An Intense Battle! Second Warm Up!

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It was the next day, and Will was swinging through the city skies after school to search for Core. "Any word yet?" Will asked Peter over the coms link.

Peter was searching on his computer for any specific heat signatures to find any trace of the titan like villain. "Negative. Nothing recent at least. So he must have an idea of your patterns for when you're out swinging to search for crime." Peter guessed as he typed in everything he could to help his protege find any trace of unusual heat signatures. "Look, I know how frustrated you are with fighting Core the first time. But now you have a better understanding of what he'll be like next time. Be more prepared for the next fight. Until then, I just need to work on something else to be sure you're extra ready." He told Will reassuringly.

Thankfully, what Peter told him was helping greatly. Especially if it meant he could have a rematch against Core, one where he'd get more information to fight him. But helping with upgrades? That was something he would need to do himself. Two things he would work on for himself. "Mr. Parker... with all do respect, send me the schematics of whatever you've got in mind for me and I'll upgrade em. They're my web shooters. I'll do the actual upgrading." He said with confidence in his abilities.

Peter was rather amazed by what Will had said. Not really surprised that he offered, he was a very hard working young man. But that he already had plans for future designs in mind. Whatever he had planned for one of his designs, Peter was sure he wouldn't disappoint. "Alright. Once I've finished with the blueprints for them I'll send them to you right away." Peter told him after getting over his least most of it. Soon, a blip appeared on his computer screen, showing a map of New York. "There's a heat signature in Manhattan. Could be our target. Might want to go check it out." The retired hero informed Will, seeing the screen show Will's perspective.

The superhero immediately headed East to get to Manhattan, knowing exactly where to go to find their foe. "On my way now!" He told Peter sounding fairly excited to fight against this foe. However, he soon heard static in his transmitter in his mask and wondered who was interfering.

"Kid, wherever you are, you may want to get here soon! Things are seriously out of hand over here!" A familiar woman called out in a panic.

Parker immediately recognized who was communicating with them. "Gwen? What's happening? Is it Core?" He asked with concern in his voice. Normally she could handle the threats that were in her direction. She was very smart and knew how to use her skills effectively. However, she seemed desperate and in need of backup. Especially since she didn't respond afterwards. "Will, get over there as fast as you can! Be on your guard at all costs." He told Will who swung faster for Peter's sake.

Upon arrival, he could see Gwendolyn swinging away from a fireball that almost hit her. Something about it was off....this wasn't like Core's attacks. Less rock....more magma though...... something was definitely off. So with quick thinking, the web head fired a web net and trapped the fireball inside, letting his webs melt in the flames to put it out. "Okay guys, it's already pretty hot out here, we don't need any more heat!" He quipped while looking for the source of the flames.

When Will saw what the cause was, he could see a new villain standing near him. One made of fire with a suit on his body. It was Blaze, showing off his flames in the palms of both hands. "Didn't realize this city has such a spider infestation problem. Don't worry. I'll be sure to take care of that no problem!" He said in a twisted manner as he blasted the two with fire like that of a flamethrower.

Instead of dodging however, the quick witted superhero was able to make a web shield just in time to protect himself. While the shield wouldn't last forever, it was just enough to be sure he didn't get hurt. Immediately, he could tell this guy was going to be trouble in a battle of long range combat. However, hand to hand wasn't going to be as big of a deal for him. He didn't seem like he was very capable of fighting in close quarters. But getting close was the big concern. Sure he'd figure something out, but it'd be a struggle for him was for certain. "Didn't realize the fire department was so busy they forgot to put this thing out!" He quipped while webbing a nearby, using it to splash some water in his direction. Upon contact, it seemed to do the trick. So with that distraction, the hero swung in landing a kick to his abdomen. He then punched his face and body as much as possible to try and tire him out. Though it didn't take long before his body began to hear up again. With his spider sense blaring, the young man dove out of the way and attempted to swing away. However, his webs weren't firing like they should. In fact, his wrists started to hurt, like they were on fire! A pain he could barely stand as is! Though he knew what this meant.... his web shooters had overheated! Or at least the left one did ......his right was still functioning just fine. Thankfully for him, he was able to web himself to a nearby wall and clung to it to think of a new plan.

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