Trying To Balance The Double Life!

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The entire weekend had passed since Will last fought against the Sandman. Ever since then, he truly felt sore due to his intense attacks. But he, along with Peter knew that they had to stop him. Especially if he worked for Mayor Fisk. It was all a matter of where to find him next, and why he was doing this? Was he for hire to destroy Will as well? Was Fisk trying to use him to rob places for his bottomless collection? They had to know why, especially Will. "Any word yet?" He asked over his communicator.

Peter sighed as he typed in his computer for any data on Sandman's attacks recently. "Still nothing since Friday. Whatever he's after now, he must be waiting by orders of someone else. My guess is Fisk." Peter told him while pondering over various theories.

Thankfully for Will, school was out for spring break. So he had plenty of time to try and stop Sandman. But he had to hurry, because he still had a promise to keep to Gwen. While he knew he had one more day he could make the promise he made a reality, it was still increasingly difficult. The thought of how to do this was rather depressing and honestly distracted Will. "Well at least it's 11 o'clock. I got up at 9 am to be ready in case. Probably for the best....." He said while swinging. He then landed safely on the building ahead of him, perching on the ledge delicately.

Peter could tell something was rather off about Will today. Usually he was at least a little more excited about finding a villain or some other sort of crime to stop. Today, he could tell just how distracted his protege was, and it concerned him. "You okay? You seem a little off today. You're not feeling sick are you?" He asked trying to show some concern for the new web slinger.

Will sighed softly, knowing he couldn't hide anything from his mentor. After what they had been through together so far, they seemed to know so much about one another. "It's did you do it Peter? How did you balance the life of a superhero and your every day life? Keep a life of normalcy with a family and friends.....while also fighting criminals together?" He asked Peter, hoping to get even some sort of answer.

Peter was rather surprised by his question. He then looked down at the ground remembering those times. "Sometimes I had to sacrifice that for the sake of responsibility of being Spider-Man. Sometimes girls understood that, others..... didn't." Peter answered trying to figure out how to answer for him. "The cost of being that more times often than not lose those you care about because of the costume you wear."

Will looked down at the city as he listened to Peter's answer. He may not have liked it much, but he understood that for Peter, that was the sad reality. "I was afraid of that answer....." He admitted as he looked at his hands.

Peter heard what he said and feared the worst. Did he regret the decision he made? Did he want to stop being Spider-Man after hearing this? While he didn't want that, he would understand. On one hand, Will was right about the city needing Spider-Man. But on the other hand, he was still just a high school student. He should be allowed to have fun and enjoy his life. "Will I-"

"Well I'm not going to let that happen this time." Will cut him off, stunning Peter. Will felt a sense of pride and determination in what he was saying. "I truly believe that there is a perfect balance to every day life and heroics. I'm gonna find it...." He then said while standing up. After having said that, he smiled under his mask. "And I think I've already figured out how to do that." He said, soon jumping off the ledge of the building he perched on and swung away.

Meanwhile, somewhere just outside of Queens, Flint was starting to form, having finished his recent job. In his hands was a large sum of cash, being ready to run and find a place to hide before the cops showed up. For some reason, he seemed to be trying to hide his powers more than before. "I just have to get there, and I'm done." He whispered to himself while carrying a backpack with the money.

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