Summer Break! Much Deserved Rest!

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During their last class, Will was finishing up finals so he could leave his class feeling somewhat accomplished. The end of May was here, and that meant Summer Break was coming up. Which also meant when Will wasn't out swinging across the skies of the city he constantly protects, he would be sleeping in or spending time with friends and loved ones. Maybe even get to spend even more time with Gwen and get closer to her. But for now, his big priority was to wait for the clock to run down so that he could get out of school for his break to truly begin. With it only being about 1058 in the morning, he knew he was so close to getting out of class. He'd check the seat next to him to see Gwen glancing over at him with a gentle smile on her beautiful face. He turned away, slightly embarrassed and unsure of what to he wanted to say. But he did remember he made a promise with her recently to walk her home after school. Which of course made him pretty excited.

As Gwen saw the curly haired boy face away from her, she couldn't help but giggle upon seeing his reaction. He truly was pretty cute, but that reaction was beyond just simple cute. But then again, she was already in an extremely good mood. For several months now, the new Spider-Man had been cleaning up the streets of New York, stopping Fisk's Fists from taking people, and helping every citizen he could. Ever since Electro's defeat about two weeks ago, the city has felt a lot safer. Not only that, but Will had been talking to her consistently more. Sure maybe not as much lately, but at least he was doing something other than working a job. She knew that Will was helping his mom with her new bakery that was going to open soon. The fact that he was taking a day off from that relieved her. Her only hope now was that Will would hang out with her for more than just simple studying.

Soon enough, the clock struck 11 o clock, and the last bell rang, signalling that school was finished for the summer. Immediately, Will headed toward the door, hopping over his desk and sliding off it as if he was a professional stuntman. He didn't have to wait long for Gwen, he knew she wouldn't keep him waiting. "Finally...I think after this year we deserve a break from learning......" He mumbled while walking towards the door with Gwen right next to him.

Gwen giggled while walking with him, holding some books in her arms. "I couldn't agree more. It's been such a busy year, I felt like I was under so much pressure from it all...." She said while heading out the door. "I can only imagine how difficult it's been for you with.... everything that's happened the last several months......" She mumbled not wanting to say anything about his father's death, afraid that'd be too soon.

Will chuckled, completely understanding where she was coming from. "You can say my dad's death.....I know, and it would be much more difficult if I hadn't gotten the job for Mr. Parker and helped mom, I can't imagine what that'd do to be suffering the way she would without this help ..." He says simply while walking next to her. "Dad always tried to help mom with financial issues....when she was short he always tried to do what he could.....I saw it in some of the bills he paid off. He worked really hard to make sure Mom was at least in a potentially good living environment. Now I at least want to be sure she can help herself since she was always the type to h.oelp others." He added on while staring up at the cloudy skies.

Gwen stares at the curly haired boy beside her. He seemed lost in thought. She could tell that he's become far more mature, less angry, more calm, a little more confident and sure of himself, while maintaining his goofy, brave and reckless nature all in one. "You know you've....grown a lot since you started working with Mr. you're more vocal about things, more sure of yourself....I think that's amazing." She admitted to him with a soft blush on her cheeks.

The curly haired boy also blushed, but his blush was due to getting a compliment from her. He has to admit though, he thought Gwen was right. He had become far more responsible since he started being Spider-Man. Doing what he could to save people, spending time with his friends, making the time for them, and knowing when it's time to hold back on foes or not. Especially when it came to villains attacking the city or innocent people that were caught in the crossfire. "Yeah I guess I have huh?....I never did like backing down from injustice no matter how crazy it was.....but also... seeing that everyone is starting to feel more comfortable going out in the public, without fear of being mugged or arrested for no true reason, and others standing up to truly gives me hope." He says honestly while walking, seeming to be lost in thought.

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