Chapter 1

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3rd pov "Hell yeah this my shit" says a girl dancing down the street with headphones in her ear going to the bank

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3rd pov
"Hell yeah this my shit" says a girl dancing down the street with headphones in her ear going to the bank.

"You know, I wish that I had

(Jessies's girl by Rick Springfield)
... Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?"

Sang the girl out loud not paying attention to anything still walking to the bank.

"There doesn't seem to be a reason to change
You know, I feel so dirty when they start talking cute
I wanna tell her that I love her, but the point is probably moot"

Sang the girl out loud getting looks from people passing.

"Right on" says a homeless person on the street. The girl stops and pulls out $800 and gives it to him. Then keeps on dancing and singing she then arrives at the bank and another good song comes on.

(Stacy's mom by Fountains of Wayne)
"Stacy's mom has got it goin' on
Stacy's mom has got it goin' on
Stacy's mom has got it goin' on
Stacy's mom has got it goin' on"

The girl dances all the way to the tailor. "How can I help you?" seys the lady at the desk in a rude tone looking at the girl up and down.

"I would like to take out some money from the bank," says the girl, pulling out one of her headphones and turning her music down a little.

"Like you have much anyways how much" asks your tailor "10,000 acutely make it 20,000" says the girl thinking about the homeless guy and his dog she gave the 800 to"yea okay what's your name" asks the tailor.

"Lucia Valentine" says Lucia "Omg" says the tailor when she sees Lucia has over $100,000,000 in her bank account then sees she has multiple of them each with more and more money then the last and there were over 100 accounts around the world.

"Omg" She hears the lady say again "well can I get my money now" asks Lucia "umm yes right a way ma'am" she runs to get the money.

Lucia  just waits there and turns back up her music and sees another song come on. It's some Michael Jackson smooth criminal.

Lucia just stands there taping her foot to the beat waiting for her money. The lady comes back with her money and she walks out and goes back to the homeless guy "hey" she says when she sees him "I got something for you" she says.

"Ohh no that's not necessary you already gave me enough" says the guy and she then feels something rube against her leg and she looks down and sees it's the dog.

Lucia gets down on one knee and pets the dog's head. Then Lucia gets back on topic and pulls out the 10,000 dollars "hear you go" says Lucia handing him the money "Omg I can't take this" he says

"Yes you can because I am giving it to you and there is nothing you can do about it. Here is one of the hotels I have that you can keep it's paid off till you die and your many generations after that" Lucia says handing him a key.

The guy gets up and gives her a hug and cry's thank you he keeps whispering over and over again "no problem now let me take you and your dog to a new home by the way what are your guys name" Lucia says and asks them "ohh I am Kain and this is honey"he says.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lucia and let's go to my car". Lucia takes them to the car, it's a Bugatti Chiron and they get in and Lucia drives off to the hotel.

They get there and Lucia says "alright let's go" they walk in and all they hear is welcome back ma'am. Lucia stops and says "this man from here on out will be living here and I already put everything in his name because I have paid this place for someone to live hear for forever even if they dies and there next generation can have it" then Lucia turns and walks to the elevator with Kain and honey  fallowing her.

They go all the way to the penthouse and she shows him around the she says "I already got someone to go shopping for what you need but not for clothes someone will take you shopping and also there is a safe with money and the password is 1567 okay"

"Yes, I don't know how to thank you enough" Kain says "I already said don't worry about it" Lucia says. Lucia stays and talks for a while then she leaves after saying goodbye and receiving more thank you's. Lucia drives home and goes to her room and falls face first onto the bed.

Lucia pov
Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Lucia Valentine and I'm a 21 year old multi-billionaire and this is what happened before I died.



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