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"Come on Y/n it's not that hard." Izuku said to me from across the pool.

"Oh fuck you Midoriya this is harder then it looks." I said and he laughed.

"One you already did that two no it's not." He laughed and I growled.

"Izuku." I growled.

"Ok ok. Just push off the side. I will catch you." He said and I sighed. I did as he said and he did catch me.

"See I got you." He said holding me.

"Have you had enough for today?" He asked and I nodded.

"Alright."he said and we got out.

We laughed as we made it to his dorm. Talking about taking a shower and him insisting we take one together. Once I was in his room the door slammed shut arms wrapping around my neck choking me. I struggled but I couldn't get them off. To tired from trying to swim. Izuku banged on the door trying to get it open.

I knife soon came in my view aimed at my heart. I put my hands on their arm trying to hold it back.

"You killed my father and my sisters. You will pay." Some guy growled in my ear. My head was getting light and I couldn't hold back. The blade started to cut my skin. I growled.

"Izuku!" I yelled as the blade went deeper. I screamed. The door slammed opened and the guy dragged me away from it. The blade went deeper and this was now a difficult situation not only for me but Izuku. I made a blood spike and stabbed the hand holding the knife. The guy let me go and I fell to the floor Izuku moved around me and punched the guy making him fall off the balcony.

Izuku didn't care and turned to me. He got down and looked at the knife in my chest.

"Oh my god. Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded.

"I stopped the bleeding. You need to get me to recovery girl." I whimpered holding the knife in its place. He pick me up gently. He then used his quirk and ran me there.

"Recovery Girl!" He yelled barging in. They both rushed and put me on a bed.

Recovery Girl got on the bed looking at the knife.

"Midoriya hold her down." She said and he held my arms to my sides. She then grabbed the knife and slowly started to pull it out. I screamed of course. My body was hot and sweaty tears running down my cheek. She got it out and looked at it.

"Oh no." She said and Izuku looked at her worried.

"What?" He asked.

"It's poisoned." She said and Izuku growled and I whimpered.

"What?" I whimpered and she got down.

"That's why you're sweating so much. Midoriya here I trust you know how to stitch?" She said and He nodded. He took the needle and wire. He sat on the bed after getting a rag for the blood that spilled because my quirk was weakening. He then started to stitch me up. I whimpered a weak hand holding his wrist. That didn't stop him of course.

"Watch out Midoriya I have something." Recovery girl said. He moved a bit not to much. I felt a pinch on my arm. I whimpered feeling a fever set in. Izuku had gotten done with the gash.

"Is she going to be ok?" Izuku asked.

"I gave her the antidote now let's just pray she makes it through the night." She said as I had a burning feeling that slowly spread through my body.

"I will give her a pain killer." She said and walked away.

"Izu." I whimpered and he moved to my side holding my hand.

"Just sleep it'll be over soon." He whispered kissing my hand. I nodded closing my eyes as Recovery girl injected some pain killers.

Izuku POV

When she was fully asleep and not struggling in pain I got up and stormed out. I went to the teachers lounge.

"Did you guys find anything?" I asked Aizawa who was just as angry as I am.

"Yes we found some footage of them getting in. We also have their DNA thanks to Y/n stabbing them. Everyone is looking." He said and I nodded looking at the computer.

"How is she? I called Midnight she should be here by morning." He said and I sighed.

"The blade was poisoned. Recovery girl gave her the antidote she said it's up to her now if Um she makes it through the night. I think she will tho." I said and he nodded.

"God ok. Go back to her she needs your support." He said and I went doing what he said.

I sat quietly holding her hand as she slept. I was thinking on how I can prevent this from happening again. Lock my balcony and my front door. Midnight is coming back so when she does she can get in her dorm then. She can't stay in there alone at least. I thought as Recovery girl put a cold rag on her head. Y/n is a sweating mess. She whimpered at the cold.

It hurts to see her like this. It really does but what can I do. They better catch that bastard.


Y/n had woken up and I got her some food. I sat on the edge of the bed as she sat up. Her hands were shaky so I fed her.

"Thank you Izu." She said and I fed her more of the soup Recovery Girl recommended.

"It's no problem my love. I just wish I got in my room faster." I said.

"It's fine Izuku. You still got in you still protected me." She whispered the fever spiking. I put the soup aside and got a glass of cold water.  I helped her drink some.

"Is there anything else you need?" I asked. She shook her head before gripping my hand. She growled in pain her head leaned back on her pillow.

"Did you find out who did this?" She growled.

"Yes his name is Izumi Sato. His whole family was murdered in a mass murder. I guess you had a part in it." I said and she laughed.

"Ha I'm going to kill him." She growled.

"I bet you will but you need to get over this first at lest until morning please." I pleaded. She nodded tangling out fingers together.

"I'll try. Stay with me?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course."

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