Fisk Knows The Truth! Will's Turning Point!

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At the Mayor's office, Wilson and Richard Fisk, along with Heinguard we're discussing what their next steps were to be. They saw the file of Christopher Richardson that was slightly ripped up. "You're saying that this man had children, and that one of them saw what you did?" Wilson asked his elite task force soldier.

Heinguard bowed showing his respect for his boss. "Yes sir. I'm sure that it wasn't a wise choice to you, however I believe it will be a perfect example to him. It may show him to never do anything that's against you ever again." He told his employer with confidence.

Richard simply tapped his father's desk with annoyance. "You will. What if it doesn't?" He asked the elite soldier who didn't have an answer for him. "If that's the case, then he could easily rally up people to disobey us like he was!" He shouted to him.

Heinguard looked at the son of the mayor and understood where his thoughts were. "I suppose you make a good point sir. My most humble of apologies. Do you have any suggestions of what I should do next Mr. Fisk?" He asked hoping to make up for his mistake.

Fisk cupped his hands together with a look to decide in what to do. "Take him out. Anywhere that's hidden. If anyone else gets involved, eliminate them to. We cannot afford to let anyone getting in the way. Especially if he's going to talk about what actually happened. They will all come for us in no time." Wilson ordered Heinguard having planned out every detail.

The super soldier saluted Wilson saying he'd take care of it without fail. He then walked out of the office and headed to his elite soldiers to get them ready. They all took one of the elite vehicles and drove off to find the curly haired boy before anything could happen.

Meanwhile, down an empty street, Will was walking frustrated that no one was standing up to Fisk... especially not Spider-Man himself. What even was the point of him going to him at all? Sure he was able to figure out what Fisk was doing, but now he's going to the police like they'd be able to help at all against THE KINGPIN OF CRIME. Someone Spider-Man has defeated more than once he may add! On the way to the police station however, Will felt his.... tingling feeling in his head and turned around. Whatever was coming toward him, he knew that it wasn't good. He dove out of the way just in time and rolled across the empty street. He immediately recognized the truck that almost hit him. " they know I know?" He asked himself as he ran toward the vehicle. However, before any of them could hit him, the curly haired boy slid underneath him and ran past the vehicle. He was able to gain a small advantage over them given how he surprised them slightly. But gunshots were still whizzing by him.

Heinguard watched his target run away and went to chase after him. "Richardson! You aren't going to tell the cops anything!" He shouted out to Will coldly.

The troublemaking boy panted hiding behind a dumpster and thought it over. "it's over you Captain America reject! I know you're big bad plans and you're not getting away with anything!" He shouted feeling as if he had nothing to lose here. "Your mayor isn't going to get what he wants today...or ever for that matter!" He shouted out again unaware that he was missing something.

Meanwhile, Heinguard had noticed the disc that was in Will's pockets earlier. He examined it a little and could tell that this would be evidence against his employer's plans. "Well now that I know this much, your help won't ever come. That, and you won't be anything more than a distant memory brat!" He called out to Will who was now aware of what he was missing.

'Shit.. how'd I miss that?' he asked planning on going to get the disc back by any means necessary. However, he saw Gwen down the street. She would be in the line of fire. He immediately jumped toward her and dove to protect her. Luckily the bullets grazed past him with his reflexes. "Gwen! You alright?" He asked keeping his arms wrapped around her waist.

Gwen could only yelp when she was tackled to the ground. But when she saw why he did so, she understood and nodded. "Yeah. They didn't hit me." She told him as she ran down an alleyway with Will behind her. He knocked some trash over to slow them down which seemed to work. "That won't stop them for long!" She called out to Will.

The curly haired troublemaker reangled some trash around them and ran with her. "But it's enough for a few extra seconds at a time!" He told her as he went to a bridge nearby. "Gwen, you get moving for now. Go without me." He told her with a serious look on his face.

The strawberry blonde looked at him with disbelief. "I can't leave you alone with those guys! I can help you! You've got to let me help you!" She begged Will desperately.

Will could only shake his head in response. "No. They're after me. If you stay with me, you could die. I won't let that happen to you too. I'm not losing anyone else ever again." He told her, handing her a keychain he had with his name on it. "I promise you that I'll be just fine." He assured her.

The smart girl hesitated for a few minutes. But she knew that Will must've had a plan in mind for him to do this alone. She took the keychain and nodded. "You better come back to me alive you idiot..." She told him while handing him a hairpin. "Return that to me when you've come back. Promise me that... " She slightly demanded Will who nodded in agreement. She then ran off as fast as she could. Meanwhile, Will ran in the opposite direction of where Gwen went and toward the bridge. All of the Fisk's Fists Elite Soldiers chased him down and shot at him. However, Will was able to jump down and use a light post to slide down. After that, he went down some stairs to go underground.

Heinguard took out a rocket launcher knowing that almost every subway station was closed and shot it. The rocket made contact and exploded, but there was no way to know if he was hit or not. "He had to have been hit by that. No way he survived that. That should do it." He stated calmly, knowing the people wouldn't be able to blame him for this. "Get that girl next. She could be a valuable ally to us." They soon chased her down next.... while Gwen stayed hidden with tears down her cheeks...Will....what was his fate...?

Back down at where the explosion had happened, the curly haired boy stepped out covered in dust mostly on his clothes. He had used his agility to dodge the missile and most of the explosion. He even was able to rescue some people that were nearby. Will then grit his teeth in anger. The most anger he had ever felt in his life. These scumbags didn't care who they hurt.....well no more. He wasn't going to let these bastards get away with this any longer! He ran down the street and down alleyways to not get spotted. He knew what he had to do now...and no one was going to stop him! 

(Editor's note: this chapter was pretty scary but needed to written to show just how corrupt these people are! Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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