A Final Battle! Crumble Of Sandman's Memory!

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3:30 pm on Wednesday. The day Will was to meet with Gwen, and the day he theorized that Sandman was to make another attack. Though he had no evidence to support his claim, he had thought there was a possibility he'd make a return to attack him. Perhaps to start some unfinished business. Such as the final battle for them. He didn't quite know what it was yet, and he also didn't care. He just had to stop him, figure out why he was returning suddenly. Or if he was out in the city for even longer than they knew? Today was the day he'd find out. That is, if he was right about this theory of his. Will waited patiently, perched on a nearby stand rooftop as he noticed Peter talking in his ear, asking if Will was so sure that this is where he was going to be. "There's a small chance I'm wrong, but he'll be searching for me first, so if he hears about where I am then yeah he'll be here soon." He told Peter as he waited a little longer. The wind gently let some sand flow in the air, the water started to flow delicately, and people all playing around the beach. Not long after that, Will could soon feel his spider sense blaring, the ground shaking about ten seconds afterwards. He knew then and there, that Flint was here somewhere.

The sand villain soon roared out loud as he burst from the ground in a massive blob of sand. However, instead of attacking Will immediately, he waited patiently for people to leave. Once people have evacuated the beach, he glared at Will with a smirk. "There you are wall crawler....now...I'm ready for you." He told Will as he molds his fist into a giant mace. He first went to strike Will, missing him and crashing into the ground. "You're definitely different from the old one. Can't wait to crush you once and for all!" He boasted as he attempted to attack him.

As he dodged attacks, Will watched his sandy for as he attacked, and gathered sand for himself. He definitely showed to be more attentive, more powerful and more dedicated to the fight. He first fired some webs at Flint at his face, kicking into his chest. While he was stuck, it was all apart of his plan. Will fired his water webs into his face and bottom half. It was enough for him to rip himself free and kick his bottom half apart. "Sorry Sandy, but I have to say, fall seasons over! So to help you out, I'll have to spring into action!" He quipped as he jumped high in the air, slamming his fist into his muddy face. He repeatedly hit Sandman in the face, feeling more human skin than sand for some reason.

However, before the curly haired boy could ask about why this was happening, Flint created a sandy fist into Will, sending him flying a small ways away before being grabbed in the air and slammed into the ground. "Time for to get squashed this time web for brains! That is unless you want to bring the real Spider-Man here to settle the score!" He taunted Will with an evil smile.

However, the rookie hero kicked the arm off him and then kicked his stomach, punched his chest and soon landed several combos against the brute. "I AM the real Spider-Man now." He said boldly as he fired his impact webs with water in them. But he quickly realized the problem he was running into. Will had a slight limitation to his webs, should he risk his web shooters overheating. Meanwhile, Sandman had a limitless amount of sand because of the battlefield. However, he couldn't risk takin the fight to the city and others getting seriously hurt or worse. So he was being very careful on how often to use his webs, and focused a little more on his focused attacks against Sandman.

As Sandman took attack after attack, he tried to land hits himself. However, he felt a little more pain than he could absorb. But he was slowly becoming more and more impressed by this Spider-Man's attacks. He held back considerably less compared to the original one, he was faster, and was honestly more like a fighter with skills. He was starting to respect this Spider-Man based on how tough and stubborn he was. Not to mention that he was more of a fighter in terms of his technique and use of abilities. "Not bad webs, but you ain't gonna beat me with skills like that!" He shouted to him before noticing that he was once again, getting knocked over thanks to him getting tripped up again. After that, Sandman felt the hero's foot slam into his stomach downward, him coughing rather loudly.

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