Strange Feelings. Will's Next Discovery!

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As he was reaching his home, Will still couldn't believe that he met THE REAL Spider-Man of all people! He could legitimately flip out, but he wasn't going to....he figured he kept that part of his life a secret for a reason. He wanted to respect that reason for his sake, even if he was an asshole about him discovering that. Not that he could get too mad about it. After all, he did kind of invade someone else's privacy, even if he didn't mean to do so. He then looked at the front door about to enter as he always did. But before he even reached the front porch, his head started to have that weird ringing stopped him from entering through the front door all together. "What the.....?" He mumbled to himself feeling weirded out. "Well....time to just climb up there I guess...." He then ran to the window to his room, knowing full well he would need to use that tree next to it to get in his window. He lets out a sigh and jumps to climb the tree. However, what he wasn't expecting was that he was already where he'd need to be....with that one jump, he had reached the branch he needed. " I'm starting to freak out a little...." He said to himself, unsure of what to think now. After all, no one should be able to do that! He decided to worry about that a little later. At least until he got inside his room. He slowly creeped his way towards the window, trying to be very careful while opening it. Once he did so, he clicked in his room as quietly as he could.

Once he regained his bearings, he started to pace around his room, his brain unable to keep quiet due to how many questions started to race in his mind. How did he even jump as high as he did? Why would his head start to hurt at the weirdest times? How did he know that his father was on the other side of the door? Why was he able to run as fast as he could? And most importantly, how was he able to do what he was doing while fighting the gangs earlier? All of which he had no answers least not yet.

Meanwhile back downstairs, Christopher was waiting for the door to open. He was waiting for Will to come by trying to quietly sneak in as he would do when he was grounded. But no one came through the door. This was weird. He was usually home by now. He then got an alert on his phone to check his computer. When he went to check it out, he noticed it had a read on someone who was bitten by the spider he experimented on. This baffled the scientist as he had no idea who it would be. The data didn't show who it couldn't show him. Then it hit him....didn't Will bring up how the spider bit him earlier?....he had to run some tests to confirm this to be true. But how could he ask Will if he didn't know where he was? Will would never answer his texts after that fight they had. He then remembered something. He probably climbed up the window to go to his room again to avoid him. He was so sure that was what happened. Christopher then ran to climb up the stairs to find out if Will was home or not.

In his room, the curly haired troublemaker was still trying to figure out what was going on with him. This made absolutely no sense to him. He then looked at the door with cracks on it by his door. Could that....have been him too?....he had to run his own test to find out. With a slight amount of hesitation, Will walked up to his bed with an idea of his own. He then gently gripped onto the legs of his bed and lifted it all the way up casually. This was insane to him. Sure he'd be able to lift it half way up, but this....this felt like it weighed as much as a pencil. He then set his bed back down and backed away a little scared. "Well that just happened....could it be...?" He asked himself while looking at the back of his hand. That bite mark was now almost completely gone....that healed pretty fast for a bite mark as big as it was yesterday. He had one last test to run to see if his theory was right. He gulped ever so slightly as he walked to a nearby wall and stuck his hand against it. He then placed his other hand on it and slowly tried to climb it. After that, he put both his feet on them. Once he looked down at the ground, he had just realized that he was quite literally sticking to the wall like a spider could! He then jumped to another wall noticing the exact same results. After that, he jumped to the ground on his fingers and toes. Finally, he jumped up to the ceiling and stuck to that and crawled on it like a natural. "This is so beyond epic....." He whispered to himself. "I somehow got super powers.... No....... SPIDER powers....." After that, he heard someone knock on his door. His dad checking to see if he was home. Will jumped down from the ceiling trying to act as if nothing ever happened and dusted himself off. "Go away Christopher." He called back with an annoyed tone.

Christopher didn't listen to Will's request and opened the door. He looked much happier than he ever did to see him and ran up hugging him. "You're're alright. I was so worried that something happened to you my boy." He said with relief. He could tell that Will had found this to be.... unusual, but he didn't let him go yet. Once he did, he grabbed onto Will's shoulders and smiled. "I have an experiment I'm working on and I need your help on it. Would you like to help me with that after school on Tuesday?" He asked him.

Will couldn't believe what his father was asking. He never asked for help.....never wanted to spend time with him either. This must be something he could help with for sure. "Yeah uh sure. I'd love to! Tuesday works well for me!" He tells him with a little excitement in his voice, not even thinking about why he was even asking this.

Will's father smiled wider than before. "Perfect! Be ready by 5 pm Tuesday evening!" He says while leaving. "But tomorrow, you, me, Misty and Kenny will go on a picnic." He told him while leaving.

Will couldn't help but feel happy with this. He knew that this Monday was going to be a day off from school, so this was perfect for him! Finally, he could spend time with his whole family......well whole family within this household. After that, he got an idea of how to complete his web shooters. He started immediately and fixed all the wiring errors, so it'd work properly. At least that was his hopes for this experiment. After that, he worked on the shooting mechanics, hoping to have it have a decent variety for the actual web shooting. Such as a widespread web shot, web bullets, or the typical webs. However, he decided to cancel that. He could potentially figure out how to work it on his own without all of those mechanics. He just decided to stick with the widespread web for a potential mist. Who knows how that could be useful After all? He then made them able to complete the web shooter, making them look like a mechanical device able to stick to his wrists, and small trigger devices that subtly link to his hands so he could use them. He takes a deep breath, ready to test out his gadget. "Here we go......" He mumbled as he gets a soda can on an empty table for a target to practice with. When he was ready, he places his middle and ring fingers on the triggers and aimed at the can. It then shot out a thin white web out of the device and hit its target. His eyes widen in amazement as he yanked it toward him and catches the can. He then tries the other web shooter by shooting the web at a wall. He sees it stick to that wall and plucks it like a guitar string. They work.... they actually work! It was actually difficult for him to contain his excitement, but he was so proud of himself for this! Now was his final test......with his first trial completed, Will takes the web shooter on his right wrist off and places it next to the left one. The two slowly fused together through them being the same device and slowly morph into a watch. With that, his entire experiment actually was a complete success! The curly haired troublemaking boy couldn't help but jump up and down whooping to himself. Today was the absolute best and coolest day of his life. It started off weird but ended up being amazing for him. With that, he decided to go to bed. After a day like today, he felt like he could use a nice night of sleep.

(Editor's note: This chapter was kinda fun to write! I feel pretty good writing this. Hope you enjoy reading this! :3)

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