Mr Sandman! Bring Will A Nightmare!

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A few days had past since Will arrested Black Cat, and spring break was on the horizon. Which meant for him, less school, and more time to relax. But more importantly, more time to be Spider-Man and stop Fisk more. All he had to do was get through his last classes. However, he knew one thing he had to do was talk to Gwen. He knew she was still mad at him for not being able to hang out with her, but he had to try and talk to her. He knew if anyone could make his day better, she could. Once the bell rang, he saw her head out and chased after her. "Gwen! Wait!" He called out trying to catch up to her. Thankfully she stopped for him and he was able to catch his breath. "look....I know you're still angry with me and you have every right to be, but-"

"Great, glad we sorted that out." Gwen cut him off about to leave again. She couldn't risk him flaking on her again and tried to get away from him. However,  Will stopped her just in time to make sure she stayed.

"Please...just give me a chance to try and make it up to you...Monday at 5 pm. We'll spend the whole night together just you and me." He said desperately. "And if I fail then, the next day same time. I swear to you." He said sounding more serious than before.

The strawberry blonde wanted to say no and leave him right then and there. But she thought if he failed this time, he'd leave her alone. This was her own personal experiment to show the kind of person Will Richardson actually was. He did seem very serious about this.... it wouldn't hurt to try at least. "Okay......but know this is your absolute last chance....." She said to him as she started to head to her dad's car. "I'll call you later." She then told him, a small smile on her face.

Will then remembered why he felt the way he did around her. The way she gave chances like that was only a small reason for that. It was her forgiveness and genuine nature that made him feel so at ease. The curly haired web swinger felt so relieved he was given this chance. He then called Peter to talk with him. "Peter, you were right. She gave me a chance." He told him with joy.

Peter smiled as he heard him. "Told you she'd accept. Proud of you kid. Now go and get ready for patrol." He told his protege as he typed some things on his computer.

A little later in the day, a group of soldiers were about to arrest a teenage girl for something she didn't do. The largest of the team started to take her away with the rest of his crew before a web launched two of them away. "Awwwww no it's the spider again!" The muscular one shouted in annoyance as he got ready.

"Eyy Brunzisky! Good to see ya again! You get new teeth?" Will quipped in his attire, punching two of his other soldiers in the chest and stomach. The brute known as Brunzisky readied his batons to try and hit him, but his agility was just too much for the big guy and Will countered by knocking it out of his hand, age uppercutting him. After that, the rest of his crew tried to hit him, only to be webbed to light poles, walls or the ground.

However, Bunzisky was still standing tall, though his jaw hurt like hell after taking a punch from the wall crawler. "You ain't gonna beat us this time ya web freak!" He shouted as he tried to grab the web slinger while distracted.

Unfortunately for him, Will was much smarter than that and ducked before he could be grabbed. "First off, web freak?! Talk about an old fashioned name man that's outdated by now! As outdated as your haircut and stupid nature!" He quipped as he landed some quick blows to the brute's body. "Second, I'd believe you about not beating you guys if you didn't shout at me when you attacked!" He then lands a spin kick at his face, and used his body to crush some crates nearby. Those crates held some weapons they'd use for the future, but now they were destroyed, unable to be used again. With this victory now under his belt, Will webbed up almost every single one of Fisk's Fists except for four who mysteriously vanished. He didn't question it though. He considered this a way to warn not only the rest of Fisk's goon squadron, but criminals all around New York that Spider-Man made them run scared.

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