Chapter 105

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Previously: I then hear someone squeal "omg puppies" I look over to see.

Kol standing there with an excited look on his face, I then see the others standing around him

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Kol standing there with an excited look on his face, I then see the others standing around him.

"Did you just squeal?" Klaus asks and Kol gives an awkward smile "no?" Kol questions.

I shake my head then get up and grab Spades then I sit back down and go back to playing with the dogs and make sure they are not too rough with Spades or he is not too rough with them.

"So who wants to go with me to get collars?" I ask Kol, Kai's and Stefan's hands shoot up into the air with an excited face.

"Me" the three shout out "umm okay" I say with a shrug then stand up with the boy tibetan mastiff in my hands "this little fluffy one is coming with me though and so is Spades" I say not wanting the little ones to go.

They nod, I then turn to Elijah who still has the girl Rottweiler in his lap, "Do you want a specific color for her" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No she can choose when you get back with the other collars" he answers "alright" I say then walk away with the pup and Spades still in my hand to upstairs and to my room.

I put the pup down then I sit Spades down and the pup lays next to him.

I then walk to the closet and grab an outfit and go to the bathroom.

I start to change and while changing I hear the others come in.

I finish changing and doing my hair in a messy bun then I walk out of the bathroom.

I finish changing and doing my hair in a messy bun then I walk out of the bathroom

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I see the boys on the bed dressed and talking.

I walk to Spades then pick him up and then go to the closet and get him some clothes and get him dressed in the closet on the couch in there.

Once I'm done changing him I walk out to see the others messing with the puppy.

"Alright guys we can go" I say and they nod Stefan then picks the dog up and we walk out of our room and down the steps "we are leaving" I shout "alright" I hear the others shout back.

We walk out of the front door and go to the impala and Stefan hands the pup to Kai and takes the keys to the car and we all get in with Stefan driving.

"Where the hell is the pet store anyways, I've never had to go to one while in Mystic Falls" Stefan asks/ says.

"You know the phones I gave you have a map on them and you can just search up pet store and get the directions for it" I explain and they look at me in shock "what" I ask confused.

"Hunny you really need to start telling us a little more" Kol says and I shrug "sure whatever you say" I say knowing im still not going to tell them.

Stefan then pulls out his phone and I direct him what to do.

Once done he starts driving.

We all talk and I actually hear the little pup break in the back so I look back to see Kol and Kai play with him while talking to us still.

I look down at Spades to see him looking outside in aww playing with Ace, his snake.

"Why are you looking outside in aww you have already seen what everything looks like" I ask him then kiss the top of his head "I no sit in front" he answers and I let out a little chuckle.

"That is very true little one" I say he then looks up at me and gives me a big smile then goes back to looking outside.

After a few we arrive at the pet store and get out of the car then walk in.

"Get a cart" I say "already on it" Kai says already walking off, a few seconds later he comes back.

"So what's the plan" Stefan asks "let's get food, then the treats, the collars, then toys, then beds and that should be it if we see anything else, we forgot just get it" I say with a shrug and they nod and then we begin.

We get the food and treats then we walk down the aisle looking for where the collars are.

"Found them" I hear Stefan shout and I walk towards his voice.

"Alright I know you said let's just get a whole bunch and they can choose from but what colors do we get" Stefan asks I shrug.

"We can do blue and get different shades" Kol says and we nod.

I grab a dark and Light blue then put it into the cart "red and orange" Kia says and I grab them both.

"Black and white" Stefan says, then grabs them and throws them into the cart.

"I'll choose purple and yellow" I say then grab them and put them in the cart "we need two more" Stefan says.

"You want to choose Spades" I ask and he nods looking up from petting the puppy.

He stands up then looks at all the different colors then grabs a green one and a silver/gray one.

"Alright now toys" I say and I see the pup's tail wagging.

We walk to the toy section and the pup starts smelling all the toys till he grabs a little duck.

We then grab the other puppies a toy and then we grab some others they can just play with.

"What are we forgetting" I ask "the beds" Kai says and I nod.

We start looking for the beds till we find them "are we doing small ones or large ones" I ask "large so they can grow into the" Kol says "alright" I say.

We grab 10 beds.

"Do we need anything while here?" Stefan asks "food for Ace" I say and we then go back to the food section and get food for the snake.

We then check everything and once we are done seeing we have everything we go to the cash register.

The cashier eyes widened "that a lot of stuff" she says and I chuckle "yeah sorry we just got 10 new pups" I say with an apologetic smile.

"No worries" she says with a smile and starts ringing everything up.

Once she's done I pay for everything and we bring the shopping carts outside, we'll the boys do while I hold Spades and the pup.

When we get to the car I make sure no one sees us then snap and teleport everything to the house then we get in the car and Stefan drives us home.

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