Chapter 83

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Previously: We walk out and go to the back house and sit around the fire pit.

Previously: We walk out and go to the back house and sit around the fire pit

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"Can I start the fire?" Kol asks excitedly and I nod.

"Yeah sure go ahead" I say he smiles at me then looks at the fire and it lights up and he smiles bigger at me.

"Ugg I love magic so much" he says then sits down.

"Alright how do you guys want to do this" I ask "what do you mean" they ask "do you want to start off with weed food or a blunt" I ask "blunt we just finish eating" Jermey says and I nod.

"Okay" I say and make five blunt appear and a lighter. I then explain how it works and how you do it.

I hand Jermey one, Jenna one, Bonnie one, Rebekah one and I keep the other one we all start smoking and talking and passing the blunt around.

We finish the blunts "I'm hungry" Damon says "for blood?" I ask and he nods his head yes

"Bro I was going to make regular weed food but what if I add blood for the vampires" I say and they nod.

I make the food appear "this has vamp blood and this is regular weed food" I explain pointing to each one and they nod and we grab food and start eating it.

"Bro when is mama Liz coming back over because I remember she had to go to work and she said she wanted to get close from her house" I ask.

"She should be back tomorrow" Caroline answers "alright" I say then eat my brownie.

"Weren't Rose and Trever supposed to be back by now" I ask "yeah they were but they extended their trip" Bonnie says "ohh okay" I say then I hear Elijah start to giggle.

"You okay Eli" I ask and he nods "I just, I'm just having fun" he says and lets out a little laugh.

I look over at Jeremy and we both burst out laughing "I don't think he okay" I say laughing in between each word "I know" Jeremy says wheezing.

3rd pov

They keep getting high and talking then Lucia pulls out the stuff for s'mores and they start making them.

They keep doing that till one in the morning and stumble their way home, Lucia vanished the clone then they changed their clothes and go to sleep.

Lucia's pov

I wake up and look over at the clock to see it's 12 I then look around me and see the others still sleeping.

I even see drool come out of Stefan and Klaus's mouth and I laugh quietly to myself.

I then look to see Kai and Kol's mouth wide open and I can hear little snores come out of their mouth.

I look to see Silas and Caroline with half their body off the bed.

I then look down at Elijah and see his mouth moving so I use my vampire hearing and hear  him mumbling about ducks and apples.

I laugh quietly again then turn to the tv and watch what's playing with the TV on low.

One by one they all start waking up and watch tv with me after we say our good mornings.

Silas is the last to wake up and he falls off the bed and we all burst out laughing "are you okay" I ask after laughing. He groans then gets on the bed.

By the time they are all up it's one and we decide to lay in bed till it's two. I look at my phone "we should probably get up and go eat" I say and they nod and we all get up and walk out of the room and go downstairs to the kitchen.

When we reach the kitchen I see mama Liz there "hey" we all say "hello" she says back flipping the French toast.

"Thank you" we all say and she nods then gives us each a coffee and we all start drinking it.

A few seconds later the others come down "hey" we all say to each other and stand around the island bar drinking our coffees.

After that we ate and didn't really do anything for the rest of the day but I did pick someone's name from the hat that has my mates name in it and to see who I get to match with on Mondays and it was Klaus.

Then the next day after that we did not do anything either and I did the hat picking and found out Stefan has Tuesday's.

On Wednesday we wake up and go down stairs and eat breakfast "you guys are all going with me to take inventory" I ask and they all nod.

"Alright we need to get dressed after we finish breakfast" I say and they nod.

We finish breakfast and while walking up stairs my phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hello Lucia the list is done and we are at the first stop which is the Jet" I hear Athena my secretary say on the other line "thank you we will be there in a second" I say and we both say by and hang up.

"Okay we need to hurry up and get dressed" I say and we all run up the steps and to our rooms.

I quickly walk to the hat and pull out the paper and open it "alright Silas you are up" I say and the other go get changed "Everyone it needs to be a little personal" I yell and they all shout back Okay.

"Okay so what do you want to wear Silas" I ask he grabs my hand and we walk to the closet "where doing gray" he says and looks through my clothes and grabs the outfit and grabs black heel boots.

"This" he says and I nod "alright" I say and he then grabs my hand and we walk to the boy's closet and he look through his clothes section.

"Found it" he says then pull out a suit thing that looks like mine and grabs his shoes I nod "let's change" he says and I nod and go to the bathroom and change.

I then walk out after doing my hair and see Silas standing there.

We look at each other and nod.

"It's time to go," I say

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"It's time to go," I say.

Me, Spades and Silas walk down the stairs, the others then come down and we walk out of the house and I see Alfred standing there holding the limo door.

"Thank you Alfred" we all say and get in.

Alfred shuts the door then walks to the drive seat and begins to drive after making sure we are all okay.

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