It had been a day since I ran away. There are posters with my name and face on them all over town. But with my nose still broken and has stitches my face has been wrapped up.
I had found a abandoned house to stay in. The only thing was I didn't know that someone was already living in it.
I walked around and found me a room. The bed was dirty but at least there was a bed. I sat down and suddenly there was a sword at my throat. I panicked and cut my hand with my rings making my own sword of crystallized blood.
"A blood quirk interesting." The man said.
"Interesting? Yeah right." I growled at him. He lowered his sword and so did I. Blood going back to the cut I made. The tall man then sitting beside me on the bed.
"So why you here kid?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Why should I tell you? I don't know you." I said looking at my hands.
"Maybe because this is my place that I claimed." He said and I sighed.
"Oh is it sorry." I said not looking at him.
"It's fine. I might let you stay if you explain yourself." He said sternly.
"Well I um ran away." I said and he laughed.
"I knew that your face is everywhere." He said.
"Oh." I said rubbing my arms.
"Why did you?" He asked.
"I'm just tired of living in my sisters shadow. I'm a disgrace to my family and they never had the balls to say it. All because my quirk." I said still not looking at him.
"That makes sense but your quirk is actually rare so don't be ashamed." He said and I looked over.
"Really? I didn't know that. I'm sorry for intruding." I apologized going to get my stuff.
"You know what how about you stay." He said and I looked up at him.
"What? No." I was cut off.
"Yes you can. I will train you. The power in this place still works." He said getting up and walking to the door. My hair covering my eyes.
"To be a villain right?" He turned to look at me.
"Yes you would be trained to be a villain. If you want to leave you can." He said leaning against the door.
"Everyone kept calling me a villain so wouldn't that just prove them right?" I asked.
"Sometimes you have to become what others want for them to notice you. Trust me I understand." He said and I looked up to him.
"Your sister is the daughter of the famous guy from public safety right? She wants to be a hero I bet so you must understand. Hero's that aren't fully invested and ask for a reword are not hero's at all." He said.
"Or hero's that just stand and watch." I said thinking of my sister as I touched my nose.
"Exactly. Now if you are going to stay here I already know your name from posters. My name is Chizome Akaguro but my villain name is Stain just call me that. We start right away tomorrow morning. Get some rest kid." He said and closed the rotten door. I sighed and got everything set up.
I'm glad I grabbed my pillow and blanket.
I put my phone on the charger since the electricity still works. I looked at all the texts on my phone.
Dad: please come home we are sorry.
Sister: dad's worried about you.
It was all texts like that. I sighed and blocked them. I deleted everything except photos on my phone and making different accounts.
We are on a roof top after he had stolen breakfast. We ate and the really tall man started to train me.
"Make a sword from your palm." He said and I did so. He grabbed it out my hand and looked at it.
"Hm it's good but make it smaller thinner. Also make the base crystal underneath your skin so your blade can't be taken out your hand." He said and I nodded. He gave it back and I did what he said. He grabbed and pulled on it.
"Good. It hurt at all?" He asked and I shook my head.
"A little but nothing big." I said and he nodded.
"Ok do the same with your other hand and attack me." I nodded doing as he asked.
One month later
I have been working hard and have already gotten a criminal record just stealing food.
Me and Stain have been training every day. My reflexes have gotten better but still needs work.
I was attacking him sending crystallized blood shards at him but I tripped falling down. He ran over sword to my neck.
"And dead. You need to look at your surroundings not just for enemies but the ground also." He said helping me up. Blood floating back to me.
"Yes sir sorry." I laughed.
"You are doing really good for a newb tho so not that bad don't be upset." He said and I nodded.
"Alright that's it for today we should probably get some food. Especially for your quirk how about we go get your favorite." He said and I got excited.
"Really? Yes yes yes oh please Stain!" I yelled jumping up and down.
"Alright alright let's go." He said and we left.
30 minutes later.
We sat on a roof top eating my favorite food. I swayed happily side to side. It's funny how I ran into a villain that treats me like a daughter and acts more like a dad then my actual one did.
"Y/n." He said.
"Yes?" I said taking another bite.
"You do know in the future this will get harder for you." He said seriously I stopped eating looking at him.
"Yes I know." I said.
"I mean it. At some point you will have to take someone's life." He said and I looked at my food.
"I know and I am capable. My sister no Uh! Emiko always said I have villainous tendencies so I think I will be fine." I said taking a bite.
"If your not I'm here for you if you need to talk. At first it was hard but now not so much." He said.
"I know thank you Stain I appreciate it."

Blood Lust
RomanceY/n and her family are rich. Her sister apparently got her quirk first and her parents were so happy when that happened they didn't really think about Y/n until a day after. After a while they had just assumed she was quirkless. After a bad car acc...