his stupor long enough to finally say something. "DUH- Richardson! Will Richardson.....I'm uhhh a close friend of hers recently." Will managed to stumble out as she shook the woman's hand.

Gwen's mother took his strong firm handshake without hesitation. "How polite.....very cute too." She said calmly while getting a feel for his hand. Thankfully for her, this was all the information she needed to get to know about him. "Well Will Richardson, it's a pleasure to meet you. Gwen Stacy. But you can just call me Gwendolyn to avoid confusion." She introduced herself with a smile.

Immediately, Gwen pulled Will away from her mother, a scowl on his face. "I don't want you anywhere near Will!" She said trying her best to not snap. Though if she was being honest, that was rather difficult to do. Though she didn't want to talk about it, and it started to show more.

Johnathan in the meantime, stepped in between his wife and daughter, so that the two wouldn't get into an argument. Or at least his daughter saying things to her mother she may regret later. "Alright you two, let's settle down a little. Let's not talk about this...." He said trying to act as calm as possible. "Perhaps our guest wants to grab a bite to eat?"

Will couldn't help but laugh awkwardly at the offer. "Oh uhhh sorry Mr. Stacy, I'd love to stay, but unfortunately I got work. My boss really needs help and I gotta report to him anyway." He told the family as he slowly backed out. "But it was a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Stacy, Mr. Stacy, Gwen, I'll uhh see you tomorrow!" He called out as he ran out. But in all honesty, he wasn't lying about having to visit Peter. He was going to have to report to Peter about the new villain in town. The two would have to figure out what to do during their next meeting. But he still wanted to get at least a little information on his next big foe.

From the apartment building, Gwendolyn stared at the curly haired Boy, a smirk on her face as she observed him. "Definitely the person I'm looking for...." She whispered to herself very quietly. When she turned around, her daughter was behind her, armd folded across her chest, body leaning against the doorframe to her bedroom.

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