Chapter 95

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Previously:We finished dinner and realized we still had two hours before the party started so we decided to relax for a few.

"So what's the plan after this whole Marcel thing and the whole New Orleans thing" Nora asks after a few minutes of us sitting down watching tv

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"So what's the plan after this whole Marcel thing and the whole New Orleans thing" Nora asks after a few minutes of us sitting down watching tv.

"Hopefully everything goes well then we can go back to mystic falls, finish the boarding school, get some students and then travel the world and open some more business, maybe pick some people up on the way, I don't know yet we will figure it out" I say with a shrug.

They nod "hey sense we still have time can we look at dogs" Jenna asks "sure" I say then pull out my phone and connect it to the projector we have in the living room.

"Alright so what dog type are we thinking" I ask.

"Something big and fluffy" Caroline and Bonnie shout "okay we can do a Eurasier" I say then pull up a picture.

"Okay" they say nodding "or we can do a tibetan mastiff" I say and pull up a picture.

"Omg yes" Caroline and Bonnie squeal "okay let's do some research and we can see if we all want one" I say and they nod calming down.

I look up everything we need to know about the dog and how to take care of it and everything else we need to know.

"So how do we feel" I ask and everyone looks at each other "lets get it" they all say at the same time "alright" I say.

I then look up where to buy one and do more research then make some calls "alright think you bye" I say ending the last call and everyone looks at me in hope.

"Alright we need to be out of New Orleans in 5 days because the pups get to our house in mystical falls in 6 days" I say hoping no one hears my mess up and they cheer telling me they didn't.

"Wait before we find out what dog we want next, how many dogs are we getting" Oliver asks "We are probably going to get four" I say lying with a shrug and they nod "alright" they say back excitedly.

"Can we get a Doberman" Klaus asks "fuck yes I always wanted one" I say then start looking one up "no offense guys, you dont really get a say in this one" I say and they shrug.

I then find 'one' and make some calls. I end the call "fuck yes its going to arrive a couple minutes after the tibetan arrives" I say "alright" they say with excitement.

"Can we get a Husky?" Rebekah asks "sure" I say and again do the research then buy one and tell them when it's going to arrive.

"Rottweiler" Elijah, Kol and Kai say "okay" and do all i need to do.

"I know you said four but can we get a Great Dane" Oliver says with puppy eyes.

"Fine" I say with an eye roll and do what I need to do.

"Alright no more we can get more down the line and plus we need to go get ready for the party" I say and they nod and we get off the couch and go to our rooms.

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