Brando's Hatred Part 3: Rise Of The Machine Man!

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As Brando dashed toward the corrupt mayor, the reptilian humanoid male bared his fangs and claws out at the mechanized threat headed this way to settle things once and for all. However, no amount of strength the beast had was going to stop him from fighting him Especially since he knew that this thing was Fisk's own son, this made fighting him so much easier. Ordinarily, he'd hate the idea of fighting like this, or attacking innocent people in the way. However, he also knew better. He knew that Richard was no better than his father. One day he would be just like him, hurting innocent people for no reason, or worse than him. So in his mind, he was doing everyone a favor by doing this. "I'LL TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU! JUST LIKE YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME! THERE'S NOTHING THAT CAN STOP ME FROM KILLING YOU!" He screamed out, preparing a cannon from his arm and blasts Fisk, who was just narrowly able to evade his killer.

As Richard was slashing at Brando, and Brando trying to get this abomination off him, the web head swung in through the hole, kicking them both away from Fisk. "Uhhh sorry, I know it's kinda rude to just pop in through random holes in the wall but, I wasn't exactly sure the proper etiquette to entering situations like this." He quipped before staring down the reptilian man. "Dude, either you need some major lotion, or you've been playing with too much Sawdust. So what's your name scaley?" He joked towards Richard.

The son of the mayor slammed into Will, showing his speed was already greater than most. In fact, as far as Will could tell, they were as fast as a cobra snakes! Even Richard could feel it in him. This sudden burst of energy, this strength, the power. He felt beyond human. More than just some ordinary reptile, since he could feel himself having multiple reptiles abilities at once. "Reptile King will do." He said, his long creepy tongue slithering out as he prepared to slash at the web slinger.

However, before the now named "Reptile King" could slice his guts out, the rookie hero kicked his arms, shoving him off with his own strength. But that wasn't all he did to help. When Brando blasted him off with a much more powerful proton cannon, Will stuck to the nearby wall. "I not only have a reptile dude trying to murder me, but now I also have you to help escape on top of that.....and here I thought this was gonna be easy...." He grumbled as he webbed the reptilian being by it's tail and yanked him into another wall.

Brando flew ahead toward Will. However, instead of attacking him, he stopped dead in his tracks. "Spider-Man, we need to take Fisk down now! We kill his son, we take everything from him!" He told the web slinger in confidence.

Will's eyes widen when he heard who this "Reptile King " truly was. For a brief moment, he started to question how he turned into this..... abomination of a creature. But then it clicked. The first day he was Spider-Man.....he threw a vat at him.......the same vat that he shot and the Mutegene got on his skin. While he knew that Reptile King exists now because of him, he also knew Richard was far too careless, and shot it blindly. Though he still felt a need to stop him, he still refused to kill his enemy..... "Brando you have to listen. Killing them isn't going to restore your body to normal ......" He told him while getting tackled by the beast itself.

Reptile King glared at the web head, his fangs attempting to bite into him. However, he seemed to be holding the beast back with his own strength. The fanged monster kept on trying however, his desire to kill Spider-Man stronger than ever. "You did this to me you webbed Bastard! For that I'll make you pay with your own creation!" He shouted in aggravation.

Will took the opportunity to land a knee at his stomach, just managing to wiggle free and crawl along his body. "I see that the serum didn't make your breath any better. In fact it smells a lot worse now!" He quipped while webbing his tail to the ground. After that, he webbed his other limbs to the ground and walls around them. It wouldn't last long, he knew. But it was long enough for him to land some solid attacks. So knowing he was strong enough to take the hits, using every ounce of his strength, he continuously punched and kicked him in various spots, using a variety of combinations to weaken parts of his body. He even noticed his skin was tougher. Sure he was hurting this thing, but it still wasn't quite enough. "Dude are you like....part alligator and crocodile too or something????" He quipped as he continued his attacks.

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