Fisk's Next Plan! Rise of The Spider Slayer!

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Across the city's late night sky, a scream of anger is heard from a familiar lab. The angry scream of Richard Fisk. "ANOTHER FAILURE! ANOTHER VILLAIN DEFEATED BY THAT NEW SPIDER-MAN!!!!!! I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANY LONGER!!!" He shouted, clearly enraged by Spider-Man's constant winning against every obstacle thrown his way. "We throw new villains at Spider-Man, and he wins. We throw the older ones villains and he wins! Now we power up an older villain AND HE STILL WINS!!!!!!" He continued on, clearly losing his patience.

Wilson grabbed hold of his son's shoulder, not wanting to lose him to his reptilian powers. "I know, and we cannot afford to let him win any longer. Not while we still have this city under our control......with him interfering.....this could ruin everything we've worked so hard to achieve.....if he's still alive......and we will be sure he's eliminated....." He assured his son, confident that he would be able to calm him down. He knew he had to keep him calm. Nobody wanted to risk him transforming into that monsterous  reptile abomination again.

The mayor's son was trying everything in his power to keep his composure so he didn't transform. However, each failure only angered and enraged him more, and he couldn't take it. "It's just so.....damn hard to believe that anymore when he's proven to be a bigger threat than ever before. He's continuous and rapid paces may I add?! Fisk's Fists are rapidly declining, crime is becoming more afraid to pop up, and people are starting to stand up against our rule!" He shouted out in irritation.

Wilson held onto his son as close as he could, doing everything in his power to comfort his angry, hurt and infected son.  It didn't matter what they tried to do to cure him. Richard Fisk was this unpredictable timebomb that could turn monster at any time. It couldn't be helped, but he surely wished it could. "I know.....I know that we haven't been able to stop him..... to destroy him....not yet....but we will.....we will destroy that wall crawling worm once and for all..."

"HOW?! WHAT CAN YOU POSSIBLY HAVE LEFT THAT WILL KILL HIM ONCE AND FOR ALL?!" Richard shouted, showing rage, desperation and hatred.

Wilson stood tall as he walked his son to another hidden elevator in the lab. As it slowly descended down, the two waited as patiently as possible. Richard had a somewhat difficult time waiting, but he knew that if his father was so patient, it was for a good reason. "I never thought I'd be using this again..... however, desperate times call for desperate measures......and his experience with the previous shall be exceptionally helpful for what we need him for....." Fisk stated, showing annoyance that it's come to this.

At long last, the elevator reaches its floor and opens up to reveal a small bunker. In it was a special containment unit, holding something inside of it. Richard saw a figure that appeared human, but something about it was.... different.,... not normal..... dangerous even. "What is this father? What are you showing me?" He finally asked, slightly calming down.

The mayor steps up to the containment unit and presses buttons for a code to unlock the large machine. "A final project I made many years destroy the original Spider-Man before he disappeared.....but he was able to defeat greatest creation.....the Ultimate Spider that was once human made machine.....Allistair
Smythe." Fisk stated, having finished punching in the code. As he did, the door to the containment unit hissed and slowly opened up. The two of them saw the man take his first step out of the metal contraption that had held him for so many years.

Allistair took his first whiff of fresh air in years, taking in some of the sights of the world he was now in. Upon seeing Fisk, blasters on his shoulders fired and hit the wall next to him and his rage consumed him. "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, YOU DARE TRY AND USE ME AGAIN?!" HE shouted, trying to kill the tyrannical mayor.

Fisk didn't have to move. "I dare, because we still have a common foe to dispose of....and the best way to do that is to work together....just like old times." Fisk said in a more serious tone, showing Allistair he wasn't going to back down. Despite him possibly staring death in the face, Fisk showed no fear.... because he knew that they both had a common enemy they wanted eliminated. Sure Fisk turned him into this ... thing all those years ago, but it was all because of Spider-Man....the original one.

As Wilson predicted, Smythe didn't attack the corrupt mayor. Instead, he stood tall by the man, ready to follow orders, even if he wanted nothing else to do with him. But he was more than ready to follow orders, to destroy the web head once and for all. "Very well....I suppose it's time to eliminate Spider-Man?" He asked with a cold stare.

Fisk nods his head while holding his cane in his hands. "You are correct....and at the same time you are incorrect...." He started off slowly. "What you are fighting is not the Spider-Man you know...not the original one." He explained in so little detail that he could tell Allistair was confused. So Wilson showed the cyborg videos of the new Spider-Man, swinging across New York. "This is the one I'm talking about....this one is worse than the old one, as well as his allies from over twenty years ago." He explained to Smythe.

The cyborg stared at how the newer hero moved. His grace, his agility, his nimbility, and precision. It was all better than the original's. He seemed... faster, stronger, more capable.... however, this wasn't going to stop him. "I'll have him destroyed in no time." He states to Fisk without a shred of doubt.

Fisk slammed the tip of his cane on the ground, the echoes of the sound echoing from the loud sudden noise. "You best be sure that happens.... because if you fail me, I shall see to it you are employed under me until I get the results I desire." He threatened with a cold tone of voice.

Richard watched as Allistair walked away, but stepped in front of him before he left. "I want you to bring me as least his mask..... and at most his whole head......I want to display it in my person trophy room." He ordered Smythe, who responded with a nod before leaving everyone behind.

Wilson stared on to see Smythe leave the room, going up the elevator. He stayed in the deep underground lab with his son, gathering his thoughts and visualizing his future without that wall crawling pain in his ass constantly interfering with future plans. After reviewing each of his failures, and learning about how this web head fights,  he was confident that this time.....he was going to stomp this bug out once and for all. "Soon.... there will be no one left.... to stop us...." He growled out with a smirk, an evil laugh escaping his lips that echo throughout the entire lab.

(Editor's note: short chapter to do a small villain reveal. But totally worth it. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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