Rescue Mission! Spider-Man Vs. The Fisks Part 1!

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Upstairs, Wilson Fisk, Richard Fisk and Heinguard all were waiting around the desk seeing the screen to hopefully see the imposter "Spider-Man" was dead. However, what they saw instead were a large number of Fisk's Fists defeated in a multitude of ways. Punched/kicked out, webbed to walls and ceilings, and piled on top of each other or under boxes. Wilson stared at his screen with shock, confusion, rage and overall hatred. He grabbed his phone to call his other Fisk's Fists men. "You said that this would be taken care of! That it would not be a problem! However, based on what I've seen on scree, he is more than a minor problem!" He shouted out almost crushing his phone. "Well deal with it, and deal with it quickly." He growled out in frustration. "It's bad enough we started to fall behind schedule in a matter of an hour because of this buffoon, but now this child is causing our men this much trouble?!" He grumbled out.

Heinguard grabbed onto his shoulder to hopefully relax his employer. He knew how angry he was and knew why he was frustrated. "It seems that the weaker soldiers are unable to take this false Spider-Man down. If need be, my men can kill him for you. He is an amateur for us." he said sounding confident in his men and their abilities.

Wilson takes a deep breath, still showing more frustration more. "I am starting to worry more that this fake Spider-Man could be either the REAL Spider-Man, or a new Spider-Man that is after me and will stop at nothing until my plans are thwarted!" He shouts out with slight concern and slight anger in his voice. "We may have to send your elite men after this target. We don't know what he's capable of yet and I do not want to risk it being him." He said while waiting patiently.

Richard saw and heard the concern in his father's actions and voice. It almost made him as concerned. "If only we had the sinister six to stop him somehow. There's no way he'd be able to beat them in either scenario." He says aloud. "Although I doubt he'll make it past the elite men in Fisk's Fists. No matter who he is, they'll tear him apart."

Meanwhile, down the hallway, Will was still running down the endless hallway to find what he was looking for. He knew what he was looking for, but not how they were going to be keeping it as hidden as they claim it will be. Not unless it was hidden underneath the floors of the top floor. It wouldn't surprise him if that was the case. He had seen enough superhero movies where that was the case. Though he didn't have much time to think about that as he heard something from the intercoms. A priority alert to find Spider-Man and eliminate him. "Just for me? Aww I'm touched. Here I thought they all hated me." He slightly joked as he looked up. "I'm not wanting to face them just yet. Not until I've found Gwen." He jumped up and stuck to the ceiling wall crawling along it casually. He felt like he had done this for years. Though he felt his swinging was slightly clumsy earlier, he had to make do with what he was doing for now and figure out how he was doing it much later. He saw some elite soldiers still staying in a room labeled "cells for trainiees" and slowly yet clumsily swung his way over and back on the ceiling. "Time's like this I wish I gained the spider's ability to camouflage or something. Be really handy about now..." He mumbled to himself as he saw the group of soldiers grabbing some of the people trapped. One of which was holding Gwen. One of the same guys that held him down while he forced Will to watch his own father die. 'Okay.....just be patient for now'll know when to attack...' he thought to himself trying to not let his anger get to him.

The soldier grabbed Gwen by her cuffs and pinned her to a wall. "So girlie..... what's your reason for bein around a law breaking delinquent like that Richardson brat?" He asked her.

The strawberry blonde showed very little fear in her eyes as she looked him dead in the eyes. "He's someone I respect! He is a good man! A good man that knows something about you guys that you're trying to hide! One way or another, he WILL expose you and you'll pay for it." She declared to him.

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