Battle Of Two Poisons! Spider-Man vs The Scorpion

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Two whole days since Terrainia was defeated, and Will still felt as if that was yesterday. Thankfully he had survived the four month mark since he became Spider-Man. It was sometimes getting tougher and tougher to fight some of the villains he was, but it would soon be worth it he was sure. But as he was going through with his patrol, swinging through the city, his cell phone started to ring. Thankfully he was able to connect his phone to his mask. He then put Peter on a separate coms so a person on the other line didn't hear anything Peter would say. That way he would hear what both had to say. He could see that it was Gwen calling him, and immediately answered it. "Oh! Hi Gwen!" Will said cheerfully while swinging. Though he also said it just so Peter could understand that he was talking to Gwen on the other line, knowing he'd understand.

"Hey, sorry I haven't been talking to you much the last two days or so......" She started off sounding irritated already. "I've been..... keeping a little quiet so I don't say something wrong."

Will landed on a nearby building while he observed the area he was in. "Oh yeah I understand. Did you want to talk about it at all?" He offered while trying to find any trace of criminal activity. Though for some reason, it was a little slow today. Something he didn't mind too much of, but it didn't make it any less strange.

Gwen huffed heavily while trying to figure out how to word it. "Just.....ever since mom's come back she's been trying to get so close to me....even though she was barely ever here to begin with. Like now you decide to be a parent?" She vented to the curly haired boy.

All the superhero could do was listen to her talk. But he did know what she was going through currently. Her relationship with her mom was similar to the one he had with his dad before he was killed. It truly changed his perspective of how he saw that man. It was his death that encouraged him to become the hero he is trying to become every day and every night. Now he could see that same kind of anger and hatred in Gwen toward her own mother. He could see Gwendolyn was at least trying to show she cared. "You know, your mom is trying to show she cared, even if it's difficult for her to in a traditional sense like you and your father." He said trying to think rationally on the matter.

Gwen simply groaned softly at the thought. "You're sounding just like dad. He says the exact same thing, trying to defend him every time I talk to him." She complained while laying on her own bed.

Just as Will was trying to speak, and Gwen was talking about how her mother was never home, Peter started talking in his ear. "Will, there's something going on in the middle of Time Square. I think another supervillain attack. Better go check it out." He told him calmly.

Thankfully, Will was able to understand the situation and knew how to answer both of them with the same answer. "I understand." He stated simply.

Gwen then growled at his answer, feeling he wasn't taking it very seriously. Though it didn't help that she was thinking with her anger rather than her rationality. "No you don't understand! You don't have a clue how I'm feeling and you never could!" She shouts enraged at the boy on the phone. But then it hit occured to her who she was talking to......and how this boy actually did understand. His father was the same way until he died.... and he felt that same way she is with her mom...anger.... hatred..... disappointment.....she felt horrible for having said that to Will. There was about ten seconds of pure silence after what she had saud"W-Will....I-I-"

"I shouldn't have said's not my business....." Will said with a little bit of guilt in his voice. He could hear Gwen about to say something, but couldn't listen for long. He had a crazy villain to fight. "Sorry Gwen, I gotta get back to work. Mr. Parker needs me." He said before hanging up.

"Will wait-!" But before she could get his attention, he hung up. Though he couldn't blame her after what she just said. She was about to try and call him back, even had the button up to call him......but she stopped herself, putting her phone on sleep mode, and hugging her knees to her chest. The guilt of her hurting someone she really cared about....truly weighed more than she'd like to admit.

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