Chapter 39

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Previously: When done eating Kol, Kai and Elijah follow me to a different room "alright what do you need to talk to us about" Kai asks.

Previously: When done eating Kol, Kai and Elijah follow me to a different room "alright what do you need to talk to us about" Kai asks

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I hold my figure in a wait a minute way and quickly put up a spell so no one will hear what we are talking about.

"Okay but promise not to be mad and there is nothing to be scared of. I'm talking to you mainly Kol" I say after doing the spell and they look at me confused but nod "we promise" they all say and I nod.

"Okay what I'm about to tell you is going to change your life, it's going to affect me, you and everyone else" I explain and they start looking scared and worried.

"I'm just fuckin with y'all it's not that serious well kind of but not as bad as how I just said it" I say laughing.

They kind of glare at me and give me a are you fucking serious face and I smile we kind of just stand there for like 30 seconds.

"Well are you going to explain" Kol says "ohh yea right, right" I say "well explain" Kol says "Kol calm down" Elijah says.

"Kol you seem mad. I'm sensing a lot of anger and frustration from you, do you want to talk about it because we can" I say "omg no I'm fine but can you get to what you need to tell us" he says and I just nod.

"Alright what's going on" Kai says. "Well you know Silas right" I say and they nod their heads.

"Okay ummm well we may or may not be going on a trip to wake him up" I say and do jazz hands for some reason.

They look at me shocked "what the hell no" Kol says "he's not real" Elijah says but sounds like he is questioning everything "it kind of makes sense that he's not dead" Kai says.

"Well he's dead but not dead he's like sleeping" I say with a smile.

They nod and I thank Kol has finally calmed down, so that's good.

"Alright anyways we need to go wake him up before the ball so we can go today or tomorrow but not Thursday because we are all going dress shopping and suit shopping" I say and they nod.

"Let's go tomorrow and spend today with everyone" Elijah says and we nod "alright" I say and we walk out of the room we were talking in.

Before we fully leave the room I turn to them "hey you want to know something cool" I ask and they stop walking and nod.

"Silas is related to Stefan and Damon and looks like Stefan's twin" I say and quickly run out of the room.

"What the hell" I hear them all shout then hear them run after me.

I quickly run to Klaus and hide behind him "what did you do" he asks "I might have told them something then ran" I say with a smile.

"Lucia you can't just tell us shit like that then run" Kol says and I pop the top half of my body out from behind Klaus and shrug then go right back behind Klaus.

"Anywho everyone me Kai, Kol and Elijah have to do something tomorrow so don't be worried if you can't find us" I say, stepping from behind Klaus and everyone nods.

"What are we doing today anyways" I ask everyone just shrugs "y'all want to finally finish are movie night" I ask and everyone nods.

"Alright Care you want to call mama Liz" I ask and she nods and hands Spades to Stefan and then pulls out her phone and calls her.

"She said she's on her way" Care says after hanging up the phone.

While waiting for mama Liz I go and get the hat and the others go get blankets.

We bring everything to the living room and sit there and start talking.

Few minutes later, Mama Liz walks in with her pajamas on and takes a seat and a blanket.

I then make the room darker not letting light in and turn on the tv then reach my hand in the hat "we have Damon with the Scary movies" I say.

Just as I'm about to play it I remember something "bro Katherine's still in Ric's apartment" I say.

Everyone looks at me wide eyed "I forgot about her" Klaus says "we should probably go let her out" I say and they nod but none of us get up "she can wait a little while longer" I say and start playing the movies.

Some things that were said

"What the hell are we watching"
"I got that song stuck in my head. I'm gonna slash and gash, rip another hole in your ass. I'll smear blood on the walls and then play tennis with your balls"
"What the hell is happening"
"His hand"
"Beat that bitches ass"
"Michael Jackson"

A lot more shit was said and there was a lot of laughing but we finished the movies.

"Alright let's go get Katherine and see what she's been doing locked up" I say and they nod and we all stand up.

We then all go to our rooms and change our clothes.

Once done I walk down the stairs holding Spades

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Once done I walk down the stairs holding Spades. We wait in the living room and I play with Spades and hand him some toys.

The others come down and we all go to are cars Klaus is driving.

While in the car I play some music and give some toys to Spades.

I start to sing along to the song Flames by Donzell Taggart.

"Sometimes I forget you can sing" Stefan says in aww,
when I stop singing and the song finishes "thank you" I say we then arrive at Ric's apartment.

We get out of the car and go to his apartment.

We wait for Ric to unlock the door and once he does we all walk in.

When I walk in I see Katherine on the couch drinking "hello" I say and sit next to her.

She snaps her head to me and looks at me shocked then sees the others.

"Hello Katherine" the others say and smirk she looks scared.

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