Chapter 69

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Previously: "You have finally came" she says.

"Yeah we did but can we like hurry this up I'm tired" I say with a yawn then look at my watch "it's eleven pm I'm fucking tired" I say and I see the other nod then yawn

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"Yeah we did but can we like hurry this up I'm tired" I say with a yawn then look at my watch "it's eleven pm I'm fucking tired" I say and I see the other nod then yawn.

Kol tries to walk closer but the fire from the torches flare up.

"Thinking of killing your own children will be an atrocity" Elijah says "my only regret is that I did not let you die thousand years ago" Esther says.

"Enough all this talk is boring me end this now mother or I'll send you back to hell" Klaus says calmly.

"For a thousand years I've been forced to watch you felt the pain of every victim suffered while you shed blood, even you Elijah with your claim to nobility you're no better, all of you you're a curse on this earth stretched out over generations" she says then takes a pauses and I roll my eyes then yawn again.

"If you've come to plead for your life, sorry you've wasted your time" she says.

"That's it" I say and walk forward and they all look at me.

"Your blaming your children for something you caused and now you want to kill them from something that was your wrong doing" I ask.

"Yes but they have become monsters and I most put a end to it" she says "Again it was your fucking falt" I scream at her and she looks at me shocked.

"They are the way they are because you were a bad mother and they had to be raised in fear" I shout at her again and I can feel my eyes start to shift.

"Esther I've always despised you" I say stepping forward again and she puts up a circle of fire around her.

"You think this is going to keep us out" I ask and I feel Kai stand beside me.

"You know something cool about Kai" I ask and Kai steps forward and put his hand on an invisible force and his hands start to turn red.

"He does not have his own magic so he takes it from other magical things" by the time I'm done saying that the fire is gone and I can see horror in her eyes.

Me and the pack all circle around her.

"What should we do with her" I hear Kol ask "ohhh let's turn her into a vampire" Jermey says.

"Ohhh yeah let's turn her into something she hates" Caroline says and I can see the fear in Esther's eyes and she starts to shake her head no "no you can, don't do this to me" she shouts shaking.

"So who wants to be the one to turn her" I ask "let me do it" Klaus says "go ahead" we say and Klaus walks to her.

He bites into his wrist and Ester tries to walk backwards and walk right into Finn.

She turns around and grabs into Finn.

"Finn help me I'm your mother and I love you" she says Finn looks at her "I would but you took Freya from me and tried to put a spell on me" he says then pushes her off him.

She then looks around and runs to Rebekah "Rebekah you love me in your mother" she says Rebekah pushes her back to the middle of the circle "yeah no" she says.

Esther then looks at Elijah "Esther I advised you not to come over here" he says and ficks his suit jacket.

Esther looks around the circle again and looks at Kol and he just glares.

She looks around again and she looks at Henrik and her eyes widen.

Henrik smirks "hello mother" he says then his eyes flash showing off his wolf eyes.

The other looks shocked and confused "how-" Kol says confused "I'll explain later" Hen says and they nod.

We all go back to the whole Esther thing.

Klaus finally reaches her and forces his wrist into her mouth.

She tries to get away and tries to keep her mouth shut so I make a knife appear and stab her in the leg and she screams and starts to choke on Klaus' blood.

I then see her gulp some down and I guess so does Klaus because he snaps her neck.

"Well this was fun but I'm tired so can we leave" I ask and the other nod in agreement.

"Wait who's going to drag Esther" Tyler asks "just use your magic" Nora says "Alright" I say and we begin to walk and Esther starts to get dragged behind us.

"Where are we supposed to put her" Damon asks "I forgot to show you but there is a basement in the house we can put her in.

After a few minutes of walking we finally reach our cars.

We put Esther in the trunk of Damon's car.

"So are you going to explain?" Klaus says, looking at Henrik.

"You're not the only one that had a different dad" Is all Henrik says and the Mikaelsons eyes open wide and they gasp.

"Are you serious?" Rebekah asks shocked and Henrik nods. "Yup" he says, popping the P.

"How did you find out?" Elijah asks "well" he says then explains the whole hitting the wolf thing wolf dying then he dies then Klaus finding him and how he ended up on the other side and was able to be saved.

"Alright now that he's done explaining that let's go home before Esther wakes up" I say and the nod we get into our cars and Elijah drives off.

After a few we finally reach the house.

The others arrive and we walk to Damon's care and open the trunk.

Esther's still knocked out so we drag her to the house and I open the door then I drag her to the basement.

Once she's in, I walk out and lock the door then walk back up the stairs.

"Well that was something but I'm tired so good night" I say then walk up stairs and go to my room.

I walk to the bathroom and hop in the shower.

Once I'm done I walk out and change into some pajamas then walk to the bed and get in.

When I'm about to fall asleep I hear my mates come in and I hear clothes being changed then I feel something on my chest and I look down to see Spades sleeping.

I then feel the bed dip and I see the others joining us then I feel Elijah lay on my stomach like usual then I feel kol on my right and Kai on my left and the others around us.

"Good night guys" I say "good night" they say and we all fall asleep.

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