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(Since the last one is so short here you go.)

The next day I just zoned out. Izuku had gone down stairs and last minute I decided to follow. When down there I saw Toga she was trying to talk to him.

"Come on Izu I finished a important mission. You said we could if I was good." She wined touching his arm. He brushed it off.

"I did not say that. I said one time SO you can be good." He said moving away from her.

"Please Izuku." She said holding his arm. I had enough. I walked up behind her gripping her hair.

"He said no." I growled pulling her away. She stumbled back.

"That's not fair!" She wined I smirked looking at her.

"Keep in mind you're not allowed to kill but I am keep it up and I will make your own blood turn against you." I growled at her. She just squealed.

"I love you Y/n." She said going to hug me. I punched her in the face before grabbing her hair again and slamming her head on the kitchen island.

"I'm not joking." I growled as she fell to the floor.

"Touch him again and you will lose your hands."I growled as she just smiled up at me. I sighed turning to Izuku. He just smiled softly. I grabbed some food off his plate and ate it. I giggled as he scoffed at me eating his food.

"Really?" He questioned and I took more and then ran off.

"Hey!" He ran after me.

When he caught me he wrapped his arms around my waist and dragged me over to the couch. We laughed as he sat with me on his lap. He bit down on my shoulder.

"Ow hey!" I giggled.

"Pay back." He said and turned me to the side. He then leaned in for my lips. I put a finger on his stopping him. He looked up at me with confused eyes.

"No. I'm still mad." I whispered and he nodded. He looked sad as he just hugged me tightly instead of a kiss. He buried his face in my chest making my shirt wet.

"I'm sorry." He whimpered muffled by my shirt. I hugged his head playing with a curl.

"I know." I whispered. He continued to quietly cry on me.


I had gotten away from Izuku. I then got out the dorms.

I didn't know what time it was and I didn't want to know. I just knew it was dark and I had just stolen a bottle of alcohol.

I sat in a alley quietly crying as I drank the bottle. I didn't know what else to do. Nemuri is out of town, father hates me even more, sister still kinda hates me, and Izuku cheated on me.

Stain is dead has to be the worst part. I sighed shakily taking another sip of my drink. It was bitter and gross but it took the edge off a bit. It dulled the pain in my heart that just wouldn't go away.

I barely had that need to kill anymore. I had gotten better so why? Why is everyone hurting me? I cried as my mind raced. I curled up in a ball as I realized that the bottle was empty now. I threw it across the small alley a peace flying back to me and cutting my cheek. I sighed.

"Y/n." Someone said and I looked up seeing Eraser. I sighed putting my head on my knees.

"Of course you would find me." I grumbled.

"Will I didn't think it would be you. I got a call about stolen alcohol in the area." He said as he came down from the roof of the building. He got on a knee by me.

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