A Conclusive Reason! Closure For A Villain!

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Somewhere in Time Square, Gwen was waiting for Will, who was so far 5 minutes late. Though not a big deal, she had also expected him to flake on her. She wasn't going to just leave on him though. She was going to see if he came through, or if she'd be disappointed. She decided she'd wait till about......545 at latest. He deserved that much. She did see Will about a minute later and was rather surprised. "Here I thought you weren't going to show up. You really are full of surpr-" She paused as she dropped her purse. When she saw Will, he was bruised on his face, arms and scraped up on his legs. A few on his face as well. "Oh my God what happened to you?!" She asked, her personality changing from sarcastic to concerned. Her anger had disappeared after seeing the shape he was in.

"I got into a little fight with some stupid thugs. Fisk's Fists almost grabbed me but I was just able to get away. It's really no big deal." He answered her with a soft laugh at the end. Though if he was being honest with himself, he was sore as hell. That fight with Sandman was ridiculous this time. But he couldn't tell Gwen that, unless he revealed his secret identity. Something he couldn't afford to do, it'd risk him losing the remains of his family. He felt Gwen pat him down to check for anything broken. Lucky for Will, nothing was, though he had a rather difficult time hiding just how sore he truly felt.

Gwen hugged onto Will suddenly, feeling a sense of relief that he wasn't seriously hurt. "Thank God....if anything had happened to you after our last talk I.....I would....." She struggled to say, but she knew she'd never forgive herself for it.

Will gently pushed her off, gently holding her shoulders. "Hey....I'm okay. I promise. But......maybe we can hang out again on Wednesday? Just us two? We still can now but I wanted to at least throw out the offer to you. I know I was really late this time so...."

"Don't worry about this time......after this today, I will gladly accept another chance to show me how much I mean to you....." She said gently. Though there was something else that she wanted to say, she couldn't say it. At least not yet. There was this last experiment she had to try. So far this experiment went in a much more different direction than she had anticipated. Though she was glad it did. "Until then, I want to take you somewhere. A walk through central park." She said as she suddenly takes his hand and walks ahead.

Along the way, Will smiled when she was being as forgiving as she was. But he expected her to be...a little angrier. But he was going to take this as a personal victory. But most of the time, he couldn't get the thoughts of Sandman out of his mind. He was distracted by them while trying to think about his time with Gwen.

Gwen even noticed something was wrong. She was a little concerned about him since he had been bruised and beat up. "Is something wrong?" She asked as she took his hand with concern.

Will glanced at her before nodding. "I just.... have something on my mind.....my boss, Mr. Parker was giving me a question for science to answer and....I just need to figure it out." He answered giving her at least some form of the truth. Though he couldn't tell her the whole truth about what it was, he at least knew how to get at least a answer. Maybe it could help him somehow. He then noticed Gwen wanting to help him with it, just by a look in her eyes. "Well....it's just about Sand.....it's molecular density, it's structure and potential stability. I'm stuck on understanding it fully." He answered her.

Gwen took a little time to try and figure out how to answer his predicament. But once she got her notes from her purse, she started to write some formulas down. "Okay so.... imagine this pile of sand as a bag of potatoes. It's density can vary depending on the size of the bag. The heavier the potato as well as the more potatoes, the more dense it can become." She answered trying to simplify it for him.

Will nodded his head when she gave him an answer to one part of his question/predicament. Though the other two were a bit of a problem. "Okay that part makes sense to me. Though my biggest question is, what about stability and structure." He admitted to her with some embarrassment.

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