Chapter 34

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Previously: After a few they all start falling asleep well besides Elijah because he is the one driving.

"Wake up" I hear Elijah's voice shout and I feel little baby hands touching my face "I'm up" I say in a tired voice and I hear the others say the same

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"Wake up" I hear Elijah's voice shout and I feel little baby hands touching my face "I'm up" I say in a tired voice and I hear the others say the same.

I start to rub my eyes and let or a loud ass yawn "alright let's go get some cookbooks" I say and get me and Spades out of the car.

When I get out the car I see the others "hey guys" I say with a smile.

They smile "hey" the all say "let's go get some cookbooks" Damon says with a yawn and that triggered my yawning and me yawning triggered everyone else so we just keep yawning back and forth.

"Alright everyone stop looking at each other and let's go" Kol says excited.

We all stop looking at each other and fallow Kol and to where ever he is taking us.

"How long is this walk going to be" I ask playing with Spades "we are almost there" he says and in the distance I can see a house.

"There it is" Kol says with a large smile on his face and we all walk to the house.

He knocks on the door and the door opens and there stands a Lady "hello how may I help you" she asks "she's a witch" I say playing with Spades they all look at me shocked and confused "how do you know" the lady asks "I can sense it" I say with a shrug.

The lady looks shocked and scared "why you look so scared it's not like I'm going to go around yelling she's a witch burning her at the stake because if that happens some of us are going down with you so can we come in or no" I ask.

"You are a witch" she asks "yup" I say popping the P. "Hey do you mind if we come in your house to get from outside I saw a bee" I ask and she nods and we walk in.

The vampire then looks confused "how did we just walk in your house without you inviting us in" Stefan asks "I don't know" the new witch says.

"Wait you guys are vampires" she asks "yup" all the vamps says with a shrug.

"I can answer why you guys can get in" I say raising my hand the all look at me and I just stare back "well" they say "well what" I ask.

"Why can we get in without being invited in" Care says "ohh yea it's because I out a spell on you" after I said that I start thinking of the song.

(I put a spell on you by Annie Lennox)
"I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
You better stop the things you do
I tell you, I ain't lying
I ain't lying"

I sing and they just look at me with a are your serious right now face "what I thought I'd was fitting" I say with an awkward smile.

"Anywho the spell I put on you lets you enter anyone's house without having to be invited in" I say and they look at me shocked 'they've been shocked a lot today' I think to myself.

"I know, I know, I am amazing" I say with a smile I look down to see Spade smiling and reaching up to touch my face so I lean down and give him a whole bunch of kisses all over his face.

"Anywho we are here because he needs some spell books he left here a while ago" I explained to the witch after giving Spade kisses.

"Well up you can look around and see if you can find them" the witch says "alright can I know you name because I keep calling you lady or witch in my head" I say "ohh um I'm Lucy" she says and I nod and the other walk off to try and find the cook books.

"Hey magical orb can you come out" I say and the little ball of light comes out "hey little guy can you lead me and Spades to Kol's spell book" I say and the little orb starts floating away and I follow it.

It starts speeding up so I skip after it making sure I'm holding Spades tight and I made sure Spades is holding his little wolf teddy bear tight.

After falling the orb it comes to a stop and so do I and it floats to a floor board.

So I sit spades down and give him some toys to play with and walk towards the floor bald and use my magic to open it and make a flash light appear and look inside.

When I flash the light in I see about six different spell books.

I pull them out with my magic because I don't know what's down there.

When I get them all out I call out to Kol "hey Kol I got your spell books" I yell.

I also hear Spades call out to "pop" he shouts then goes back to playing with his toys I hear Kol vamp speed in and he picks up Spades then looks over and walks towards me and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you" he says then gives Spades to Elijah who walked in with the others while we were hugging Kol then picks up the spell books.

He lets out a little squeal and pulls the books closer to his body and hugs them. We look at him shocked because of the squeal.

"What was that?" Klaus says in a teasing voice and Kol looks embarrassed "shut up" he says.

We start laughing at him and telling him how cute he looks "shut up don't we have to go to Oregan still" Kol asks and we all nod.

We all walk back to the main room so we can leave "buy Lucy thanks for letting us in your house if you ever need anything here is my number just give us a call and we will be there" I say and she nods taking the paper.

We then all say bye and get back in our cars and drive to our next destination Portland, Oregan.

Name Spades calls themElijah= dada Klaus=Father Kol= PopStefan= daddy Kai=pa Caroline=mom, mumLucia=mama, mommy

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Name Spades calls them
Elijah= dada
Kol= Pop
Stefan= daddy
Caroline=mom, mum
Lucia=mama, mommy

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