Time skip 4 years later.
you are 24 Haruto is 4."Man I forgot what a good exercise this is." I said sitting in a chair.
"Please let me go." The man cried.
"I can't do that unfortunately. I need to finish my list so I don't disappoint anyone. I also need to protect someone. Your a registered child Uh I can't even finish that sentence. You live way to close to me so you have to go." I said standing walking up to the guy.
"Please I promise I won't." I cut the man off.
"I don't care." I said and snapped my fingers. My quirk ripping him apart.
I sighed put a S on the wall and I left.
I snuck through my own back door. I quietly moved through the house and made it to my room. I took Stains mask off and put it away. I took a quick shower.
When I got out a sleepy Haruto stood at my bedroom door holding a Deku action figure. I smiled at him.
"What's wrong baby?" I asked the curly haired 4 year old.
"I had a nightmare." He whispered and I smiled.
"Aw my poor baby. Clime in my bed and I will be there in a second." I said and watch him get in bed.
I quickly got clothes on and got in bed. He cuddled up to me with his figure.
"Mommy." He whispered.
"Yes honey." I said playing with his hair.
"Do I have a daddy?" He asked and my heart dropped.
"Of course you do. If you didn't you wouldn't be here." I said and he sat up.
"Who is it?" He asked and I sighed.
"Well let's see. He is a pro hero." I said and he got excited.
"Really witch one?" He asked and I giggled.
"Who do you think?" I asked him and he thought about it. I glanced at the figure in his hands as he thought more.
"I don't know." He said and I giggled.
"Well you think long and hard about that. Now go to sleep you have school in the morning." I said laying him down.
"Yes mama." He said and closed his eyes.
Izuku POV
I was at a crime scene that had just happened. I knew exactly who this was.
"What's his story?" I asked a detective.
"Well he did some terrible things to children actually." He said.
"Hmm I want video of every camera from this area. Send them to me so I can go through them." I said and left.
The next morning.
"Haruto breakfast!" I yelled and he came running. I gave him a plate of pancakes.
"Thank you mommy." He said before stuffing his face.
"You're welcome." I said and getting my own plate.
We both ate and then I needed to bring him to school. On the way there I looked in the mirror to the back seat. He was playing with his Deku figure. I watched his dark green hair bouncing as he did.
We pulled up to his school and I stopped. I got out and helped him out the car. I got down to his level.
"Have a good day my sunshine." I said and he hugged me.

Blood Lust
عاطفيةY/n and her family are rich. Her sister apparently got her quirk first and her parents were so happy when that happened they didn't really think about Y/n until a day after. After a while they had just assumed she was quirkless. After a bad car acc...