Chapter 90

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Previously:Once done with the last building I text Klaus and ask him where he's at and he text back and I text the others the address and tell Elijah and we drive there.

Previously:Once done with the last building I text Klaus and ask him where he's at and he text back and I text the others the address and tell Elijah and we drive there

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We reach the place and I realize it's a bar and look at the name to see it's Rousseau.

We get out of the car and walk to the door which Elijah opens and we walk in and start looking for the others.

"Lucia" I hear someone call and I look over to see Caroline waving us over so we walk to her and the others.

"Hey" we all say to the others when we reach them "hey" they say back and we sit down.

"How did everything go?" Damon asks "amazing I got everything I wanted" I say with a smirk and they cheer for me.

I laugh then Mary hands me a drink and I start sipping on it "so where is Spades" I ask after setting my glass down.

"Klaus went to change him" Finn answers and I nod.

"Umm should we be worried though that was a while ago" Jenna says and we all stare at eachother and Elijah and I quickly get up and the others about to follow.

"Stay seated till we get back" Elijah says and we quickly run to the bathroom.

When we reach the bathroom I could smell the blood and I slam the door open to see blood all over the walls.

"Spades, Klaus" I say and when I get no answer I turn around and walk out of the door.

"I want whoever fucking did this and I want there heads on a platter" I say throw clenched teeth.

When we get to the table everyone snaps their head to me "lets go" is all i say and they get up and we walk to the car.

"Meet back at the house" I say and they nod.

I then get in the car and Elijah begins to drive fast down the road.

We reach the house and we all get out and walk in the house and sit in the living room.

"I got the map" Bonnie says and I nod "Kai do the locator spell" I say and he nods then walks in front of the map.

Kol walks to him and bites into his wrist and lets the blood drip onto the map.

He starts chanting the spell "got him" Kai says and I nod "lets go kill some people" I say and they all smirk and we walk out of the living room and out the house.

I feel my phone vibrate and see Kai texted the location so tell Elijah and he drives there.

When we reach I see it's a cemetery and we get out of the car.

We walk into the cemetery and we walk around till I hear people and walk to them and hear them talking about something.

"Hello I believe you have something that belongs to me" I say with a smirk and they all snap their heads to me.

"Who are you?" one of the people says who i'm guessing is a witch.

"I'm the person that's going to cut your dick off and glue it to your head so you look like a limb dick unicorn thats who the fuck I am, if you don't give me back what's mine" I say and I here Kol, Kai and Damon laugh behind me.

The witches look at me in shock. I smirk "now my mate and child" I say.

One of the witches nods to the back and someone leaves and comes back with Hayley.

"Does that look like my mate or my child?" I snap, starting to get angry.

"This lady is caring Klaus child" the witch says and I raise an eyebrow "why are you so sure of that" I ask and I can hear the others start to snicker behind me "it's not his child' Hayley shouts.

"See now why do you all believe it's his child" I ask curiously.

"The ancestors talk" the witch says and me, Bonnie, Kol and Kai all start laughing.

"Your ancestors are fucking stupid, Kluas had no way of cheating on me and we would been together for a log time and in that time we spent every waking moment together along with my other mates and I would of felt if he cheated on me and yeah It could of been before we got together but you can tell shes not far along and I can smell shes not so its not his baby" I say when we top laughing.

"Now I won't say it again, bring me my child and mate" I say with a growl and I can feel my magic flare up.

"No if you do not-" she begins to say but I cut her off by vamp speeding her into a wall.

"You mistake me for someone who cares about you pathetic witch problem, you see you took my mate and child and that means war" I say "yes I always wanted to be in a war" Kol and Kai say.

The witch looks at me in fear. I then hear the others witch chanting "you both are linked" I hear one of them say "and how is that going to stop me from killing you other witches" I ask, turning my head to stare at them.

"You kill them and I will kill my self and you will die" the witch I'm holding against the wall says.

I start to laugh "i don't mind" I say turning to her and show my vamp fangs.

"Lucia we care we need you" the others say "fine" i say and pull away from her.

"I won't kill you and we will help with Marcel but bring me my mate and child" I say and she nods.

I then hear something being dragged and crying.

I look over to see, it's Klaus and one of them holding Spades who's crying.

I vamp speed to them and grab spades and push the guy that was holding him far away from them.

I look at Klaus then snap and see him wake up.

"You okay love" I ask and he nods.

He gets up and I pull him into a hug while still holding Spades who stopped crying.

We let go of the hug and I pull him to a kiss.

After a few minutes we pull away and walk back to the others and they pull him into a hug.

"Alright let's go" we say when they finish hugging.

We also bring Hayley with us.

We go back to our cars and drive home.

"You do realize this means we are changing sleep positions right?" I ask my mates when we are in the house and are all sitting on the couch.

My mates nod "but it's just for tonight because I know everyone chooses where they sleep but I want to cuddle Klaus" I say.

"Alright" they say back then we watch what's evers on tv then we had dinner then we went to bed with Klaus in Elijah's spot and Elijah's in Klaus and everyone else where they usually sleep.

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