Chapter 98

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Previously:We walk farther into the Bayou being cautious.

"Here wolfies" I call out and see the others looking at me "what" I ask they shrug then start doing the same thing

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"Here wolfies" I call out and see the others looking at me "what" I ask they shrug then start doing the same thing.

"Here wolfies we may be vampires but we don't want to kill you or want you guys to kill us" Damon calls out and I snort.

We walk farther into the Bayou then I hear growls all around us "oh look we found them" Klaus says "or did they find us" Caroline says raising an eyebrow.

"We have both found one another" Elijah says fixing his suit jacket.

The wolves growl again "hey how y'all doin" I say and walk forward, there's an awkward silence after that "oh yeah you guys can't talk anywho we are here to help you be free" I say with a smile.

The wolves stop growling and one of them steps forward and nods his head "alright let's be humans" I say excitedly then start walking around taping wolves on their heads and they start turning back into their human selves.

I then look back to my pack to see them with shocked faces "just how powerful are you" Davina, Kol and Kai ask in aww.

"Umm well you know how powerful the ancestors are" I ask and they nod "well imagine them combined" I say and they gasp "then imagine them about 100 times stronger or more and you have me" I say with a smile.

"Holy shit" my pack whispers "I know why do you think i'm able to do a lot more things, no offense, then the witches in the pack" I ask confused.

They shake their heads in awww I shug then turn back to the croissant pack.

"Hey croissant pack" I say and wave "croissant pack" my pack asks confused "Luci it's the crescent pack" Oliver says shaking his head.

"Shit my bad anyways this is Hayley I'll let her talk to you guys" I say and push Hayler forward.

I then walk to my pack and we start talking "bro Oli did you hear about the Julie and the phantoms show" I ask and he nods excitedly "i've been wanting to see it" he says.

"Good want to have a movie night into the movie room and watch it" I ask "fuck yes" he says and I cheer "movie night" me and Damon shout.

We then start talking about something else "what are we doing after this" Freya asks "oh you know killing your aunt" I say with a shrug.

"What" all the Milkalsons ask "yeah we are killing your aunt also what's up with everyone in your family being Evil" I ask confused.

"No, don't change the subject, what about our aunt" Kol says "fine" I say letting out a breath and rolling my eyes. 

"So like she kidnapped Freya and if we have a baby she is so like going to try and kidnap him or her and she does like a whole bunch of other shit but it's a long list and I don't want to explain it" I say with a shrug.

"Baby, what, how?" they ask confused.

"Did you not hear me about the whole powerful witch thing and besides Klaus we would be able to have a baby anyways because you are part wolf and for some reason there is always a loophole in witches spells and shit" I say with a shrug.

He looks at me in shock "really" he asks and I nod "if anyone that wants a kid and is a vampire I can make it happen" I say with a shrug Rebekah looks sad at that "I can also make it happen if you are a vampire" I say and she smiles excitedly.

Caroline squeals "yay more babies" she says. I let out a chuckle then turn around to the crescent pack to see that they are done talking.

"So Marcel is there something you would like to say" I aks raising a brow he nods "I am sorry and you have free range of New Orleans" he says looking at me them then and I nod.

"Yay now that is over you can stay here and help with the wolves with Hayler, Rebekah, Nora, Mary, Tyler and Jermey" I say and they nod.

"Alright then the rest of us lets go and kill a bitch" I say and we turn around and walk walk away form the crescent pack and out the Bayou and to our cars.

We reach our cars "wait how are we supposed to find her" Jenna asks "Do a locator spell" Bonnie says and I snap my finger and one appears "can I do it" Kol asks excitedly and I nod.

He smiles then he bites into his wrist and lets the blood drip onto the map and starts doing the spell and the blood starts moving.

The blood stops and so does Kol's chanting "oh look at that we found her" I say I then see Freya look confused.

"What" I ask "how" she says stunned "how what" i ask "how is that possible no offense brother but you should not be that powerful to find her, her magic is very strong" she says confused.

"Oh that has to do with me" I say with a shrug and she stares at me with an eyebrow raised waiting for me to explain.

"Okay I'll explain it" I say and she stands there waiting.

"Okay so when I gave him his magic back I may or may not have given it a little more emph" I say "and I may not have given a little more emph to the other witches too" I explain with a shrug.

"What do you mean my a little more emph" Freya and the other witches ask.

"Well you know how powerful I am you guys may or may not be on the level of all the ancestral witches combined" I say smiling awkwardly then let out a nervous chuckle.

"What" they shout "why are you guys so mad" I ask "we are not mad we just wish you would have told us earlier so we can practice" Kol and Kai explain walking to me and pull me into a hug.

"Ohh thank god now that's over lets go kill a bitch" I say and they cheer and we get into our cars and Klaus drives us to the location.

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