The Costs of Responsibility!

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Time: 12:59 am. Weather: heavy rain. Will ran down the street as fast as he possibly could to the place he'd promise to meet Melony. He wore a shirt similar to what he wore when he first met her, trying desperately to get to her. He may have been getting soaking wet, but to him, it didn't matter. He had to hurry and get there. Maybe she'd still be there! When he reached the meeting spot, the curly haired boy panted desperately to catch his breath from how fast and how long he had been running. He waited for a minute before having a realization. He was late again...too late to meet her. In sheer frustration, he punched the light pole above him, hating himself for being so late. Not to mention she may hate him too, so he walked away, disappointed in himself.

However, before he could get very far, he could hear the sound of footsteps running towards him. The moment he turned around, he could see who it was, running towards him. It was Melony Amor, looking so worried that she was running late to get to him. When she saw Will was still there, she couldn't help but smile with tears threatening to spill out. Will smiled in the same way, opening up his arms for her as he embraced her close to him. It wasn't long before she stared into his hazel eyes and soon kissed his lips, to which Will kissed back. His first kiss with a girl...and it felt great. What felt even better was her running her fingers through his curly hair.

For Melony, the kiss was pretty amazing herself. This was her first kiss too. For some reason, she never got that close to the guys she talked to on the streets. Something about Will was different though. Whether it was his kind heart or his strong exterior, She couldn't help but feel this need to be around him. Maybe it was because she thought he's abandon her, thinking he was being stood up. She couldn't explain herself. But right now, in this moment she didn't care. She felt safe now. Especially since she was now in his arm, embracing the male in front of her. She then pulled her lips away from his and smiled a smile, showing the relief in her eyes. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I just- I had a lot to do and I was getting so late and-"

"Don't ....I was running late too it's okay. I was just so worried I let you down." Will interrupted as he tried to relax her. "I was so mad at myself because I thought that I let you down by not showing up on time and was about to leave because I thought you hated me." He explained further as he looked at her. He realized he was only a little shorter than him. Her head was up to his chin, and her eyes were still that beautiful green that he couldn't help but stare into.

While for Melony, she looked up at him to see his facial features. They were so beautiful to look at in her eyes. Not to mention that his eyes were a lovely hazel. Usually she liked guys with blue eyes, but there was something special about his brown ones. Perhaps it was that they were for her? She knew what it was. It was that it showed his kind, gentle yet strong personality. She gently touched his face into her hand cupping one side if it. "I'm so glad I made it before you left....if I didn't get the chance to, I'd never forgive myself......" She said to him softly.

Will then realized something was wrong and gave her an extra shirt he had to cover her from the rain. But she declined it, showing him she was just fine getting wet. The rain didn't bother her at all. "If you need a shirt just let me know okay?" He then offered trying to show he was worried about her.

Melony couldn't help but smile at his generosity. "It's hard to find gentlemen like you nowadays....they all seemed to die off after Fisk became Mayor....." She said softly practically cuddling with him. If she was being honest with herself, this was strange to her. The feeling of comfort...of wanting to be so close to someone. Most of the guys she would be around, she would be fine if they didn't come back. But Will? For some reason she wanted to constantly come back to him. But she started to realize what it was about him that was so he was so strong and powerful, yet this sense of gentleness, compassion and desire to make sure he was able to help someone else.....specifically how he wants to make people smile. She could tell that she felt better about everything around herself. Sure she didn't have a family still, but in the end, she felt.....somewhat at peace with herself. At the very least, the weight of those negative feelings felt as if they were off her shoulders.

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