Revenge. A Spider's Venomous Trait!

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Back at the Parker house, Peter had just gotten home from some grocery shopping. He was very thankful that he checked his kitchen and pantry to see if he had ingredients to make dinner for himself. Meatloaf with a potato casserole was his plan. But he was out of milk, and didn't have enough potatoes to make said casserole. Though he also figured he may as well stock up on other things such as fruits, vegetables, and some other ingredients for future meals he would make, just to be sure it was with him. When he checked the kitchen, he put everything where he would put it and turned around. When he did, he noticed something was off about the house. Something very minor, but somewhat noticed to the trained eye....or someone who had a very specific system in the household. He noticed that his laptop was messed with.....and left open! Whoever was here, clearly knew how to use his computer and what he was looking for. But who could it have be-.....the boy.....that Will punk! But if he was back here, then that could mean.....Peter went up the stairs as fast as he could, praying that he was wrong about his theory. When he opened the door to the master bedroom, he saw the closet was completely ransacked. The case with the Spider-Man costume in it was gone with the only thing left in it being the old web shooters he made himself. Parker stared at the case with intense rage, clearly angered that this boy took something that was HIS property. Something he had absolutely no right to take!

Meanwhile, up in the skies of Manhattan, a familiar figure in a red and blue costume swung through the city with webs. Though he looked...very uncoordinated while he swung. Will was in the air barely able to swing with the web shooters he built and completed only two weeks ago. Though there was one thing he didn't think all the way through...he never practiced how to web swing.....he would keep looking down with fear under his mask because of it. 'Dont slip don't slip don't slip!' he thought to himself with intense fear in his eyes. He went to land on s building to regain composure in himself. However, he slightly miscalculated and landed harshly on the rooftop and almost fell off. Instinctively, the masked curly haired newbie hero stuck to the edge of the building he was on and slowly climbed back up. Once he looked back down he saw just how high up he was. He started to question how Peter used to do all of this as he did. It looked WAY more terrifying down there from his height. He took a deep breath to think more clearly. 'Okay Richardson....just take a minute to think. These webs are sticky....even then, you have spider powers can stick to the web. You can do this....' he tried to psych himself up to go do what he needed to. He took about thirty steps back to get himself ready. He then took a running start, sprinting at his full speed before jumping off the building with ease. He then extended his left wrist out and shot out a web from the web shooter. Once it stuck to a building he wanted it to, he was able to swing a little easier. No fear of slipping and falling hundreds of stories high. He jumped off that web line and shot another web from his right wrist. He was starting to get the hang of this now. He just had to rely a little on his sixth sense to decide when the best time was to shoot his next web line. He then lands on a building labeled "Fisk" remembering the address he needed to go to. "Much better.....just gotta remember that from now on." He mumbled to himself. Once he got close enough to a window, he was just able to see Wilson, Richardson Fisk and Heinguard all talking together with some important scientists. One of which being someone he only somewhat recognized. An Osborn....Joseph Michael Masters Osborn to be precise. He must've been taken as a hostage, forced to work with them. The curly haired new hero grit his teeth in anger at seeing these scumbags all together walking freely. He went closer to the window, making sure to not make it obvious that he was there, but still able to hear what everyone was saying.

Inside the room, Wilson stared at a screen with what appeared to be a map of all of New York. "As you gentlemen know, our plan is to make our city prepared for the assault against any of our enemies. It shall give us the advantage we need to eventually become the president of the United States. Another step closer to ruling this entire world with an iron fist." He boasted proudly while staring ahead of him.

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